单选题_____Awalk besideBmove behindCgo beforeDstand behind


walk beside


move behind


go before


stand behind




My grandparents _____to the park to have a walk every day. A.goesB.has goneC.are goingD.go

Person:N0, 57 .It’s about a 5 minute walk.Now,go along this street to the

Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for__ after supper.A.walkB.the walkC.wallksD.a walk

It was_____ cold to go for a walk.A. veryB. tooC. enough

He said that he would go to London ________. A.the next monthB.last monthC.the month beforeD.next month

They usually go for a walk in _____ with each other after supper.A: companyB: comparisonC: relationD: connection

I will go to see you()I have finished. A、as soon asB、whileC、beforeD、as far as

A) besideB) atC) byD) on


【C6】A.look forwardB.follow suitC.stand byD.go ahead

Weather _______, we‘ll go out for a walk. A. permitted B. permitting C. permits D. for permitting

He didn’t go for a walk but stayed at home.(改为同义句)He stayed at home__________ __________going for a walk.

第43题答案是__________A.come outB.stand byC.go backD.turn up

Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for?after supper.A.walkB.the walkC.walksD.a walk

共用题干EarthquakeHow does an earthquake start?What makes an earthquake happen? The rock of the earth's crust(地壳)may have a "fault",a kind of break in the surface.The blocks which make up the earth move,and sometimes this may cause the sides of the fault to move up and down or lengthways(纵向地)against each other. When one piece of rock starts to rub on another with great force,a lot of energy is used. This energy is changed into vibrations(振动)and it is these vibrations that we feel as an earthquake.The vibrations can travel thousands of kilometers and so an earthquake in Turkey may be felt in Greece.What to do during an earthquake?At schoolAs soon as the earthquake starts,students should get under the desks immediately and wait until the teacher tells them it is safe to come out.The teacher should,at the same time, go immediately to the teacher's desk, get underneath(在……下面)it and stay there till the danger is over. Students must not argue with the teacher or question instructions.As soon as the tremors(震动)stop, all students should walk towards the exit and go straight to the school playground or any open space such as a square or a park.They must wait there until the teacher tells them it is safe to go.At homeIf you are at home when the earthquake occurs,get immediately under the table in the living room or kitchen.Choose the biggest and strongest table you can find.You must not go anywhere near the window and don't go out onto the balcony(阳台).Once the tremors have stopped,you can come out from under the table but you must leave the building straight away.You should walk down the stairs and should not use the lift一there may be a power cut as a result of the earthquake and you could find yourself trapped inside the lift for hours.In the streetIf you are in the street when the earthquake takes place,do not stand near buildings, fences or walls一move away as quickly as possible and try to find a large open space to wait in.Standing under trees could also be dangerous.Students should go to the school playground or an open space once the tremors stop.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干EarthquakeHow does an earthquake start?What makes an earthquake happen? The rock of the earth's crust(地壳)may have a "fault",a kind of break in the surface.The blocks which make up the earth move,and sometimes this may cause the sides of the fault to move up and down or lengthways(纵向地)against each other. When one piece of rock starts to rub on another with great force,a lot of energy is used. This energy is changed into vibrations(振动)and it is these vibrations that we feel as an earthquake.The vibrations can travel thousands of kilometers and so an earthquake in Turkey may be felt in Greece.What to do during an earthquake?At schoolAs soon as the earthquake starts,students should get under the desks immediately and wait until the teacher tells them it is safe to come out.The teacher should,at the same time, go immediately to the teacher's desk, get underneath(在……下面)it and stay there till the danger is over. Students must not argue with the teacher or question instructions.As soon as the tremors(震动)stop, all students should walk towards the exit and go straight to the school playground or any open space such as a square or a park.They must wait there until the teacher tells them it is safe to go.At homeIf you are at home when the earthquake occurs,get immediately under the table in the living room or kitchen.Choose the biggest and strongest table you can find.You must not go anywhere near the window and don't go out onto the balcony(阳台).Once the tremors have stopped,you can come out from under the table but you must leave the building straight away.You should walk down the stairs and should not use the lift一there may be a power cut as a result of the earthquake and you could find yourself trapped inside the lift for hours.In the streetIf you are in the street when the earthquake takes place,do not stand near buildings, fences or walls一move away as quickly as possible and try to find a large open space to wait in.Standing under trees could also be dangerous.Thousands of people were killed during an earthquake in Turkey.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干EarthquakeHow does an earthquake start?What makes an earthquake happen? The rock of the earth's crust(地壳)may have a "fault",a kind of break in the surface.The blocks which make up the earth move,and sometimes this may cause the sides of the fault to move up and down or lengthways(纵向地)against each other. When one piece of rock starts to rub on another with great force,a lot of energy is used. This energy is changed into vibrations(振动)and it is these vibrations that we feel as an earthquake.The vibrations can travel thousands of kilometers and so an earthquake in Turkey may be felt in Greece.What to do during an earthquake?At schoolAs soon as the earthquake starts,students should get under the desks immediately and wait until the teacher tells them it is safe to come out.The teacher should,at the same time, go immediately to the teacher's desk, get underneath(在……下面)it and stay there till the danger is over. Students must not argue with the teacher or question instructions.As soon as the tremors(震动)stop, all students should walk towards the exit and go straight to the school playground or any open space such as a square or a park.They must wait there until the teacher tells them it is safe to go.At homeIf you are at home when the earthquake occurs,get immediately under the table in the living room or kitchen.Choose the biggest and strongest table you can find.You must not go anywhere near the window and don't go out onto the balcony(阳台).Once the tremors have stopped,you can come out from under the table but you must leave the building straight away.You should walk down the stairs and should not use the lift一there may be a power cut as a result of the earthquake and you could find yourself trapped inside the lift for hours.In the streetIf you are in the street when the earthquake takes place,do not stand near buildings, fences or walls一move away as quickly as possible and try to find a large open space to wait in.Standing under trees could also be dangerous.If you are at home when an earthquake occurs,stand near a big table.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

