单选题The way in which the mighty blue whale and the other baleen whales—the finback, gray, humpback, and right whales—eats was discovered by careful observation by biologlogists.Aeats was discovered byBeat was discovered throughCeats were discovered by means ofDeat were discovered byEeat was discovered resulting from
The way in which the mighty blue whale and the other baleen whales—the finback, gray, humpback, and right whales—eats was discovered by careful observation by biologlogists.
eats was discovered by
eat was discovered through
eats were discovered by means of
eat were discovered by
eat was discovered resulting from
分析句子成分可知,they为主语,“was discovered”为谓语,eat是“the other baleen whales”的谓语,故B项是正确的。
分析句子成分可知,they为主语,“was discovered”为谓语,eat是“the other baleen whales”的谓语,故B项是正确的。
( )is not accepted by all. A. America was discovered by ColumbusB. America discovered by ColumbusC. That America was discovered by ColumbusD. With America discovered by Columbus
William likes to eat out, but he is not ______ about what he eats. A.pecrliarB.unusualC.particularD.special
(50)These processes of particle creation and destruction had been predicted from Dirac’s theory before they were actually discovered in nature, and since then they have been observed millions of times.
翻译句子Several years passed on Earth, which were only a few days in heaven. Niu Lang and Zhi Nv lived happily together and had two children before the Queen of Heaven discovered Zhi Nv's absence.
The project budget has been finalized.Additional work has been discovered that was not planned for in the budget or project scope. (74) could provide the fund to cover the newly discovered work item.A.Contingency reserveB.Project profitC.Management reserveD.Special fund
Over the past three decades the Chinese people have ___________wonders, which is acontribute to be the economic reforms.A.workedB.createdC.inventedD.discovered
Every year gray whales migrate from the Bering Sea in Alaska to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico.Eleven gray whales have died in the San Francisco Bay in the last three weeks.No one knows why the whales are dying.Last year 270 whales died along the whales'migration route.Many people think starvation is the cause.This year the dead whales seem to have more blubber(fat)on them.Twenty years ago,the gray whale was listed as an endangered species.Some scientists think that the larger number of whales makes it hard to find enough food.More whales create more pressure on the food supply,a supply that some scientists say may have dwindled as a result of the warm waters of El Nino.Most of the whales have been dead for many days before they are found and studied.This makes it hard to find the reason for death.65 whales have been seen in the San Francisco Bay Area this year compared to 17 last year.The whales could be dying from many diseases,but it may be over-population.Which of the following is NOT a possible reason for whales dying?A.PneumoniB.Brain infectioC.Over-populatioD.Over-eatin
Every year gray whales migrate from the Bering Sea in Alaska to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico.Eleven gray whales have died in the San Francisco Bay in the last three weeks.No one knows why the whales are dying.Last year 270 whales died along the whales'migration route.Many people think starvation is the cause.This year the dead whales seem to have more blubber(fat)on them.Twenty years ago,the gray whale was listed as an endangered species.Some scientists think that the larger number of whales makes it hard to find enough food.More whales create more pressure on the food supply,a supply that some scientists say may have dwindled as a result of the warm waters of El Nino.Most of the whales have been dead for many days before they are found and studied.This makes it hard to find the reason for death.65 whales have been seen in the San Francisco Bay Area this year compared to 17 last year.The whales could be dying from many diseases,but it may be over-population.Why might the increasing number of whales cause problems with their health?A.There's not enough room for them in AlaskB.There may not be enough food for them in AlaskC.They get pushed ashorD.There are more whales to spread diseas
Every year gray whales migrate from the Bering Sea in Alaska to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico.Eleven gray whales have died in the San Francisco Bay in the last three weeks.No one knows why the whales are dying.Last year 270 whales died along the whales'migration route.Many people think starvation is the cause.This year the dead whales seem to have more blubber(fat)on them.Twenty years ago,the gray whale was listed as an endangered species.Some scientists think that the larger number of whales makes it hard to find enough food.More whales create more pressure on the food supply,a supply that some scientists say may have dwindled as a result of the warm waters of El Nino.Most of the whales have been dead for many days before they are found and studied.This makes it hard to find the reason for death.65 whales have been seen in the San Francisco Bay Area this year compared to 17 last year.The whales could be dying from many diseases,but it may be over-population.About how many more whales have been sighted in the San Francisco Bay this year compared to last year?A.Twice as manB.Three times as manC.Half as manD.About the sam
