单选题Are you fond of reading novels?()AI found one novel.BNo, novels cannot read.CNovels are bad.DYes. I like reading novels.

Are you fond of reading novels?()

I found one novel.


No, novels cannot read.


Novels are bad.


Yes. I like reading novels. 


解析: 暂无解析


If you want to learn English well, don’t forget intensive reading and _____ reading. A.extendedB.extensiveC.wideD.external

does the idea of working abroad _____________ you? A. fond ofB.interest inC. appear toD. appeal to

The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Some people say that reading books (11) 0ut of date. This is not true. Reading books is a good (12) for all kinds of rea-sons.First ,reading books is fun. You can always keep yourself (13) if you like reading. This is especially useful when the weather is bad.It is a relaxing hobby,too You can really enjoy (14) in books.Next,you can read a book almost (15 ) ;in a car,in a waiting-room,on a plane,in bed even in the bath. Reading is a converuent hobby (16 ) it is easy to stop and thenstart again.(17) good reason is that reading is useful. Many school subjects depend on good reading.The more books you read,the faster you will become in reading,and (18) knowledge you will get.Your schoolwork will become much (19 ) too.Reading is (20) .out of date. Don-t forget to read every day!( )11.A. areB.isC.isn’tD.aren’t

Where did you ____ the magazine I was reading?AlayBlieCremainDlet

A piece of ( ) music will make you happy. A、pleasedB、merryC、gladD、fond

You’d better not ( ) every word in the dictionary while you are reading the articles.A、look forB、look outC、look alikeD、look up

when you are reading an article, your purpose is to find the general idea of the article. then which reading strategy will you employ () A. SkimmingB. Identifying and understanding argumentC. Identifying attitudes and making inferencesD. Scanning

—______—In My opinion, reading、The teacher really challenges us to work hard. A、Reading is hard to learn.B、I dislike reading.C、Reading is my favorite、How about you?D、Which do you think is harder to learn, listening or reading?

—_________________— I’m fond of pop music. A.Do you like music?B.Rock and roll is fun.C.What kind of music do you like?D.How about if we enjoy classical music?

It seems to me you are a good sportsman, aren’t you? ( ) A、Well, I’m fond of sports.B、I am not a good player.C、Not very well.D、Okay

What do you like doing? — _______________ A、I hate chatting.B、I hope I can chat with you.C、I’m not fond of pop music.D、I like chatting online and listening to pop

That book is well ____________ (值得) reading. You’d better read it.

By reading novels and writers’ stories, the girl could ______.A. come to understand the inner structure of writingB. join a fascinating circle of writers somedayC. share with a novelist her likes and dislikesD. learn from the living examples to establish a sense of security

__________the English novels you asked for,I also brought you an English-Chinese dictionary.A.In spite ofB.In addition toC.In return forD.Instead of

You'd better make a mark__________ you have any questions while you are reading thepassage.A.at whichB.in whereC.in the placeD.where

You'd better make a mark __________ you have any questions while you are reading the passage.A.at whichB.in whereC.in the placeD.where

You should cultivate the habit of reading carefully.A: inventB: beginC: developD: initiate

Text 2 A study published in the International Journal of Business Administration found that what students read in college directly effects the level of writing they achieve.In fact,researchers found that reading content and frequency may exert more significant impacts on students'writing ability than writing instruction and writing frequency.Students who read academic journals,literary fiction,or general nonfiction wrote with greater svntactic SODhistication(more comDlex sentences)than those who read genre fiction(mysteries,fantasy,or science fiction)or exclusively web-based aggregators.The highest scores went to those who read academic journals;the lowest scores went to those who relied sotely on web-based content.Recent research also revealed that"deep reading"-defined as reading that is slow,immersive,rich in sensory detail and emotional and moral complexity-is distinctive from light reading-little more than the decoding of words.Deep reading occurs when the language is rich in detail,allusion,and metaphor,and taps into the same brain regions that would activate if the reader were experiencing the event.Deep reading is great exercise for the brain and has been shown to increase empathy,as the reader dives deeper and adds reflection,analysis,and personal subtext to what is being read.It also offers writers a way to appreciate all the qualities that make novels fascinating and meaningful-and to tap into his abllity to write on a deeper level.Light reading is equated to what one might read in online blogs,or"headline news"or"entertainment news"websites,particularly those that breezily rely on lists or punchy headlines,and even occasionally use emojis to communicate.These types of light reading lack a genuine voice,a viewpoint,or the sort of analyses that might stimulate thought.It's light and breezy reading that you can skim through and will likely forget within minutes.Deep reading activates our brain's centers for speech,vision,and hearing,all of which work together to help us speak,read,and write.Reading and writing engages Broca's area,which enables us to perceive rhythm and syntax;Wernicke's area,which impacts our perception of words and meaning;and the angular gyrus,which is central to perception and use oflanguage.These areas are wired together by a band of fibres,and this interconnectivity likely helps writers mimic and synchronize language and rhythms they encounter while reading.Your reading brain senses a cadence that accompanies more complex writing,which your brain then seeks to emulate when writing.Which of the following would be the best title of the text?A.Reading More Will Bring You Higher Score in WritingB.Deep Reading Will Offer You More Benefits Than Light ReadingC.Deep Reading Will Activate Your Brain and Improve Your WritingD.What You Read Matters More Than You Might Think

I()reading novels()watching movies. I like my own imagination when I read them.Awouldrather;thanBprefer;toCprefer;than

Are you fond of reading novels?()A、I found one novel.B、No, novels cannot read.C、Novels are bad.D、Yes. I like reading novels.

I()reading novels()watching movies. I like my own imagination when I read them.A、wouldrather;thanB、prefer;toC、prefer;than

单选题The primary purpose of the passage is to ______.Adistinguish between serial novels and novel sequencesBcontrast American novel sequences with that of French writersCexpress a critical opinion about the works of Cooper and BalzacDprovide an outline for the reading of Cooper’s and Balzac’s novelsEdefine and provide examples of a particular literary form

单选题A good dictionary will help you up in your reading.AinBoutCdownDthrough

单选题Are you fond of reading novels?()AI found one novel.BNo, novels cannot read.CNovels are bad.DYes. I like reading novels.

单选题I()reading novels()watching movies. I like my own imagination when I read them.Awouldrather;thanBprefer;toCprefer;than

单选题______ you are familiar with the author’s ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as you can.AAs soonBEver sinceCSo thatDNow that

问答题Directions: For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:Reading Selectively Or Extensively? You should write 140 words.

单选题What challenged the definition of literature as reading in the eighteenth century?AThe emergence of novels.BThe emergence of dramas.CThe emergence of poemsDThe emergence of essays.