单选题When the average of a list of course grades is multiplied by the number of courses, the result is n. What does n represent?AHalf the number of coursesBHalf the sum of course gradesCThe number of coursesDThe average of the course gradesEThe sum of the course grades

When the average of a list of course grades is multiplied by the number of courses, the result is n. What does n represent?

Half the number of courses


Half the sum of course grades


The number of courses


The average of the course grades


The sum of the course grades




SUM(number1,number2,....)是()函数。 A、反差B、求和C、逻辑D、乘积

SUM(number 1, number 2, ……)是_____函数。A.方差B.求和C.逻辑D.乘积

The “rudder adjustment” control on an autopilot steering stand is used to ______.A.align the rudder angle indicator with the true rudder angleB.set the number of degrees of rudder per degree of course errorC.set the departure from base course before actuating the rudderD.set the rate at which the rudder responds

阅读下面程序import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class Comparison{public static void main(String args[]){String firstNumber, //用户输入第1个数据变量second Number, //用户输入第2个数据变量result; //输出结果变量int number1, //用于比较的第1个数number2; //用于比较的第2个数//用户输入第1个数据的字符串firstNumber=JOptionPane. showInputDialog(“输入第1个整数:”);//用户输入第2个数据的字符串secondNumber=JOptionPane.showlnputDialog(“输入第2个整数:”);//将字符串转换为整数类型number1=Integer.parseInt(firstNumber);number2=Integer.parseInt(secondNumber);//初始化结果变量___________________;//比较两个数据if(number1=number2)result += number1 +" =" + number2;if(number1 != number2 )result += numberl +" !=" + number2;if( number1 < number2 )result = result + "\n" + numberl +" <" + number2;if(number1 > number2 )result = result + "\n" + number1 + ">" + number2;if( number1 <= number2 )result = result + "\n" + number1 +" <=" + number2;if (number1 >= number2 )result = result + "\n" + number1 + ">=" + number2;//显示结果JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,result," 比较结果",JOptionPane. INFORMATION_MESSAGE);System.exit(0);}}为使程序能正确运行并得到合理的输出结果,初始化结果变量语句(下划线处)应是A.result = ""B.result = nullC.result = number1D.result = number2

阅读下面程序import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class Comparison {public static void main(String args[]) {String firstNumber, //用户输入第1个数据变量secondNumber, //用户输入第2个数据变量result; //输出结果变量int number1, //用于比较的第1个数number2; //用于比较的第2个数//用户输入第1个数据的字符串firstNuinber=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("输入第1个整数:");//用户输入第2个数据的字符串secondNumber=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("输入第2个整数:");//将字符串转换为整数类型number1=Integer.parseInt(firstNumber);number2=Integer.parseInt(secondNumber);//初始化结果变量______//比较两个数据if(number1==number2)result+=number1+"=="+number2;if(number1! =number2) result+=number1+"!="+number2;if(number1<number2) result=result+"\n"+number1+"<"+number2;if(number1>number2) result=result+"\n"+number1+">"+number2;if(number1<=number2) result=result+"\n"+number1+"<="+number2;if(number1>=number2) result=result+"\n"+number1+">="+number2://显示结果JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,result."比较结果",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);System.exit(0);}}为使程序能正确运行并得到合理的输出结果,初始化结果变量语句(下画线处)应是A.result=" ";B.result=nullC.result=number1D.result=number2

b)main(){union{ /*定义一个联合*/int i;struct{ /*在联合中定义一个结构*/char first;char second;}half;}number;number.i=0x4241; /*联合成员赋值*/printf("%c%c\n", number.half.first,mumber.half.second);number.half.first='a'; /*联合中结构成员赋值*/number.half.second='b';printf("%x\n", number.i);getch();}

EIGRP has been configured to opera te over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?() A. the CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the number of circuitsB. the CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionC. the CIR rate of the highest s peed connectionD. the sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

Zhang Jun's teacher suggests that he take a(n)__________language course to improve his English.A.intermediateB.middleC.mediumD.average

EIGRP has been configured to operate over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?()A、the CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the num ber of circuitsB、the CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionC、the CIR rate of the highest speed connectionD、the sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

EIGRP has been configured to opera te over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?()A、the CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the number of circuitsB、the CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionC、the CIR rate of the highest s peed connectionD、the sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