Every year gray whales migrate from the Bering Sea in Alaska to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico.Eleven gray whales have died in the San Francisco Bay in the last three weeks.No one knows why the whales are dying.Last year 270 whales died along the whales'migration route.Many people think starvation is the cause.This year the dead whales seem to have more blubber(fat)on them.Twenty years ago,the gray whale was listed as an endangered species.Some scientists think that the larger number of whales makes it hard to find enough food.More whales create more pressure on the food supply,a supply that some scientists say may have dwindled as a result of the warm waters of El Nino.Most of the whales have been dead for many days before they are found and studied.This makes it hard to find the reason for death.65 whales have been seen in the San Francisco Bay Area this year compared to 17 last year.The whales could be dying from many diseases,but it may be over-population.One reason it is difficult to know why the whales are dying is that__.A.the whales travel such a long distanceB.there are more whales than there used to beC.the whale bodies are too old to study by the time they are foundD.the whales are endangered
共用题干New Foods and the New WorldIn the last 500 years,nothing about people—not their clothes,ideas,or languages—has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree by South American Indians .The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500's .And although it was very expensive,it quickly became fashionable.In London,shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today.The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600,the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe,where it soon was widely grown. Ireland became so dependent on it that thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the“Potato Famine”of 1845—1846,and thou- sands more were forced to emigrate to America.There are many other foods that have traveled from South America to the Old World. But some others went in the opposite direction. Brazil is now the world's largest grower of coffee,and coffee is an important crop in Colombia and other South American countries.But it is native to Ethiopia. It was first made into a drink by Arabs during the 1400's.According to an Arabic legend,coffee was discovered when a person named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush.He tried one and experienced the “wide-awake”feeling that one-third of the world's population now starts the day with. The Arabic legend is used to prove thatA:.coffee was first discovered by KaldiB: coffee was first discovered by Kaldi's goatsC:.coffee was first discovered in south American countriesD: coffee drinks were first made by Arabs
According to Maori oral history,New Zealand was discovered by()AAbel TasmanBJames CookCKupeDMaui
单选题When new cases of dishonesty were discovered in government departments, the public began to demand again laws to clear _____ the civil service.AupBawayCoffDout
单选题The Arabic legend is used to prove that _____.Acoffee was first discovered by KaldiBcoffee was first discovered by Kaldi’s goatsCcoffee was first discovered in South American countriesDcoffee drinks were first made by Arabs
单选题Professor Peterson had just stepped into the classroom and that was when he discovered that several lab manuals were missing.Aand that was when he found outBand then he discoveredCwhen he discoveredDafter which he discoveredEdiscovering soon thereafter
单选题Members of the intrigue met in secret so that their _____ would not be discovered.ApostscriptBprojectCconspiracyDdesign
单选题William likes to eat out, but he is not _____ about what he eats.ApeculiarBunusualCparticularDspecial
单选题It was not _____ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds.AbeforeBatCafterDuntil
单选题According to Maori oral history,New Zealand was discovered by()AAbel TasmanBJames CookCKupeDMaui
问答题According to an Arabic story, coffee was discovered when a man named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red fruits on a coffee bush.
单选题Which item is the great majority of software vulnerabilities that have been discovered?()AStack vulnerabilitiesBHeap overflowsCSoftware overflowsDBuffer overflows
单选题Astronomers at the University of California discovered one of the most distant _____.AparadoxesBparadisesCgalaxiesDshuttles
单选题The writer used an Arabic story to prove that _____.Acoffee was first discovered by KaldiBcoffee was first discovered by Kaldi's goatsCcoffee was first discovered in South American countriesDcoffee drinks were first made by Arabs