填空题By increasing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, human activities are strengthening Earth’s natural greenhouse effect.____

By increasing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, human activities are strengthening Earth’s natural greenhouse effect.____


由题干中“increasing the levels of greenhouse gases”定位至E段。本的指出,人类活动增加了大气层里温室气体的含量,从而加剧了地球的自然温室效应,故匹配段落为E段。


A greenhouse is a building made of glass which is used for keeping plants when the outside temperature is low. In a similar way there are several gases in the atmosphere which trap(捕捉)the heat produced by the sun and prevent it from escaping. These gases are known as"greenhouse gases",and the way in which they trap heat in the atmosphere is called the "greenhouse effect". This is not simply air pollution. Most of the main greenhouse gases exist naturally in small amounts in our atmosphere, and without them earth would be 30 degrees colder and human life would not exist. In other words, the greenhouse effect is a natural course which is to some degree helpful to us.The problem is that in the last century and a half, we have been putting too many of these gases into the earth's atmosphere by burning large quantities of coal and oil and by cutting down forests. The rapid increase in greenhouse gases is making the world warmer. The world's temperature has already gone up by half a degree this century, and the sea level has risen by 10 centimetres. If the amount of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the atmosphere doubles, there will probably be a rise in the earth's temperature of between 1 and 4 degrees. This may seem a small increase, but it would be enough to cause major changes in geography and agriculture. Large areas of the world would be flooded, and some areas would become dry and unable to produce crops. It is important, too, to consider that there may be a delay of about 30 years in the greenhouse effect. This means that we are probably experiencing only now the effect of the gases put into the atmosphere before the 1960s. Since then, our use of these gases has greatly increased.1. The"greenhouse effect"means _____.A. the way in which gases are used for keeping plants warmB. a natural course which is some degree helpful to usC. the way"greenhouse gases"trap heat on the earthD. the whole course in which greenhouse gases prevent heat2. If there were no greenhouse effect, _____.A. no plants would grow on our planetB. earth would be thirty degrees colderC. man could not live on the earthD. All of the above answers are correct3. Which of the following is NOT true? _____A. Burning too much coal and oil produces lots of greenhouse gases.B. It has become warmer on the earth now than in the past.C. Gases put into the atmosphere now will affect the earth years later.D. The temperature in a greenhouse is as high as that in the atmosphere.4. Suppose the earth's temperature rose by 3 degrees, _____.A. great harm would be done to mankindB. the sea level would go by 10 centimetresC. all the land in the world would be floodedD. crops would be unable to grow on the earth5. This passage mainly deals with _____.A. the concept(概念)and harm of greenhouse effectB. the relation between greenhouse gases and manC. the concept and change of greenhouse effectD. the effect of the rise of the earth's temperature

An inert gas system is designed to reduce the possibility of tank explosions by ______.A.eliminating sparks and fire in the vicinity of cargo tanksB.removing all hydrocarbon gases from the cargo tanksC.blanketing cargo tanks with inert foamD.reducing the oxygen concentration below levels necessary for combustion

共用题干第一篇What are the advantages and disadvantages of greenhouse technology?There are many benefits of using greenhouses.Firstly,by using it,the productivity of the crop is increased considerably.Secondly,a superior quality can be obtained as they are grown under a better controlled environment. Thirdly,the percentage of germination of seeds is high in greenhouses.Finally,greenhouses allow an effective control of pests and diseases as the growing area is enclosed.However,it has many disadvantages.On the one hand,greenhouses require a lot of work and constant maintenance.On the other hand,it is expensive to construct since gardeners will spend more money to buy a prefabricated greenhouse or to build a greenhouse than to plant directly in the ground or containers.Also,if Gardeners want to build their own greenhouses,they must pay highly for construction materials and sometimes,for additional labour. Moreover,greenhouses needs more space and homeowners need a very large space in their backyards or gardens for the greenhouse.Finally,the maintenance of the equipments used in greenhouses necessitates a lot of money and control.Which of the following is not a disadvantage the greenhouse technology brings?A:Greenhouses need constant care.B:Building a greenhouse costs a lot.C:The equipment used in greenhouses is cheap.D:More labour is sometimes needed for greenhouse work.