Go ()this ladder and walk aft.A、downB、toC、upD、in

They all go outing on such a warm spring day()Mark. He is busy with his lessons now.A、besideB、besidesC、except forD、except

备双锚。()A、Let go both anchors.B、Drop both anchors.C、Stand by two anchors.D、Stand by both anchors.

单选题Being wearing out after a long walk,I couldn’t move a step farther.AHaving worn outBWearing outCTo wear outDWorn out

单选题_____ that distinguish human beings from other primates are related to the ability of people to stand upright and walk on two legs.AMany of the physical characteristicsBOf the many physical characteristicsCThe physical characteristicsDThere are many physical characteristics

单选题It's______day and I'd like to go for a walk in the park.Aso a beautifulBa so beautifulCsuch beautiful aDsuch a beautiful

单选题Your wish to go for a walk does not justify()the baby alone in the house.AleavingBhaving leftCto leaveDto have left

单选题The next morning the first thing my brother and me did was to go out for a walk in the forest.AThe next morningBmy brother and meCdidDfor a walk

单选题Go ()this ladder and walk aft.AdownBtoCupDin

问答题Practice 1  How does an earthquake start?  What makes an earthquake happen? The rock of the earth’s crust (地壳) may have a “fault”, a kind of break in the surface. The blocks which make up the earth move, and sometimes this may cause the sides of the fault to move up and down or lengthways (纵向地) against each other. When one piece of rock starts to rub on another with great force, a lot of energy is used. This energy is changed into vibrations (振动) and it is these vibrations that we feel as an earthquake. The vibrations can travel thousands of kilometers and so an earthquake in Turkey may be felt in Greece.  What to do during an earthquake?  At school  As soon as the earthquake starts, students should get under the desks immediately and wait until the teacher tells them it is safe to come out. The teacher should, at the same time, go immediately to the teacher’s desk, get underneath (在……下面) it and stay there till the danger is over. Students must not argue with the teacher or question instructions.  As soon as the tremors (震动) stop, all students should walk towards the exit and go straight to the school playground or any open space such as a square or a park. They must wait there until the teacher tells them it is sale to go.  At home  If you are at home when the earthquake occurs, get immediately under the table in the living room or kitchen. Choose the biggest and strongest table you can find. You must not go anywhere near the window and don’t go out onto the balcony (阳台). Once the tremors have stopped, you can come out from under the table, but you must leave the building straight away. You should walk down the stairs and should not use the lift—there may be a power cut as a result of the earthquake and you could find yourself trapped inside the lift for hours.  In the street  If you are in the street when the earthquake takes place, do not stand near buildings, fences or walls—move away as quickly as possible and try to find a large open space to wait in. Standing under trees could also be dangerous.

单选题—Would you like to join me for a walk after school?—_____, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.AI’d like toBI like itCI don’tDI will