16.A.hasB.haveC. showsD. show




C. shows

D. show


It is reported that the film __________ this Saturday in some large cities. A.is to showB.is to be shownC.is showingD.shows

声明一个对象,给它加上name属性和show方法显示其name值,以下代码中正确 的是( )。 Avarobj = [name:"zhangsan",show:function(){alert(name);}];Bvarobj = {name:"zhangsan",show:”alert()”};Cvarobj = {name:"zhangsan",show:function(){alert(name);}};Dvarobj = {name:"zhangsan",show:function(){alert();}};

Please ________ my respect ________ the chairman when you meet him. A.show...forB.pay...forC.have...forD.show...to

The results of the examination ________ that you have all made great ________. A.shows...progressesB.show...progressesC.show...progressD.shows...progress

以下哪个命令让路由器在show之后显示有效的参数列表A.sh?B.show?C.show?D.show help


_____ shows 1.2 meter and the specific gravity of the oil is 0.96According to the measuring scale, that makes 150 tons.A.The piston rodB.The push rodC.The sounding rodD.The connecting rod


8、设有下面的一个类定义: class AA { static void show(){ System.out.println(“我喜欢Java!”); } } class BB { void show(){ System.out.println(“我喜欢C++!”); } } 若已经使用AA类创建对象a和BB类创建对象b,则下面哪一个方法调用是正确的?()A.show() b.show()B.AA.show() BB.show()C.AA.show() b.show()D.a.show() BB.show()

给出以下4个重载的方法show,调用show方法时,下面哪个说法是错误的() (1)show(int a ,int b,int c) (2)show(int a ,int b,double c) (3)show(int a ,double b,double c) (4)show(double a,double b,int c)A.调用show(1,2,3); 1,2,3,4方法都是可行方法,所有参数完全匹配B.调用show(1.0,2.0,3.0); 没有一个可行方法C.调用show(1.0,2,3); 没有一个可行方法D.调用show(1,2.0,3); 3,4都是可行方法,没有最佳可行方法,编译器会报错