单选题The terms cant frame and counter are associated with the vessel’s().Acargo hatchBforecastleCsteering engineDstern

The terms cant frame and counter are associated with the vessel’s().

cargo hatch




steering engine




解析: 暂无解析


阅读下面的程序:Private Sub Form_Click()Dim Check As Boolean, Counter As IntegerCheck = TrueCounter = 5DoDo While Counter 20Counter = Counter + 1If Counter = 10 ThenCheck = FalseExit DoEnd IfLoopLoop Until Check = FalsePrint CounterEnd Sub程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为______。

听力原文:M: Would you please tell me where I can change the RMB Yuan back into US dollars?W: OK, just go to the Counter No. 16. They will do this for you.Q: Which counter can offer the service of reconversion for the customer?(19)A.Counter No.12.B.Counter No.6.C.Counter No.15.D.Counter No.16.

有如下程序: Private Sub Form Click() Dim Check,Counter Check=True Counter=0 Do Do While Counter<20 Counter=Counter+1 If Counter=10 Then Check=False Exit Do End If Loop Loop Until Check=False Print Counter,Check End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出结果为A.15 0B.20 -1C.10 TreeD.10 False

阅读下面的程序:PriVate Sub Form_C1ick()Dim Check As Booleau,Counter As IntegerCheck=TrueCounter=5DoDo While Counter<20Counter=Counter+1If Counter=10 ThenCheck=FalSeEXit Do

阅读下面的程序: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim Check, Counter Check=True Counter=0 Do Do While Counter < 20 Counter=Counter + 1 If Counter=10 Then Check = False Exit Do End If Loop Loop Until Check = False Print Counter, Check End Sub 程序运行后,单击窗体,输出的结果为A.15 0B.20 -1C.10 TrueD.10 False

有如下的程序段,该程序段执行完后,共执行的循环次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total * Counter + 1 Print total Counter=Counter +1 If total > 10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10A.4B.10C.15D.20

有如下程序段,该程序段执行完后,执行循环的次数是 total=0 Counter=1 Do Print Counter total=total + Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter <=10A.5B.10C.15D.20

有如下的程序段,该程序段的执行完后,共执行循环的次数是 Private Sub Command1_Click() total=0 Counter=l Do Print Counter total=total+Counter Print total Counter=Counter+1 If total>=10 Then Exit Do End If Loop While Counter<=10 End SubA.5B.10C.12D.20

给出下面的程序:Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim Check, Counter Check= True: Counter = 0 do do while Counter < 20 Counter = Counter +1 if Counter = 10 then Check=False exit do End if Loop Loop until Check=False MsgBox CounterEnd Sub 程序最后弹出的消息对话框的内容是______。A.TrueB.FalseC.20D.10

What are two functions associated with JUNOS software class of service?() A. Manage ingress bandwidth.B. Mark packets for special handling.C. Manage congestion by intelligently dropping traffic.D. Classify Frame Relay QoS packets into an equivalent IP CoS environment.

请完善程序(程序文件名:Java_3.java)并进行调试。请在下画线处填入正确内容,然后删除下画线。请勿删除注释行和其他已有的语句内容。[题目要求]生成下面左边图形界面,单击图中的New按钮,弹出如右图所示的对话框。源程序:import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;public class Java_3 {public static void main(String[] args) {MulticastFrame. frame=new MulticastFrame();frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);frame.show();}}class MulticastFrame. extends JFrame. {public MulticastFrame() {setTitle("MulticastTest");setSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT);MulticastPanel panel=new MulticastPanel();Container contentPane=getContentPane();contentPane.add( (1) );}public static final int WIDTH=300;public static final int HEIGHT=200;}class MulticastPanel extends JPanel }public MulticastPanel() {JButton newButton=new JButton("New");add(newButton);ActionListener newListener=new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {makeNewFrame();}};newButton.addActionListener(newListener);closeAllButton=new JButton("Close all");add(closeAllButton);}private void makeNewFrame() {final BlankFrame. frame=new BlankFrame();frame.show();ActionListener closeAllListener=new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {frame. (2) (); //使窗口隐藏或消除}};closeAllButton.addActionListener( (3) );}private JButton closeAllButton;}Class BlankFrame. extends JFrame. {public BlankFrame() {(4) ++;setTitle("Frame"+counter);setSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT);setLocation(SPACING*counter,SPACING*counter);}public static final int WIDTH=200;public static final int HEIGHT=150;public static final int SPACING=30;private static int counter=0;}


Which two statements are correct about configuring AutoQoS on a Cisco router? ()A、 AutoOoS can be implemented on only one side of a link.B、The interface does not have to have an IP address associated with it.C、The AutoOoS feature cannot be configured on a Frame Relay DLCI if a map class is attached to the DLCI.D、In a Frame Relay network, AutoOoS cannot be configured if a DLCI is already assigned to the Frame Relay subinterface



Router R1 connects to a Frame Relay cloud using a multipoint subinterface, with ten PVCs associated with the subinterface. What command would make this router not use a DR, and dynamically discover OSPF neighbors?()A、ip ospf network broadcastB、ip ospf network non - broadcastC、ip ospf network point - to - multipointD、ip ospf network point - to - multipoint non - broadcast

Which statement is correct for the LWAPP/CAPWAP AP upstream encapsulated frame for a WMM-associated client frame that is centrally switched running v5.2?()A、Wireless client WMM UP classification is translated to a wired DSCP priority.B、Wireless client 802.11p classification is translated to a wired DSCP priority.C、Wireless client WMM UP classification is translated to a wired 802.1p CoS priority.D、Wireless client 802.11p classification is translated to a wired 802.1p CoS priority.


单选题The terms ceiling and margin plate are associated with the().Acrew's quartersBengine roomCmain deckDtank top

单选题Router R1 connects to a Frame Relay cloud using a multipoint subinterface, with ten PVCs associated with the subinterface. What command would make this router not use a DR and require static OSPF neighbor definition?()Aip ospf network broadcastBip ospf netw ork non - broadcastCip ospf network point - to - multipointDip ospf network point - to - multipoint non - broadcast

多选题What are two functions associated with JUNOS software class of service?()AManage ingress bandwidth.BMark packets for special handling.CManage congestion by intelligently dropping traffic.DClassify Frame Relay QoS packets into an equivalent IP CoS environment.

多选题What are two functions associated with JUNOS software class of service?()ALog incoming traffic.BManage ingress bandwidth.CMark packets for special handling.DManage congestion by intelligently dropping traffic.EClassify Frame Relay QoS packets into an equivalent OP CoS environment.

多选题Which two statements are correct about configuring AutoQoS on a Cisco router? ()AAutoOoS can be implemented on only one side of a link.BThe interface does not have to have an IP address associated with it.CThe AutoOoS feature cannot be configured on a Frame Relay DLCI if a map class is attached to the DLCI.DIn a Frame Relay network, AutoOoS cannot be configured if a DLCI is already assigned to the Frame Relay subinterface

单选题Le nouveau défi lancé au système scolaire français est deAapprendre à lire,à écrire et à compter aux élèves.Benseigner au moins une langue étrangère aux élèves.Cdonner les cours en langue étrangère.Dpopulariser l’anglais en France.


填空题下列程序的运行结果是()。  Program test      Implicit none      Integer,parameter:: limit=10      Integer counter      Integer:: ans=0      Counter=2     do while(counter=limit)      ans=ans+counter      counter=counter+2   end do Wrte(*,*)ans end
