单选题Nearly _____ of Canada’s trade is with America including exports and imports.A1/3B1/2C2/3D3/4

Nearly _____ of Canada’s trade is with America including exports and imports.











What documentation should a couple with a 7-year-old child carry when they drive a car from Canada to America?A. A BC driver’s license, an Air NEXUS card, and a birth certificate.B. An Air NEXUS card, a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Document, and a birth certificate.C.Two vaild passport crads and a certified copy of a birth certificate.D. A NEXUS card, a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Document.,and a certified copy of a birth certificate.

Many modern critics of American literature have called Mark Twain, born Samuel Clemens, ______.A. as America's greatest writerB. was America's greatest writerC. America's greatest writerD. to have been America's greatest writer

America, Japan and Canada are all _______ countries. A.developingB.less developedC.developedD.develop

America, Japan and Canada are ______ countries. A developingB developedC less developedD develop

officially, canada refers to itself as a multicultural society within a bilingual framework. did not originate in america. ()

In China, you will find the following Multinational Hotel Groups as ( ).A. America's Cendant Corp.B. America's Marriott InternationalC. France's Accor Hotel GroupD. America's Hilton Hotels Corp.

在处方书写中,“用法”用英文可缩写为A.Rp.B.Exp.C.Sig.D.S01.SXB 在处方书写中,“用法”用英文可缩写为A.Rp.B.Exp.C.Sig.D.S01.E.hl

The McDonald's has become one of the symbols of America's cultural export.()

On trade,President Donald Trump has launched lots of investigations,withdrawn from one deal and started the renegotiation of another.But this week is the first time he has put up a big new barrier On January 22nd he approved broad and punitive duties,of up to 30%on imports of solar panels and up to 50%on imports of washing machines.His backers say that the measure,which affects aroundS 10bn of imports,will protect American workers.His critics cling to the hope that the damage will be mild.Both are wrong.Start with the claims made by the administration.Workers are also consumers,and Mr Trump's actions will whack them.Tariffs raise prices and dull competition.Whirlpool Corporation,the washing machine maker which asked for the duties,knows as much.When,n 2006,it merged with maytag,arival,it quelled concerns about its high market share by pointing to competition from abroad.One study found that clothes-dryer prices rose by 14%after the merger.For washing machines,where import competition was fiercer,prices were unchanged The solar industry is a clearer case.It has about 260,000 workers,a mere 2,000 of whom were making solar cells and panels at the end of 2016.The government reckons that the fastest-growing occupation over the next ten years will be that of solar installer.The Solar Energy Industries Association,a body that is enraged by the new tariffs,reckons that the industry will support up to 23,000 fewer jobs because of them.Meanwhile,as if to underline the irony,the two companies that asked for protection are unlikely to be saved And do not forget that the tariffs may harm American industry more broadly.Restricting markets for imports tends to spark retaliation that restricts markets for exports-especially when,as with these latest tariffs,they affect everyone.China,supposedly the focus of American ire,produces 60%of the world,solar cells and is responsible for 21%of America's imports.But South Korea will also be hit,and its government is poised to dispute America's action at the World Trade Organisation.Other casualties include Mexico,Canada and the European Union That Mr Trump has stayed within the rules is small comfort:they give him enormous scope to poison world trade.And it would be wrong to skate over the differences between his administration and its predecessors.The last time this particular safeguard was applied was in 2002.It is especially belligerent.Past presidents remained wary of hurting American consumers,and mindful of international repercussions.Mr.Trump,by contrast,seems to hold a steadfast belief that protectionism works.His rhetoric-and now his actions-invite aggrieved petitioners to apply for help.The logic of his stance on trade is to use tariffs not sparingly,but repeatedly and aggressively.Mr Trump is now open for business,just not the healthy sortAccording to the last paragraph,to which of the following would the author most probably agree?A.Trump is not much different from his predecessors in terms of trade policiesB.Though attempting to restrict trade,Trump still considers the publics reactionC.Trump is misleading the American trade with his arbitrary words and actionsD.Trump's protectionism will radically alter America's openness to trade

A cool mass of air heads toward the United States from the upper regions of Canada and Alaska this week according to the National Weather Service.According to the NWS a mass of cold air will drop from the Arctic regions to Canada and then the upper Midwest next week.Temperatures across the Midwest will drop into the 60s and 70s-a sharp difference from the 80 degree and 90 degree temperatures from recent weeks. And the relatively cooler air may be felt as far East as New York and WashingtonThe cool breezes may be a welcome relief this time around but remember the last few times we got hit with Arctic air?Temperatures in cities including Chicago Cleveland New York and Louisville fell into single-digit and negative territory for long stretches during the harsh winter months of early 2014. But we’re sure you rememberWhat’s the temperature when the report was written?A. About 60s and 70sB. Between 60s and 90sC. Below 60sD. About 80s and 90s

