—______—In My opinion, reading、The teacher really challenges us to work hard. A、Reading is hard to learn.B、I dislike reading.C、Reading is my favorite、How about you?D、Which do you think is harder to learn, listening or reading?

—______—In My opinion, reading、The teacher really challenges us to work hard.

A、Reading is hard to learn.

B、I dislike reading.

C、Reading is my favorite、How about you?

D、Which do you think is harder to learn, listening or reading?


This book is written from the _______of the French. (A)mind(B) idea(C) perspective(D) opinion

A stereotype is a conventional, (), and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image of a group of people. A、effectiveB、beneficialC、characteristicD、formulaic

1. He used to _______in the sun,but now he is used to _______at night.A. read ; readB. reading ; readC. read; readingD. reading; reading

It was difficult to guess what his___________ to the news would be.A.reactionB. impressionC. commentD. opinion

A stereotype is a conventional,______,and oversimplified conception,opinion,or image of a group of people.A. effectiveB. formalC. formulaicD. beneficial

She left her last Job because she didn’t find it ___________ enough. A.challengingB.unchallengingC.challengeD.challenges

From my standpoint,you know,this thing is just funny.A: positionB: point of viewC: knowledgeD: opinion

根据下面的语言素材,用英语完成以下的设计任务(设计意图可以用中文表达)。 1.确定这节课的教学目标; 2.根据所确定的教学目标,设计教学过程并说明设计意图。Teacher: So what do you think about thestory of Yu Gong?Wang Ming: I think it′s really interesting.Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem.Claudia: Really? I think it′s a little bitsilly. It doesn′t seem very possible to move a mountain.Wang Ming: But the story is trying to showus that anything is possible if you work hard!Yu Gong kept trying and didn′t give up.Claudia: Well, I still don′t agree withyou. I think we should try to find other ways to solve a problem.Wang Ming: But what could Yu Gong do insteadof moving the mountains?Claudia: Well, there are many other ways.For example, he could build a road. That′s better and faster than moving amountain.Teacher: You have different opinions aboutthe story and neither of you are wrong. There are many sides to a story andmany ways to understand it.

在主线程中启动一个子线程执行reading函数。 import threading import time import random def reading(): for i in range(10): print("reading",i) time.sleep(random.randint(1,2)) _______________________________ r.setDaemon(False) r.start() print("The End")A.r=threading.Thread(reading)B.r=threading.Thread(target=reading())C.r=threading.Thread(target=reading)D.r=Thread(target=reading)

“一旦小玲写完了实验代码并且运行成功,她就不会延迟提交论文并且周一会给老师看。”以下表示正确的是:A.finish(小玲,代码)∧work(代码) → delay_submit(小玲,论文) ∨ give(小玲,论文,teacher(小玲))B.finish(小玲,代码)∧work(代码) ∧ ¬delay_submit(小玲,论文) ∧ give(小玲,论文,teacher(小玲))C.finish(小玲,代码)∧ work(代码) ∧ ¬delay_submit(小玲,论文) ∧ give(论文,teacher(小玲))D.finish(小玲,代码)∧ work(代码) → ¬delay_submit(小玲,论文) ∧ give(小玲,论文,teacher(小玲))