单选题He spends a quarter of the day()Ato sleepBsleepingCsleepsDto sleeping

He spends a quarter of the day()

to sleep






to sleeping


解析: 暂无解析


He spends a whole day () by the pool, waiting the fish to be hooked. A、standingB、standC、stoodD、being standing

He goes to the library every day () when he is not well. A、besidesB、except forC、exceptD、in addition to

That day, he was particularly careful of the words he was using at the press conference.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

He is known as his generosity .He often spends millions helping people in need.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

He is known for his generosity .Every year he spends millions helping people in need.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Tom saves his money, _____John spends all he gets. A.whileB.orC.norD.as

When was duet most probably found to be the very hero? ( )A. the day when he was leaving for home.B. a couple of days after the girl was rescuedC. the first day when he was in New YorkD. the same day when he was interviewed.

6. She spends two hours________ the violin every day.A.playB.playsC.to playD.playing

day when he let a bicycle ran right into him. He never watches

He spent the whole day in his room.He was in his room___day. A.the holeB.the allC.allD.all of

On that day, he was late for work ( )usual. A.likeB.as wellC.asD.at

He asked Li Hong, “Were you watching TV at this time yesterday?” = He asked Li Hong if______. A、she was watching TV at this time yesterdayB、she is watching TV at that time the day beforeC、she was watching TV at that time the day beforeD、was she watching TV at that time the day before

He gets these flowers _____ every day.A、wateredB、to waterC、wateringD、water

10. He is a________ boy because he does exercise every day.A. healthB. unhealthyC. healthyD. healthily

Just as the clothes a person wears , the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house _______ his personality.A. resemblesB. strengthensC. reflectsD. shapes

Joe’s father,along with his two uncles,( )in London one more day.A.demand that he stayB.demands that he staysC.demands that he stayD.demand that he stays

He spends a quarter of the day()Ato sleepBsleepingCsleepsDto sleeping

He spends a quarter of the day()A、to sleepB、sleepingC、sleepsD、to sleeping

单选题He's perfectly content living in a hut and paint pictures all day.AcontentBlivingCpaintDall day

单选题He _____ spends his holidays in the mountains though occasionally he goes to the seaside instead.AusuallyBinvariablyCrarelyDalways

单选题He spends a quarter of the day()Ato sleepBsleepingCsleepsDto sleeping

单选题Not until the day before yesterday _____ to give a speech at the meeting.Ahe agreedBdoes he agreeChe agreesDdid he agree

判断题______An involved father is not necessarily an equal father because he spends more time doing housework than paid work.A对B错

问答题Josie has £600 to spend. She spends 2/5 of the £600 on clothes, 0.45 of the remainder at a beauty salon and writes out a cheque for £150 for a new watch. What is her financial situation at the end of the day?

单选题____ a child and you will find that he is happy every day in whatever he does.AObserveBTo observeCObservedDObserving

问答题Mother gave Alice 30 dollars. She spends a fifth of the 30 dollars on books, a quarter of the remainder at a hairdresser’s and buys a new skirt for 10 dollars. How many dollars does she have now?

填空题He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, ____ he felt very happy.

问答题He wrote 2,000 words a day and he required complete quiet while he wrote.