According to the passage,the reason for China to invest overseas in infrastructure and construction is to( ) A.restore the country’s old maritime and overland trade routes B.lift the value of trade with more than 40 countries to $2.5 trillion within a decade,spending nearly $1tillion of government money C.form an outlet for the vast overcapacity in industries such as steel and heavy equipment D.lead to a massive spending binge

In 1949()became Canada.s tenth province.ANewfoundlandBPrince Edward IslandCLabradorDBritish Columbia

Under()the provinces of Canada,New Brunswick,and Nova Scotia were united to form the Do-minion of Canada.Athe Act of Union in 1840Bthe British North America Act of 1867Cthe Quebec Act of 1774Dthe Constitutional Act of 1791

Nearly()of the land in Canada has no permanent population.AhalfBtwo-thirdsC89%D95%

Canada.s largest city is()AMontrealBTorontoCOttawaDVancouver

Nearly()of the land in Canada has no permanent population.A、halfB、two-thirdsC、89%D、95%

Under()the provinces of Canada,New Brunswick,and Nova Scotia were united to form the Do-minion of Canada.A、the Act of Union in 1840B、the British North America Act of 1867C、the Quebec Act of 1774D、the Constitutional Act of 1791



单选题Nearly _____ of Canada’s trade is with America including exports and imports.A1/3B1/2C2/3D3/4

单选题Under(),the provinces of Canada,New Brunswick,and Nova Scotia were united to form the Do-minion of Canada.Athe Act of Union in 1840Bthe British North America Act of 1867Cthe Quebec Act of 1774Dthe Constitutional Act of 1791


单选题What is the title of Canada’s national anthem?AO Canada.BGod Save The Queen.CCanada My Country.DTrue Patriot Love.

问答题Practice 4  Europeans have long aspired to end American dominance as the world’s economic leader. The single market and the euro are widely seen as essential steps in this direction. But is Europe ready to lead? Do Europeans understand what it would take?  Despite a budding recovery, the United States is hardly the model of economic health that it once was. On several issues—from steel tariffs to the resurgent deficit to shady corporate practices—America has demonstrated a growing failure of leadership. Over the past two decades the United States has shown what it takes to be an economic superpower—a strong currency, openness to imports, concessions in trade negotiations and articulating an economic philosophy for the rest of the world. Now that it’s apparently fading on so many counts, the question becomes: is Europe willing and prepared to do what the United States once did, in order to supplant it?  First the exchange-rate issue. The euro will probably continue strengthening against the dollar, if only because of America’s huge and growing $400 billion-a-year current-account deficit. This means that, every year, the United States borrows about 4 percent of its GDP on world markets. If international investors lose confidence in the U.S. economy, fewer people will want to hold dollar assets. The dollar will fall—and the euro will appreciate.  This may be a normal market cycle, but there will be consequences. Among others, European companies will see their U.S. profits erode. What happens if the dollar falls farther and faster than anticipated? Are European industrial companies ready to compete with a euro worth $1.10, $1.15 or $1.25? The flip side of the much-desired strong euro would almost certainly be a surge in imports from the United States and the rest of the world. Exports might fall, resulting in job losses—perhaps even a trade deficit for the European Union.  Europeans are rightfully angry at new U.S. steel tariffs. But given the sheer size of America’s trade deficit, Washington’s policies are actually relatively moderate. The question remains: if Europe were in a similar position, would its voters and politicians be equally sensitive to what’s best for the global economy? Would European politicians be able to face the incredible pressures that would build for protectionist measures if it were Europe, and not the United States, that ran a persistent trade deficit? Not likely, I fear.  America’s retreat from its leading role presents an opportunity for the European Union. Trouble is, its political institutions have yet to mature to the point where they can resolve trade disputes, say, by looking beyond the immediate and narrow self-interests of its member states.  Europe’s chance for economic leadership may come sooner than expected. But too many Europeans haven’t yet grasped the basic secret of America’s leadership—the hard work and tough choices that are involved. That’s what Europeans now face, in this season of elections and decision making that will shape their future. Let’s hope they recognize that such sacrifices will pay off for them, as well as for the rest of the world.

单选题According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?AThe members of the TPP produce 40%of world GDP-far more than the EU.BThe farming and health care industries in Japan could be affected by the TPP.CThe car industry in America has complained a lot about the trade with Japan.DBefore Mr. Noda announced Japan’s interest in joining the TPP, Canada and Mexico were not actually involved in it.

单选题Going to the moon is an example of .AAmerica’s dreams and creativityBAmerica’s childish and queer behaviorCwhy America hasn’t grown upDwhy America is considered as the greatest country in the world

单选题Nearly()of the land in Canada has no permanent population.AhalfBtwo-thirdsC89%D95%

单选题Canada.s largest city is()AMontrealBTorontoCOttawaDVancouver