共用题干第二篇Around 45%of the UK's carbon dioxide emissions come from the energy people use every day-at home and when they travel.In order to generate that energy,fossil fuels(coal oil,and gas)are burnt,and these produce greenhouse gases-in particular carbon dioxide(CO2).Car emissions are a major problem, but the truth is that more CO2 comes from the energy used at home.The average household creates aroundfive and a half tonnes of CO2 a year,and it is the same CO2 that is changing the climate and damaging the environment.CO2 and various other gases wrap the earth in an invisible blanket helping to prevent heat from escaping.Without this greenhouse effect,the average temperature on Earth would be around-18℃, compared with the current average of around+15℃.The composition of this blanket of gases has remained relatively constant for many thousands of years.However,since the industrial revolution began around 200 years ago,people have been burning increasing amounts of fossil fuels,thus releasing more CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the process.This has increased the heating effect of the blanket,trapping more of the sun's energy inside the Earth's atmosphere in turn the Earth's temperature has increased more rapidly in a shorter period of time than it has for thousands of years.In 2008,the total UK CO2 emissions were 533 million tonnes.27%(144 million tonnes)of those emissions came from the energy used to heat,light,and power homes.Transport emissions caused by passenger cars,buses and motorcycles accounted for a further 16%(87 million tonnes)of the UK's CO2 emissions.These figures show that a significant amount of CO2 results from ordinary citizens carbon footprint in their daily activities and lifestyle.The effects of climate change can be seen all around us.Weather patterns are becoming more and more fractured and uncertain,and over the last century trends in warm weather have become increasingly common.In the UK in the last 40 years,winters have grown warmer,with much heavier rainfall.One of the clearest shifts over the last 200 years is towards summers that are hotter and drier,causing pervasive(普遍的)water shortages.Recent years have been the hottest since records began and during August 2003,the hottest ever outdoor temperature in the UK was recorded-38.5℃.CO2 emissions from vehicles_______.A:are a more serious problem than energy shortageB:do not cause any problemsC:are high because the average household owns a carD:contribute considerably to greenhouse gases

共用题干第二篇Around 45%of the UK's carbon dioxide emissions come from the energy people use every day-at home and when they travel.In order to generate that energy,fossil fuels(coal oil,and gas)are burnt,and these produce greenhouse gases-in particular carbon dioxide(CO2).Car emissions are a major problem, but the truth is that more CO2 comes from the energy used at home.The average household creates aroundfive and a half tonnes of CO2 a year,and it is the same CO2 that is changing the climate and damaging the environment.CO2 and various other gases wrap the earth in an invisible blanket helping to prevent heat from escaping.Without this greenhouse effect,the average temperature on Earth would be around-18℃, compared with the current average of around+15℃.The composition of this blanket of gases has remained relatively constant for many thousands of years.However,since the industrial revolution began around 200 years ago,people have been burning increasing amounts of fossil fuels,thus releasing more CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the process.This has increased the heating effect of the blanket,trapping more of the sun's energy inside the Earth's atmosphere in turn the Earth's temperature has increased more rapidly in a shorter period of time than it has for thousands of years.In 2008,the total UK CO2 emissions were 533 million tonnes.27%(144 million tonnes)of those emissions came from the energy used to heat,light,and power homes.Transport emissions caused by passenger cars,buses and motorcycles accounted for a further 16%(87 million tonnes)of the UK's CO2 emissions.These figures show that a significant amount of CO2 results from ordinary citizens carbon footprint in their daily activities and lifestyle.The effects of climate change can be seen all around us.Weather patterns are becoming more and more fractured and uncertain,and over the last century trends in warm weather have become increasingly common.In the UK in the last 40 years,winters have grown warmer,with much heavier rainfall.One of the clearest shifts over the last 200 years is towards summers that are hotter and drier,causing pervasive(普遍的)water shortages.Recent years have been the hottest since records began and during August 2003,the hottest ever outdoor temperature in the UK was recorded-38.5℃.What is the author's opinion about the level of CO2 emissions in the UK?A:The majority of CO2 emissions come from motorized transport.B:CO2 emissions may cause climate change in the future.C:More CO2 emissions come from homes than from cars.D:The average citizen does not create much CO2.

