填空题翻译以下关于邮政储蓄业务员开户业务的有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to open an account. ②Clerk: Fixed or current? ③Customer: Current. ④Clerk: Your ID card, please.

翻译以下关于邮政储蓄业务员开户业务的有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to open an account. ②Clerk: Fixed or current? ③Customer: Current. ④Clerk: Your ID card, please.


解析: 暂无解析


I want to open a(n) _______ in that bank tomorrow.A.fileB.accountC.checkD.document

对话理解听力原文:M: Can I open a foreign currency account and convert my money into a currency which offers the highest interest?W: Yes, we can arrange that for you, but foreign currency exchange rates are subject to fluctuation and sometimes you will suffer losses.Q: What does the woman mean?(11)A.Interest rate of a foreign currency is much higher.B.There are risks of losing money sometimes to open a foreign currency account.C.Foreign currencies exchange rates are relatively stable.D.It is advisable to open a foreign currency account.

听力原文:M: All you need to open a savings account is $20. But in order to earn reasonable interest you should maintain a balance of at least $ 2,000.W: I only have $ 200 but I'll open an account anyway.Q: What information does the man give the woman?(12)A.That she needs $200 to open an account.B.That savings accounts earn low interest.C.That she should not open an account.D.That $ 2,000 will earn reasonable interest.

听力原文:M: Can I make arrangements to open an automatic transfer account for my income tax payments?W: Yes, of course. But you need to indicate what the regular and special transfers should be and we will automatically debit your account for them each month.Q: What kind of account does the customer want to open?(20)A.A savings account.B.A fixed account.C.A check account.D.An automatic transfer account.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, Ms Li. Could you tell me what kind of drawings do you like to make, by cheque or upon presentation of your deposit book?W: I'd prefer to draw by cheque.Q: What account does Ms. Li want to open?(17)A.RMB account.B.A checking account.C.A U.S. dollar account.D.A special account.

对话理解听力原文:W: Since I have some spare cash in my account, I would like to open a time deposit account here. Can you give me some information please?M: With pleasure. We have many kinds of time deposit accounts: 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year.Q: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?(11)A.Customs officer and travelers.B.Employer and employee.C.Business associates.D.Bank clerk and customer.

– What kind of account do you want to open? -- ____________.A、Not at all.B、That’s OK.C、I have an account.D、A savings account.

- I'd like to open an account here. - _______________________ A. Yes, Madam. How can I help you?B. Oh, yes, please.C. I see. What kind of account, please?D. You can do whatever you like.

Bank clerk: ______, Madam?Customer: Well, I just can't remember my password for the bank account.

“你们可以按我指定的时间把礼物送到吗?” 翻译错误的是( )。A.Can you deliver my present the time I want?B.Can you deliver my present at time I want?C.Can you deliver present at the time I want?D.Can you deliver my present at the time I want?

翻译以下关于邮政储蓄业务咨询有关对话。 ①客户:如果要在异地存、取款,我还要交手续费吗? ②职员:是的。基本收费标准为存、取款额的0.5%。每笔最低手续费为2元。每笔存、取款的最高手续费为20元和50元。

“I want to open an account.”译成中文是()A请出示您的证件B我想开个户C我想开个活期账户D我可以帮您

翻译以下关于邮政储蓄国内回执业务有关对话。 ①Clerk: Do you need A.R Service? ②Customer: How about the service charge? ③Clerk:One yuan for SMS service. ④ Customer: All right. ⑤Clerk: Please write down your mobile phone number here. We will inform you when the money arrives there. Thank you.


翻译以下关于邮政储蓄业务员开户业务的有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to open an account. ②Clerk: Fixed or current? ③Customer: Current. ④Clerk: Your ID card, please.

翻译以下关于邮政储蓄取款业务有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to withdraw 100,000yuan. ②Clerk: Have you made an appointment? ③Customer: No. ④Clerk: Sorry. If you withdraw the money over 50,000, you should make an appointment at least one day before.

翻译以下关于邮政储蓄挂失业务有关对话。 ①客户:我把卡丢了。我想挂失。 ②职员:请填写挂失单。 ③客户:给您。 ④职员:请出示您的证件。谢谢。请输入您的密码。请再输一次以便确认。请交十元手续费。这是您的新卡,请收好。 ⑤客户:谢谢。


翻译以下关于邮政储蓄填单业务有关对话。 ①Clerk: Please fill in this form. ②Customer: Sorry, I don’t know Chinese. Would you help me to complete the form? ③Clerk: I am afraid I cannot do it for you. This is our regulation. You can go to the information desk to ask the director on duty for help.

填空题翻译以下关于邮政储蓄取款业务有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to withdraw 100,000yuan. ②Clerk: Have you made an appointment? ③Customer: No. ④Clerk: Sorry. If you withdraw the money over 50,000, you should make an appointment at least one day before.

填空题翻译以下关于邮政储蓄挂失业务有关对话。 ①客户:我把卡丢了。我想挂失。 ②职员:请填写挂失单。 ③客户:给您。 ④职员:请出示您的证件。谢谢。请输入您的密码。请再输一次以便确认。请交十元手续费。这是您的新卡,请收好。 ⑤客户:谢谢。

填空题翻译以下关于邮政储蓄填单业务有关对话。 ①Clerk: Please fill in this form. ②Customer: Sorry, I don’t know Chinese. Would you help me to complete the form? ③Clerk: I am afraid I cannot do it for you. This is our regulation. You can go to the information desk to ask the director on duty for help.

单选题“I want to open an account.”译成中文是()A请出示您的证件B我想开个户C我想开个活期账户D我可以帮您

单选题Customer: I’d like to mail this box to California.  Clerk: ______  Customer: Gee, I don’t know about that. What do you have?  Clerk: Airmail and surface mail.  Customer: I guess surface mail is fine.ADo you want to insure it?BHow do you want to mail it?CWhat can I do for you?DWhere will you mail to?

填空题翻译以下关于邮政储蓄业务咨询有关对话。 ①客户:如果要在异地存、取款,我还要交手续费吗? ②职员:是的。基本收费标准为存、取款额的0.5%。每笔最低手续费为2元。每笔存、取款的最高手续费为20元和50元。

填空题翻译以下关于邮政储蓄国内回执业务有关对话。 ①Clerk: Do you need A.R Service? ②Customer: How about the service charge? ③Clerk:One yuan for SMS service. ④ Customer: All right. ⑤Clerk: Please write down your mobile phone number here. We will inform you when the money arrives there. Thank you.

填空题翻译以下关于邮政储蓄国际汇款业务有关对话。 ①客户:我想寄一千美元到香港。 ②职员:好的。请出示您的有效证件。谢谢!请填写发汇单。 ③客户:给您。汇费是多少? ④职员:20美元。请核对屏幕上您的姓名和地址。 ⑤客户:没问题。 ⑥职员:请拿好您的收据并记住您的监控号码。

填空题翻译以下关于邮政储蓄业务员开户业务的有关对话。 ①Customer: I want to open an account. ②Clerk: Fixed or current? ③Customer: Current. ④Clerk: Your ID card, please.