This money is _____ in "the Hope Project" by our government.A. pointedB. givenC. directedD. committed
This money is _____ in "the Hope Project" by our government.
A. pointed
B. given
C. directed
D. committed
I, my, will, true, come, hope, dream__________________________________________________________________________.
2.I _________to visit Guilin and I_________ you to go with me.A. wish ; hopeB. hope; wishC. hope; wish forD. wish; hope that
希望工程站点中提供了几种语言的连接,下列不属于其中的是()。 A.Chinese(GB.B.Chinese(Big5)C.JapaneseD.English
中国青少年发展基金会在网上的主页地址是()。 A.
下面哪条语句,可以产生与下面程序相同的结果。 data invest; money=1000; do until(money gt 5000); Year+1; money+(money*0.10); end; run; while(money ge 5000); while(money =5000); while(money le 5000); while(money >5000);