共用题干第二篇Around 45%of the UK's carbon dioxide emissions come from the energy people use every day-at home and when they travel.In order to generate that energy,fossil fuels(coal oil,and gas)are burnt,and these produce greenhouse gases-in particular carbon dioxide(CO2).Car emissions are a major problem, but the truth is that more CO2 comes from the energy used at home.The average household creates aroundfive and a half tonnes of CO2 a year,and it is the same CO2 that is changing the climate and damaging the environment.CO2 and various other gases wrap the earth in an invisible blanket helping to prevent heat from escaping.Without this greenhouse effect,the average temperature on Earth would be around-18℃, compared with the current average of around+15℃.The composition of this blanket of gases has remained relatively constant for many thousands of years.However,since the industrial revolution began around 200 years ago,people have been burning increasing amounts of fossil fuels,thus releasing more CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the process.This has increased the heating effect of the blanket,trapping more of the sun's energy inside the Earth's atmosphere in turn the Earth's temperature has increased more rapidly in a shorter period of time than it has for thousands of years.In 2008,the total UK CO2 emissions were 533 million tonnes.27%(144 million tonnes)of those emissions came from the energy used to heat,light,and power homes.Transport emissions caused by passenger cars,buses and motorcycles accounted for a further 16%(87 million tonnes)of the UK's CO2 emissions.These figures show that a significant amount of CO2 results from ordinary citizens carbon footprint in their daily activities and lifestyle.The effects of climate change can be seen all around us.Weather patterns are becoming more and more fractured and uncertain,and over the last century trends in warm weather have become increasingly common.In the UK in the last 40 years,winters have grown warmer,with much heavier rainfall.One of the clearest shifts over the last 200 years is towards summers that are hotter and drier,causing pervasive(普遍的)water shortages.Recent years have been the hottest since records began and during August 2003,the hottest ever outdoor temperature in the UK was recorded-38.5℃.The results of climate change in the UK can be seen in______.A:cooler summersB:water supplyC:warmer wintersD:stronger winds

共用题干第二篇Around 45%of the UK's carbon dioxide emissions come from the energy people use every day-at home and when they travel.In order to generate that energy,fossil fuels(coal oil,and gas)are burnt,and these produce greenhouse gases-in particular carbon dioxide(CO2).Car emissions are a major problem, but the truth is that more CO2 comes from the energy used at home.The average household creates aroundfive and a half tonnes of CO2 a year,and it is the same CO2 that is changing the climate and damaging the environment.CO2 and various other gases wrap the earth in an invisible blanket helping to prevent heat from escaping.Without this greenhouse effect,the average temperature on Earth would be around-18℃, compared with the current average of around+15℃.The composition of this blanket of gases has remained relatively constant for many thousands of years.However,since the industrial revolution began around 200 years ago,people have been burning increasing amounts of fossil fuels,thus releasing more CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the process.This has increased the heating effect of the blanket,trapping more of the sun's energy inside the Earth's atmosphere in turn the Earth's temperature has increased more rapidly in a shorter period of time than it has for thousands of years.In 2008,the total UK CO2 emissions were 533 million tonnes.27%(144 million tonnes)of those emissions came from the energy used to heat,light,and power homes.Transport emissions caused by passenger cars,buses and motorcycles accounted for a further 16%(87 million tonnes)of the UK's CO2 emissions.These figures show that a significant amount of CO2 results from ordinary citizens carbon footprint in their daily activities and lifestyle.The effects of climate change can be seen all around us.Weather patterns are becoming more and more fractured and uncertain,and over the last century trends in warm weather have become increasingly common.In the UK in the last 40 years,winters have grown warmer,with much heavier rainfall.One of the clearest shifts over the last 200 years is towards summers that are hotter and drier,causing pervasive(普遍的)water shortages.Recent years have been the hottest since records began and during August 2003,the hottest ever outdoor temperature in the UK was recorded-38.5℃.What is the author's main aim?A:To explain the greenhouse effect.B:To describe the effects of climate change in the UK.C:To show how much CO2 is produced by ordinary people's activities.D:To illustrate how industrial activity creates the greenhouse effect.

