











I am sorry ____ you so much trouble. A. to giveB. to have givenC. to givingD. to have giving

Those endowed()ingenuity and industry had more prospects of survival at that time. A、atB、withC、forD、on

Since the speaker was a famous researcher in this field, many students ______ his lecture yesterday evening. A. preferredB. joinedC. presentedD. attended

The waiter was furious at () such a small tip. A. givingB. givenC. being givenD. give

I like the arguments she _______. They sound very convincing.A. composedB. saidC. presentedD. offered

Structured programming practices(71)rise to Pascal,in which constructs were introduced to make programs more readable and better(72). C provided a combination of assembly language and high-level Structure to create a general-purpose language that could be used from system to(73)programming. Next came object orientation,which is(74)of a methodology and design philosophy than a language issue.This is(75)by the addition of so-called OO extensions to current languages,such as C.A.givingB.givenC.gaveD.gives

_________ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars.A. GivingB. Having givenC. To giveD. Given

This money is _____ in "the Hope Project" by our government.A. pointedB. givenC. directedD. committed

()your customers what they need and more than they expect will lead customers to return to you. A、GivingB、GivenC、Give

____ a lift in your car, I would not have been home. A、Had you not given meB、I had not givenC、You had not given meD、Had I not given

He was () with compliments on his excellent performance. A、putB、givenC、showeredD、filled

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

It is my great pleasure to advise you that you will now () our firm in your area.A、presentB、be presentedC、being presentedD、be representing

Nature had endowed the rest human race ______ a sixth sense and leftme out.A: withB: toC: forD: away

The property of ()suggests that pragmatic implicature is produced by being co-operative and by relying on utterance contexts.A、non-conventionalityB、CancellabilityC、information presentedD、non-detachability

The () was proposed by several linguists.A、politeness principleB、feature of indeterminacyC、information presentedD、non-detachability

Structured programming practices(71)rise to Pascal, in which constructs were introduced to make programs more readable and better(72)C provided a combination of assembly and high -level structure to create a general -purpose language that could be used from system to(73)programming. Next came object orientation, which is(74)of a metrology and design philosophy than a language issue. This is(75)by the addition of so - called OO extensions to current language, such as C++.A.givingB.givenC.gaveD.gives

32.don't worry. You ________ plenty of time to decide.A. will giveB. have givenC. will be givenD. are giving

I’m extremely sorry for ______ you an early reply.A.not to giveB.not to have givenC.not having givenD.not giving

__________enough time and money, the investigators would have been able to discover more evidence in this case.A.GivingB.GivenC.To give D.Being given

The rich philosophical thought in Sunzi′s Art of War has ___________ greater and greater attention from scholar′ s of ancient Chinese philosophy.A.paidB.givenC.attachedD.aroused

( )moving to a northern climate, be sure to properly winterize your automobileA. givesB. givenC. givingD. is giving

What does“down payment”refer to in the passage? __________A.Money borrowed from a bank as a mortgageB.Money paid to a bank before the mortgages is givenC.Interest received by a person who borrows money as the mortgagesD.Interest charged by a bank on a mortgage

共用题干For nearly 17 years David Cope has worked as one of the Tower of London's yeoman warders, _________(51)known to tourists as beefeaters.David,64,lives in a three-bedroomed flat right at the_______(52)of the Byward Tower,one of the gatehouses."_________(53)our bedroom we have a marvelous view of Tower Bridge and the Thames",says David.The Tower of London is famous__________(54)its ravens,the large black birds which have lived there for over three centuries.David was immediately fascinated by the birds and when he was _________(55)the post of Raven Master eight years ago he had no_________(56)in accepting it. "The birds have now become my life and I'm always_________(57)of the fact that I am _________(58)a tradition.The legend says that if the ravens leave the Tower,England will fall to enemies,and it's my job to__________(59)sure this doesn't happen!"David________(60)about four hours a day to the care of the ravens.He has grown to love them and the_________(61)that he lives right next to them is ideal."1 can_________(62)a close eye on them all the time,and not just when I'm working."_________(63),David's wife Mo was not __________ (64)on the idea of life in the Tower,but she too will he sad to leave when he retires next year."When we look out of our windows,we see history_________(65)around us,and we are taking it in and storing it up for our future memories."_________(55)A:award B:applied C:presented D:offered

Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who participated in the meeting.A:posted B:given C:sent D:handed

He appreciated ______ the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature.A.to have been givenB.to have givenC.having givenD.having been given

问答题Practice 5  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among them, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than the right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity, which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. (Thomas Jefferso: The Declaration o f Independence)

问答题Practice 2  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  Being truly human as a member of a society means seeing injustice and working to fix it. The human mind is endowed with not only the ability to perceive the world and act instinctively, but to visualize a better future and endeavor to realize it.  Assignment: What is one great injustice in the world, and how should it be addresed? Write an essay in which you answer this question and explain the reasons for your choice. You may draw inspiration and support from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation.