单选题Each man and woman _____ the same rights.AhasBhaveChadDis having

Each man and woman _____ the same rights.







is having




A man I easily () as Bob’s father sat there with a newspaper in hands. A、knewB、understoodC、hadD、recognized

it is how important for the visitor to ____ an understanding of the language. A、hasB、havingC、hadD、have

27A. hasB. haveC. hadD. being

4.Barry________ two baseballs.A. hasB. haveC. playD. plays

16.A.hasB.haveC. showsD. show

Each man and woman will try ( ) best to help him. A、herB、ourC、theirD、his

Tom _____his exam by 18 December. A.HaveB. will haveC. have hadD. will have had

________ can be done ________ been done. A.All that...hasB.All that...haveC.All...hasD.All...have

There are various kinds of metals, each () its own properties .A、hasB、hadC、to haveD、having

Susan told me she _____lunch, so she was very hungry.A、has hadB、hasn' t haveC、have hadD、hadn' t had

I didn’t anticipate() to do the cooking myself. A、havingB、to haveC、to be havingbeing having

Woman : Hello, Mr. Johnson s office.Man : Good morning._____56_____ ?Woman : Sorry,he s in a meeting at the moment._____57_____ ?Man:Yes. This is Steve Lee from Brightlight Systems._____58_____ ?Woman:Tomorrow afternoon in your office.Man : _____59_____Woman : Okay._____60_____Man : Thank you.56_________57585960请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

To a router, a flow is a(66)of packets that share the same Characterstics, such as traveling the same(67),using the same(68),having the same kind of security, and so on. A router that supports the handling of flow labels has a(69)table. The table has an entry for each active flow label; each entry defines the(70)required by the corresponding flow label.A.sequenceB.streamC.QueuesD.flow

--Why didn't you buy it?--I ______, but I didn't have the money.A. wouldB. would haveC. had hadD. had bought

It can be concluded from the passage that______.A.the man loved his wife passionatelyB.the woman loved the man deeplyC.the man dearly loved the womanD.the woman hated the man's wife

The importance of the distinction between a charter by demise and a charter party proper ______ that under the former the master is the agent of the Charterer,not of the Shipowner.A.hasB.haveC.isD.are

You seem to take a keener interest in the subject( )ever been shown before.A.than hasB.than haveC.that hasD.which had

______ to use crutches for six months severely limited Mr. Locke's ability to work in the shipping facility.A. HasB. HaveC. HavingD. Has had

Each man and woman must sign ______ full names before entering the examination room.A.hisB.herC.theirD.one’s

Dated back to the middle of 16 century,Wales in Great Briton made a educational policy that free,tax-supported schools must be established in every town ( )100 households or more.A.havingB.to haveC.to have hadD.having had

He()lunch in the canteen right now.A、hasB、haveC、is having

He()lunch with a customer now.A、hasB、haveC、is having

()social instruction on cargo securing.A、HasB、HadC、HaveD、Having

It is very important for a sailor to ()a safety patrol.A、hasB、hadC、haveD、having

()special instruction on heavy lifts.A、HaveB、HasC、HadD、Having

would you like()a cup of tea?A、haveB、to haveC、havingD、to having

单选题Why is a woman better at learning foreign languages than a man?AThe area of the left side of a woman’s brain for language learning develops better than that of a man’s.BThe right side of a woman’s brain for language develops better than that of a man’s.CThe area of the left side of a woman’s brain for feelings develops better than that of a man’s.DThe area of the right side of a woman’s brain fit for seeing in the dark develops better than that of a man’s.