The primary purpose of the concerned group and individuals is to ________the greenhouse gases and pollutants.A.depositB.decreaseC.deviationD.deprival

共用题干第二篇High Stress May Damage MemoryAccording to a report issued in May 1998,elderly people who have consistently high blood levels of cortisol (皮质醇)don't score as well on memory tests as their peers with lower levels of the stress hormone. What's more,high levels of cortisol are also associated with shrinking of the hippocampus(海马区),a region of the brain that plays a key role in learning and memory.The findings suggest that even cortisol levels in the normal,"healthy"range can actually accelerate brain aging.The study results"now provide substantial evidence that long-term exposure to adrenal(肾上腺的)stress hormones may promote hippocampal aging in normal elderly humans", write Nada Porter and Philip Landfield.Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress by the adrenal glands(腺),which sit on top of the kidneys(肾).Over a 5-to 6-year period,Dr. Sonia Lupien and his colleagues measured 24-hour cortisol levels in 51 healthy volunteers,most of whom were in their 70s.The researchers tested the volunteers' memory on six people in the increasing/high category and five people in the decreasing/moderate group.The groups did not differ in tests of immediate memory,but the increasing/high cortisol group had other memory problems compared with those in the decreasing/moderate group.The researchers also found that the total volume of the hippocampus in those in the increasing/high group was 14% lower than those in the decreasing/moderate group, although there were no differences in other brain regions.The results suggest that“…brain aging can be accelerated by levels of adrenalhormones that are not generally regarded as pathological(病态的)and that variation within this normal range is related to variation in the rate of brain aging",write Porter and Landfield."This further suggests that chronic stress may accelerate the worsening of the hippocampus." When the levels of cortisol go high,the hippocampusA:may expand. B:may shrink.C:may disappear. D:may function better.

共用题干第二篇High Stress May Damage MemoryAccording to a report issued in May 1998,elderly people who have consistently high blood levels of cortisol (皮质醇)don't score as well on memory tests as their peers with lower levels of the stress hormone. What's more,high levels of cortisol are also associated with shrinking of the hippocampus(海马区),a region of the brain that plays a key role in learning and memory.The findings suggest that even cortisol levels in the normal,"healthy"range can actually accelerate brain aging.The study results"now provide substantial evidence that long-term exposure to adrenal(肾上腺的)stress hormones may promote hippocampal aging in normal elderly humans", write Nada Porter and Philip Landfield.Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress by the adrenal glands(腺),which sit on top of the kidneys(肾).Over a 5-to 6-year period,Dr. Sonia Lupien and his colleagues measured 24-hour cortisol levels in 51 healthy volunteers,most of whom were in their 70s.The researchers tested the volunteers' memory on six people in the increasing/high category and five people in the decreasing/moderate group.The groups did not differ in tests of immediate memory,but the increasing/high cortisol group had other memory problems compared with those in the decreasing/moderate group.The researchers also found that the total volume of the hippocampus in those in the increasing/high group was 14% lower than those in the decreasing/moderate group, although there were no differences in other brain regions.The results suggest that“…brain aging can be accelerated by levels of adrenalhormones that are not generally regarded as pathological(病态的)and that variation within this normal range is related to variation in the rate of brain aging",write Porter and Landfield."This further suggests that chronic stress may accelerate the worsening of the hippocampus." According to the passage,when people are under stress,A:the adrenal glands will produce cortisol.B:the kidneys will shrink rapidly.C:the hippocampus will produce cortisol.D:the brain will work more efficiently.

共用题干第二篇High Stress May Damage MemoryAccording to a report issued in May 1998,elderly people who have consistently high blood levels of cortisol (皮质醇)don't score as well on memory tests as their peers with lower levels of the stress hormone. What's more,high levels of cortisol are also associated with shrinking of the hippocampus(海马区),a region of the brain that plays a key role in learning and memory.The findings suggest that even cortisol levels in the normal,"healthy"range can actually accelerate brain aging.The study results"now provide substantial evidence that long-term exposure to adrenal(肾上腺的)stress hormones may promote hippocampal aging in normal elderly humans", write Nada Porter and Philip Landfield.Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress by the adrenal glands(腺),which sit on top of the kidneys(肾).Over a 5-to 6-year period,Dr. Sonia Lupien and his colleagues measured 24-hour cortisol levels in 51 healthy volunteers,most of whom were in their 70s.The researchers tested the volunteers' memory on six people in the increasing/high category and five people in the decreasing/moderate group.The groups did not differ in tests of immediate memory,but the increasing/high cortisol group had other memory problems compared with those in the decreasing/moderate group.The researchers also found that the total volume of the hippocampus in those in the increasing/high group was 14% lower than those in the decreasing/moderate group, although there were no differences in other brain regions.The results suggest that“…brain aging can be accelerated by levels of adrenalhormones that are not generally regarded as pathological(病态的)and that variation within this normal range is related to variation in the rate of brain aging",write Porter and Landfield."This further suggests that chronic stress may accelerate the worsening of the hippocampus." Which of the following plays a key role in one's learning and memory?A:The kidneys. B:The adrenal glands.C:The stress hormone. D:The hippocampus.