The STUDENT_GRADES table has these columns: STUDENT_ID NUMBER(12) SEMESTER_END DATE GPA NUMBER(4,3) The registrar has asked for a report on the average grade point average (GPA) for students enrolled during semesters that end in the year 2000. Which statement accomplish this? ()A、SELECT AVERAGE(gpa) FROM student_grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';B、SELECT COUNT(gpa) FROM student grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';C、SELECT MIN(gpa) FROM student grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';D、SELECT AVG(gpa) FROM student_grades WHERE semester _ end BETWEEN '01-JAN-2000' and '31-DEC-2000';E、SELECT SUM(gpa) FROM student grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';F、SELECT MEDIAN(gpa) FROM student_grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';


What does the number one 1 represent for interface fe-0/0/1?()A、port numberB、PCI slot numberC、channel numberD、virtual PIC number

What is the typical number of trunks in a Call Center?()A、equal to half the number of IVR ports  B、greater than the number of IVR ports plus the number of agent phones  C、less than or equal to the number of IVR ports plus the number of agent phones  D、twice the number of IVR ports plus the number of agent phones

Examine the description of the MARKS table: STD_ID NUMBER(4) STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) SUBJ1 NUMBER(3) SUBJ2 NUMBER(3) SUBJ3 NUMBER(3) SUBJ1, SUBJ2, and SUBJ3 indicate the marks (grades) obtained by a student in the three subjects. Which two statements are valid? ()A、SELECT SUM(subj1, subj2, subj3) FROM marks;B、SELECT SUM(subj1 + subj2 + subj3) FROM marks;C、SELECT SUM(subj1), SUM(subj2), SUM(subj3) FROM marks;D、SELECT MAX(subj1, subj2, subj3) FROM marks;E、SELECT MINIMUM(subj1) FROM marks;F、SELECT COUNT(std_id) FROM marks WHERE subj1 = AVG(subj1);

单选题When the average of a list of course grades is multiplied by the number of courses, the result is n. What does n represent?AHalf the number of coursesBHalf the sum of course gradesCThe number of coursesDThe average of the course gradesEThe sum of the course grades

问答题What is the number that is one half of one quarter of one tenth of 400?

单选题The STUDENT_GRADES table has these columns: STUDENT_ID NUMBER(12) SEMESTER_END DATE GPA NUMBER(4,3) The registrar has asked for a report on the average grade point average (GPA) for students enrolled during semesters that end in the year 2000. Which statement accomplish this? ()ASELECT AVERAGE(gpa) FROM student_grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';BSELECT COUNT(gpa) FROM student grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';CSELECT MIN(gpa) FROM student grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';DSELECT AVG(gpa) FROM student_grades WHERE semester _ end BETWEEN '01-JAN-2000' and '31-DEC-2000';ESELECT SUM(gpa) FROM student grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';FSELECT MEDIAN(gpa) FROM student_grades WHERE semester _ end '01-JAN-2000' and semester end 31-DEC-2000';

单选题What is the typical number of trunks in a Call Center?()Aequal to half the number of IVR ports  Bgreater than the number of IVR ports plus the number of agent phones  Cless than or equal to the number of IVR ports plus the number of agent phones  Dtwice the number of IVR ports plus the number of agent phones

单选题AThe length of the course.BThe route the cyclists take.CThe number of participants.DThe month in which the tour is held.

单选题What does the number one 1 represent for interface fe-0/0/1?()Aport numberBPCI slot numberCchannel numberDvirtual PIC number


单选题EIGRP has been configured to operate over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?()Athe CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the num ber of circuitsBthe CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionCthe CIR rate of the highest speed connectionDthe sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

单选题If the sum of a number and the original number increased by 5 is greater than11, which could be a possible value of the number?A-5B-1C1D3E4

多选题View the Exhibit and examine the data in the PRODUCT INFORMATION table. Which two tasks would require subqueries? ()Adisplaying the minimum list price for each product statusBdisplaying all supplier IDs whose average list price is more than 500Cdisplaying the number of products whose list prices are more than the average list priceDdisplaying all the products whose minimum list prices are more than the average list price of products having the product status orderableEdisplaying the total number of products supplied by supplier 102071 and having product status OBSOLETE

单选题EIGRP has been configured to opera te over Frame Relay multipoint connections. What should the bandwidth command be set to?()Athe CIR rate of the lowest speed connection multiplied by the number of circuitsBthe CIR rate of the lowest speed connectionCthe CIR rate of the highest s peed connectionDthe sum of all the CIRs divided by the number of connections

单选题A number a increased by 20% of a results in a number b. When b is decreased by 33(1/3)% of b, the result is c. The number c is what percent of a?A40%B60%C80%D120%E150%

单选题The average (arithmetic mean) of a set of seven numbers is 81. If one of the numbers is discarded, the average of the remaining numbers is 78. What is the value of the number that was discarded?A98B99C100D101E102