[A] muted [B] discovered [C] doubled [D] undervalued

[A] muted [B] discovered [C] doubled [D] undervalued


Excessive flexibility in specifying requirements will _____ the likelihood of time overruns.A.Reduce.B.Eliminate.C.DoubleD.IncreaseE.Not affect

● Excessive flexibility in specifying requirements will _____ the likelihood of time overruns.A Reduce.B Eliminate.C DoubleD IncreaseE Not affect

( )is not accepted by all. A. America was discovered by ColumbusB. America discovered by ColumbusC. That America was discovered by ColumbusD. With America discovered by Columbus

24_________24. A discovered B found C planned D designed

According to the author ,a politician's morality[A] is no match for his political ambition.[B] has been undervalued by Machiavelli and his likes.[C] is usually of secondary importance.[D] should be taken as a yardstick of his capability




Whichwilldeclare themethodthatforcesasubclasstoimplementit?() A.publicdoublemethoda():B.staticvoidmethoda(doubled1){}C.publicnativedoublemethoda():D.abstractpublicfoidmethoda():E.protectedvoidmethoda(doubled1){}

Whichofthefollowingassignmentisnotcorrect?() A.floatf=11.1;B.doubled=5.3E12;C.doubled=3.14159;D.doubled=3.14;.

Whichwilldeclareamethodthatisavailabletoallmembersofthesamepackageandcanbereferencedwithoutaninstanceoftheclass?() A.Abstractpublicvoidmethoda();B.Publicabstractdoublemethoda();C.Staticvoidmethoda(doubled1){}D.Publicnativedoublemethoda(){}E.Protectedvoidmethoda(doubled1){}

Whichmethodisanappropriatewaytodeterminethecosineof42degrees?() A.Doubled=Math.cos(42);B.Doubled=Math.cosine(42);C.Doubled=Math.cos(Math.toRadians(42));D.Doubled=Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(42));E.Doubled=Math.cosine(Math.toRadians(42));

下列( )选项是正确计算42度(角度)的余弦值。A.doubled=Math.cos(42);B.doubled=Math.cosine(42);C.doubled=Math.cos(Math.toRadians(42));D.doubled=Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(42));


The ()of employees in this company has doubled.A、sumB、amountC、number

Natural gas was discovered in Britain in the()





单选题The way in which the mighty blue whale and the other baleen whales—the finback, gray, humpback, and right whales—eats was discovered by careful observation by biologlogists.Aeats was discovered byBeat was discovered throughCeats were discovered by means ofDeat were discovered byEeat was discovered resulting from

单选题If the length of a wire is halved and the cross-sectional area is doubled, the resistance will be ()AquarteredBunchangedCdoubledDquadrupled

单选题AIt declined by more than half.BIt more than doubled.CIt almost tripled in size.DIt almost doubled in size.

单选题The Arabic legend is used to prove that _____.Acoffee was first discovered by KaldiBcoffee was first discovered by Kaldi’s goatsCcoffee was first discovered in South American countriesDcoffee drinks were first made by Arabs

单选题The ()of employees in this company has doubled.AsumBamountCnumber

单选题58 A discovered B acted C invented D designedAABBCCDD

单选题The writer used an Arabic story to prove that _____.Acoffee was first discovered by KaldiBcoffee was first discovered by Kaldi's goatsCcoffee was first discovered in South American countriesDcoffee drinks were first made by Arabs