











在PUBMED数据库中不能对检索结果按以下哪项排序?() A、Recently AddedB、First AuthorC、Time CitedD、Last Author

We hope you will see your way (clear) to ( ) your price. A.reduceB.reducingC.reducedD.reduction

myDataSet是一数据集对象,其中包含通过DataAdapter从数据库检索的构架和数据.在本地对myDataSet进行修改后,调用下列语句DataSetchanges=myDataSet.GetChanges();获得的新的数据集changes将包含原数据集中状态为______的数据行. A.AddedB.DeletedC.DetachedD.ModifiedE.Unchanged

Please insure at invoice value() 10%.A、addedB、add up toC、 plusD、additional

At present the bedroom has to be ______ by at least six students. A. heldB. dividedC. sharedD. separated


The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:You need to write a query that will produce these results:1. Display the salary multiplied by the commission_pct.2. Exclude employees with a zero commission_pct.3. Display a zero for employees with a null commission value.Evaluate the SQL statement:What does the statement provide?()A. All of the desired resultsB. Two of the desired resultsC. One of the desired resultsD. An error statement

EIGRP has been configured to opera te over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?() A. the CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the number of circuitsB. the CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionC. the CIR rate of the highest s peed connectionD. the sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

EIGRP has been configured to operate over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?() A. the CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the num ber of circuitsB. the CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionC. the CIR rate of the highest speed connectionD. the sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections



Should the Vessel fail to comply in any respect with the said description,hire to be __________to the extent necessary to indemnify Charterers for such failure.A.changedB.increasedC.reducedD.amended

To predict the actual depth of water using the Tide Tables,the number obtained from the Tide Tables is ______.A.the actual depthB.added to or subtracted from the charted depthC.multiplied by the charted depthD.divided by the charted depth

A vessel aground may have negative GM since the ______.A.decrease in KM is equal to the loss of draftB.virtual rise of G is directly proportional to the remaining draftC.lost buoyancy method is used to calculate KM, and KB is reducedD.displacement lost acts at the point where the ship is aground

In small angle stability, the metacentric height ______.A.is found in the hydrostatic tables for a level vesselB.multiplied by the displacement yields the righting momentC.is always positiveD.is calculated by subtracting KG from KM

Leeway is the ______.A.difference between the true course and the compass courseB.momentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedC.lateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseD.displacement of a vessel multiplied by her speed

The city centre was wiped out by the bomb.A: coveredB: destroyedC: reducedD: moved

What is true about Imex System Inc.?A.Many of its customers have a high speed connectionB.It was the first Internet service provider in Lofton CityC.The prices of many of its items were recently reducedD.It offers cheaper Internet Service than Interspeed

请选择合适的单词选项,补充下面的英文句子:The prices of these goods cannot be(),because we’re practically selling at cost now.A、reducesB、reducingC、reducedD、reduction

EIGRP has been configured to operate over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?()A、the CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the num ber of circuitsB、the CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionC、the CIR rate of the highest speed connectionD、the sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

EIGRP has been configured to opera te over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?()A、the CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the number of circuitsB、the CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionC、the CIR rate of the highest s peed connectionD、the sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

When configuring an interface using SMIT and Further Configuration with an IP address and netmask, which of the following outcomes indicates how the routing tables will be affected?()A、A subnet route is automatically addedB、A default route is automatically addedC、All other routes are automatically addedD、The routing table is not affected

单选题Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT ename, sal, 12* sal+100 FROM emp; The SAL column stores the monthly salary of the employee. Which change must be made to the above syntax to calculate the annual compensation as "monthly salary plus a monthly bonus of $100, multiplied by 12"?()ANo change is required to achieve the desired results.BSELECT ename, sal, 12* (sal+100) FROM emp;CSELECT ename, sal, (12* sal)+100 FROM emp;DSELECT ename, sal +100,*12 FROM emp;

单选题When the average of a list of course grades is multiplied by the number of courses, the result is n. What does n represent?AHalf the number of coursesBHalf the sum of course gradesCThe number of coursesDThe average of the course gradesEThe sum of the course grades

单选题EIGRP has been configured to opera te over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?()Athe CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the number of circuitsBthe CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionCthe CIR rate of the highest s peed connectionDthe sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

单选题EIGRP has been configured to operate over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?()Athe CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the num ber of circuitsBthe CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionCthe CIR rate of the highest speed connectionDthe sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

单选题Leeway is the().Adifference between the true course and the compass courseBmomentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedClateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseDdispla ement of a vessel multiplied by her speed

单选题Leeway is the().Adifference between the true course and the compass courseBmomentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedClateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseDdisplacement of a vessel multiplied by her speed