名词解释题inflectional morphemesn

inflectional morphemesn


解析: 暂无解析


An inflectional morpheme does not change the grammatical class of the word.()

_______ modify the meaning of the stem , but usually do not change the part of speech of the original word A AffixesB PrefixesC SuffixesD Inflectional morphemes

Inflectional affixes are grammatical markers.( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Inflectional morphemes are added to the end of words to show grammatical concepts.()

A__________is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix?can be added.A.rootB.stemC.free morphemeD.suffix

There are different types of affixes or morphemes.The affix“ed” in the word“learned” is known as ( ) a(n) A.derivational morpheme B.free morpheme C.inflectional morpheme D.free form

The words “toys, walks, John′s” can be examples of( ) A.free morphemes B.compounds C.inflectional affixes D.derivations

Inflectional affixes

inflectional morphemesn

名词解释题Inflectional affixes

单选题Derivational morpheme contrasts sharply with inflectional morpheme in that the former changes the _____ while the latter does not.AmeaningBword classCformDspeech sound