Inflectional morphemes are added to the end of words to show grammatical concepts.()

Inflectional morphemes are added to the end of words to show grammatical concepts.()


A ___________ item is a teaching or learning point concerned with the pronunciation of the language. A.phonologicalB.lexicalC.structuralD.grammatical


设有以下定义和程序:includeclass A1{public:void show1(){cout 设有以下定义和程序: #include<iostream.h> class A1 { public: void show1() { cout<<"class A1"<<end1; } }; class A2:public A1 { public: void show2() { cout<<"class A2"<<end1; } }; class A3:protected A2 { public: void show3() { cout<<"class A1"<<end1; } }; void main() { A1 obj1; A2 obj2; A3 obj3; } 则以下不合语法的调用语句是( )。A.obj1.show1();B.obj2.show1();C.obj3.show1();D.obj2.show2();

Which action occurs when the BGP route is evaluated by the policy expression?() A. The route is not announced.B. The route is announced with community 90:1 added.C. The route is announced with community 100:1 added.C.The route is announced with community 100:1 added.D. The route is announced with communities 90:1 and 100:1 added.D.The route is announced with communities 90:1 and 100:1 added.

设有以下定义和程序:includeclassA1{public:void show1(){ cout 设有以下定义和程序: #include<iostream.h> classA1 { public: void show1() { cout<<"classA1”<<end1; } }; classA2:public A1 { public: void show2() { cout<<"classA2"<<end1; } }; class A3:protected A2 { public: voidshow3() { cout<<"class A1”<<end1; } }; void main() { A1obj1; A2obj2; A3obj3; } 则以下不合语法的调用语句是A.obj1.show1();B.obj2.show1();C.obj3.show1();D.obj2.show2();

设有以下定义和程序:includeclassA1{public: void showl() { cout 设有以下定义和程序: #include <iostream.h> class A1 { public: void showl() { cout<<"class A1"<<end1; } }; Class A2 : public A1 { public: void show2() { cout<<"Class A2"<<end1; } }; Class A3 : protected A2 { public: void show3() { cout<<”Class A土”<<end1; } }; void main() { A1 obj1; A2 obj2; A3 obj3; } 则以下不合语法的调用语句是( )。A.obj1.show1();B.obj2.show1();C.obj3.show1();D.obj2.show2();

Morphemes that represent "tense", "number", "gender", "case" and so forth are called__________ morphemes.A.inflectionalB.freeC.boundD.derivational

The word “modernizers” is composed of()morphemes.A3B4C5D6

The word “photographically” is made up of 5 morphemes.A对B错

The word “photographically” is made up of 4 morphemes.A对B错