单选题61. A some B a lot C little D dullAABBCCDD

61.  A some      B a lot    C little   D dull











— You seem to have a lot of work to do in your office.You’ve always been working overtime.— ____________ A.You are right, but don’t you know the meaning of work?B.Sorry, I don’t think so.I get overpaid for overwork, you know.C.That’s right.All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.D.That’s right, but the work is interesting.I don’t mind some extra hours at

Some of my students study a lot,() just don’t care. A.anothersB.the otherC.some otherD.others

– It’s starting to snow. – Starting to snow?(). (A) They are ready for the snow(B) It is typical December weather(C) Once it starts, it’ll snow a lot(D) It has been snowing for some time

12.A.lot ofB. fewC. a little

43. _________ scientists have done a lot of research on A (HINl) flu,there are still some cases for further study.A.AsB.OnceC.IfD.Although

The fire _______ a lot of smoke but little damage was done.A. gave awayB. sent offC. sent upD. gave off

What surprises the girl at school?A.A lot of discussions in class.B.Teachers giving little homework.C.Few students asking questions in class.

A dog or a cat can teach us a lot about human nature. They are a lot more like us ______some might think.A. thatB. whatC. thanD. which

Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer_____ of them.A.other B.anyC.noneD.some

At tea-time the family had______.A. no funB. a little funC. little funD. a lot of fun

—Which foreign language are you better at, English or French?—I am sorry I know _______of English and _______of French.A. lot, lessB. little, even lessC. a little, still lessD. much, less

I think he has ( )in that sort of work. A、some experienceB、much experiencesC、little experiencesD、few experience

Cherry, what do you think of today’s English homework?().A. A little difficult.B. The teacher assigned a lot.C. No problem.

We don’t have ______ fruit in the house.Let me buy ______.A、any, anyB、any, someC、a little, anyD、some, any

A lot of people have tried, but _______ have succeeded.A、a fewB、fewC、muchD、little

It can be concluded from Para. 2 that______.A.doing nothing leads people to get bored easilyB.western people pay little attention to boredomC.boredom only affects the assembly line workerD.people are liable to get bored in a dull situation

Tell me a little about some of your extracurricular activities that would assist you in this job.

( )–I’d like __________ grapes and pears.–Oh, I only need __________ orange juice.A.some;a fewB.a few;someC.a little;fewD.a little;a few

What surprises the girl at school?A.A lot of discussions in class.B.Teachers giving little homeworkC.Few students asking questions in class.

I am feeling a lot more healthy than I was.A:many B: no C:much D:some

I am feeling a lot more healthy than I was.A:many B:no C:much D:some

I am feeling a lot more healthy than I was.A:many B:no C:much D:some

船公司在提单上批注"Few carton bottom little wet"、"some carton little damaged"等字样,这种提单是()。A、清洁提单B、不清洁提单C、指示提单D、过期提单

单选题Some animals can _____ in the desert on very little water.AsurviveBstarveCrelieveDroutine

单选题68. A few B little C lot D manyAABBCCDD

单选题You may spend too much time in a bookshop because _____.Athe dust-jackets of some books are very attractiveByou start reading one of the booksCit is raining outsideDyou have to make sure you don't buy a dull book as a present

单选题船公司在提单上批注"Few carton bottom little wet"、"some carton little damaged"等字样,这种提单是()。A清洁提单B不清洁提单C指示提单D过期提单