共用题干第二篇High Stress May Damage MemoryAccording to a report issued in May 1998,elderly people who have consistently high blood levels of cortisol (皮质醇)don't score as well on memory tests as their peers with lower levels of the stress hormone. What's more,high levels of cortisol are also associated with shrinking of the hippocampus(海马区),a region of the brain that plays a key role in learning and memory.The findings suggest that even cortisol levels in the normal,"healthy"range can actually accelerate brain aging.The study results"now provide substantial evidence that long-term exposure to adrenal(肾上腺的)stress hormones may promote hippocampal aging in normal elderly humans", write Nada Porter and Philip Landfield.Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress by the adrenal glands(腺),which sit on top of the kidneys(肾).Over a 5-to 6-year period,Dr. Sonia Lupien and his colleagues measured 24-hour cortisol levels in 51 healthy volunteers,most of whom were in their 70s.The researchers tested the volunteers' memory on six people in the increasing/high category and five people in the decreasing/moderate group.The groups did not differ in tests of immediate memory,but the increasing/high cortisol group had other memory problems compared with those in the decreasing/moderate group.The researchers also found that the total volume of the hippocampus in those in the increasing/high group was 14% lower than those in the decreasing/moderate group, although there were no differences in other brain regions.The results suggest that“…brain aging can be accelerated by levels of adrenalhormones that are not generally regarded as pathological(病态的)and that variation within this normal range is related to variation in the rate of brain aging",write Porter and Landfield."This further suggests that chronic stress may accelerate the worsening of the hippocampus." The research conducted by Porter and Landfield shows thatA:the levels of adrenal hormones have nothing to do with brain aging.B:changes in the levels of adrenal hormones can affect brain aging.C:chronic stress may strengthen one's memory.D:the rate of brain aging always remains stable.

共用题干第二篇High Stress May Damage MemoryAccording to a report issued in May 1998,elderly people who have consistently high blood levels of cortisol (皮质醇)don't score as well on memory tests as their peers with lower levels of the stress hormone. What's more,high levels of cortisol are also associated with shrinking of the hippocampus(海马区),a region of the brain that plays a key role in learning and memory.The findings suggest that even cortisol levels in the normal,"healthy"range can actually accelerate brain aging.The study results"now provide substantial evidence that long-term exposure to adrenal(肾上腺的)stress hormones may promote hippocampal aging in normal elderly humans", write Nada Porter and Philip Landfield.Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress by the adrenal glands(腺),which sit on top of the kidneys(肾).Over a 5-to 6-year period,Dr. Sonia Lupien and his colleagues measured 24-hour cortisol levels in 51 healthy volunteers,most of whom were in their 70s.The researchers tested the volunteers' memory on six people in the increasing/high category and five people in the decreasing/moderate group.The groups did not differ in tests of immediate memory,but the increasing/high cortisol group had other memory problems compared with those in the decreasing/moderate group.The researchers also found that the total volume of the hippocampus in those in the increasing/high group was 14% lower than those in the decreasing/moderate group, although there were no differences in other brain regions.The results suggest that“…brain aging can be accelerated by levels of adrenalhormones that are not generally regarded as pathological(病态的)and that variation within this normal range is related to variation in the rate of brain aging",write Porter and Landfield."This further suggests that chronic stress may accelerate the worsening of the hippocampus." It appears that when the hippocampus shrinks due to high levels of cortisol,other brain regionsA:may change dramatically. B:may stop functioning.C:may remain unaffected. D:may be seriously damaged,

共用题干Global Warming1 Smoke is clouding our view of global warming,protecting the planet from perhaps three-quarters of the greenhouse(温室)effect.That might sound like good news, butexperts say that as the cover diminishes in coming decades,we are facing a dramatic increase of warming that could be two or even three times as great as official best guesses.2 This was the dramatic conclusion reached last week at a workshop in Dahlem,Berlin, where top atmospheric scientists got together,including Nobel prize winner Paul Crutzen and Swedish scientist Bert Bolin,former chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC).3 IPCC scientists have suspected for a decade that aerosols(浮质)of smoke and other particles from burning rainforest,crop waste and fossil fuels are blocking sunlight andcounteracting the warming effect of carbon dioxide(二氧化物)emissions.Until now,they reckoned that aerosols reduced greenhouse warming by perhaps a quarter,cutting increases by 0.2℃.So the 0.6℃of warming over the past century would have been 0.8℃ without aerosols.4 But the Berlin workshop concluded that the real figure is even higher一aerosols may have reduced global warming by as much as three-quarters,cutting increases by 1.8℃.If so, the good news is that aerosols have prevented the world getting almost two degrees warmer than it is now.But the bad news is that the climate system is much more sensitive togreenhouse gases than previously guessed.5 As those gases are expected to continue accumulating in the atmosphere while aerosols stabilize or fall,that means"dramatic consequences for estimates of future climate change",the scientists agreed in a draft report from the workshop.Paragraph 5________A:Atmospheric ScientistsB:The Calculations Made at the Berlin WorkshopC:The Previous Calculations of the Effect of AerosolsD:The Scientists' AgreementE:The Authoritative ConclusionF:Greenhouse Gases

共用题干Global Warming1.Smoke is clouding our view of global warming,protecting the planet from perhaps threequarters of the greenhouse(温室)effect. That might sound like good news,but experts say that as the cover diminishes in coming decades,we are facing a dramatic increase of warming that could be two or even three times as great as official best guesses.2.This was the dramatic conclusion reached last week at a workshop in Dahlem,Berlin,where top atmospheric scientists got together,including Nobel prize winner Paul Crutzen and Swedish scientist Bert Bolin,former chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC).3. IPCC scientists have suspected for a decade that aerosols(浮质)of smoke and other partidles from burning rainforest,crop waste and fossil fuels are blocking sunlight and counteracting the warming effect of carbon dioxide(二氧化物)emissions. Until now,they reckoned that aerosols reduced greenhouse warming by perhaps a quarter,cutting increases by 0.2℃.So the 0.6℃of warming over the past century would have been 0.8℃without aerosols.4.But the Berlin workshop concluded that the real figure is even higher—aerosols may have reduced global warming by as much as three-quarters,cutting increases by 1.8℃.If so,the good news is that aerosols have prevented the world getting almost two degrees warmer than it is now. But the bad news is that the climate system is much more sensitive to greenhouse gases than previously guessed.5.As those gases are expected to continue accumulating in the atmosphere while aerosols stabilize or fall,that means"dramatic consequences for estimates of future climate change",the scientists agreed in a draft report from the workshop.The increase of greenhouse gases_______.A: will influence future climate changeB:was somewhat surprisingC:will rise rapidlyD:was known to US allE:was much higher than had been expectedF:will drop dramatically

温室效应(greenhouse effete)

温室气体greenhouse gas

土壤源温室气体 soil-borne greenhouse gases

单选题An increasing head pressure in a refrigeration system, without any corresponding change in the cooling water inlet temperature, would probably be caused by ().Arestriction in refrigerant pipingBair and non-condensable gases in the condenserCwater in the refrigerantDflooding back of liquid refrigerant from the evaporator

名词解释题温室气体greenhouse gas

问答题Practice 5  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.  What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.  Write at least 250 words.

填空题By increasing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, human activities are strengthening Earth’s natural greenhouse effect.____

单选题Why greenhouse gases are one of the best indicators of ecological overdraft?AThe cost of carbon emission permits is driven down.BTrade for carbon market failed.CGreenhouse gases are the most important guideline of ecology.DThe global economy is overwhelmingly fossil-fuel dependent.

单选题An inert gas system is designed to reduce the possibility of tank explosions by().Aeliminating sparks and fire in the vicinity of cargo tanksBremoving all hydrocarbon gases from the cargo tanksCblanketing cargo tanks with inert foamDreducing the oxygen concentration below levels necessary for combustion

单选题The blower type crankcase ventilation system ()Aremoves combustible gases in the crankcaseBprevents the formation of combustible gases in the crankcaseCcools lubricating oilDimproves cold weather starting

名词解释题温室效应(greenhouse effete)

填空题El Nino effect may become more frequent and fierce if enough heat could be brought to Pacific waters by the accumulation of greenhouse gases.____

单选题An oxygen indicator can be used to determine if there is().Asufficient oxygen in a compartment to support lifeBcombustible gases presentChydrogen gases presentDAll of the above