单选题在CSM网络管理界面,下拉【Port】,单击【Port Setting】,就可以配置(  )。A交换机的端口速率B交换机的速率C交换机的系统时间D交换机的用户口令

在CSM网络管理界面,下拉【Port】,单击【Port Setting】,就可以配置(  )。









在CSM网络管理界面,下拉【Port】,单击【Port Setting】,就可以配置交换机的端口速率、通信方式等。


在Catalyst6500交换机上将端口3/1~ 3/24的传输速率设置为1Gbps,正确的配置是( )。A) set port speed 3/1-3/24 1000000B) set port speed 3/1-24 1000000C) set port speed 3/1-3/24 1000D) set port speed 3/1-24 1000


进行设备配置的user-interface的类型包括()。A.控制台端口(Console port)B.异步串行端口(Asynchronous Serial Port)C.辅助端口(Auxiliary Port)D.虚拟端口(Virtualuser terminal interface)

下面用于在交换机中配置Trunk承载的VLAN的命令是( ) A、access vlan vlan-idB、port link-type trunkC、port trunk allow-pass vlanD、set port vlan vlan-id

在CSM网络管理界面,下拉【View】菜单,单击【Front Panel】,就可以看到一张交换机所有________运行状态的图。


--- Port five! ----Port five!__________!A.Wheel port fiveB.Port fiveC.Port is fiveD.Yes

CSM网络管理界面可以完成以下哪些基本管理功能? Ⅰ.速率设置Ⅱ.查看交换机运行状态 Ⅲ.VLAN配置 Ⅳ.端口配置A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ与ⅢB.Ⅰ、Ⅱ与ⅣC.Ⅱ、Ⅲ与ⅣD.Ⅰ、Ⅲ与Ⅳ

在CSM网络管理界面下拉View菜单,单击Front Panel,就可以看到一张交换机所有端口运行状态图, ( )是正在正在工作的端口。

请填写以下Cisco 6500交换机端口配置命令的描述。set port name mod_num/port_num[name_string] (1)set port level mod—num/port_num noramal I high (2)set port speed mod_num/port_num1011001auto (3)set port duplex mod_num/port_num fullIhalf (4)show port mod_num/port_num (5)

You are the administrator of Ezonexam.com's network.You want to connect your Windows 2000 Professional computer to a new TCP/IP based laser print device. The print device is Plug and Play compliant and is included on the current Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). When you attempt to create a new TCP/IP printer port you receive the following error message:"Specified Port cannot be added. The port already exists."You want to be able to use the new TCP/IP printer.What should you do?A.Modify the properties of the existing printer port to use the new print device.B.Change the LPT port setting to bidirectional in the BIOS on your computer.C.Change the LPT port setting to enable legacy Plug and Play detection on your computer.D.Obtain and install the WDM-compliant device drivers and printing software for the printer.


根据下图,该access list被配置在路由器RTB的S0/0接口上的OUT方向,哪两个数据包会被DENY,如果被路由到该接口上的话?() A.source ip address: destination port:21B.source ip address: destination port:21C.ssource ip address192.168.15.41 destination port:21D.source ip address: destination port:23E.source ip address: destination port:23F.source ip address: destination port:23

CSM网络管理界面可以完成以下哪些基本管理功能( ):① 速率设置 ② 查看交换机运行状态 ③ VLAN配置 ④ 端口配置A.①②③B.①②④C.②③④D.①③④

在CSM网络管理界面,在下拉View菜单中单击Topology,就可以看到( )A.该交换机与其他主机连接的拓扑图B.该交换机与其他网络连接的拓扑图C.该交换机与其他路由器连接的拓扑图D.该交换机与其他交换机连接的拓扑图

At last,the palm trees that fringe the natural harbor of Port Aloahoa come into view on the horizon lit by the setting sun.The meaning of this sentence is that ______.A.a vessel arrives at a port in a eveningB.a vessel leaves a port in a eveningC.a vessel arrives at a port in a morningD.a vessel leaves a port in a morning

汉译英:“装运港;卸货港”,正确的翻译为( )。A. port of transfer ; port of discharge B. port of loading ; port of dischargeC. port of transfer ; port of destination D. port of loading ; port of desdnafion

在7750SR中配置QinQ接口以下正确的配置是()A、port 1/1/1:12:3B、sap 1/1/1:12.3C、sap 1/1/1:12,3D、port 1/1/1:12;3

--- Port five! ----Port five!()!A、Wheel port fiveB、Port fiveC、Port is fiveD、Yes

The forward part of the ship on port is called the().A、port sideB、port quarterC、port bowD、fore port

Which three flow-control port states lead to enabled link flow control? ()A、 Receive port: Enabled, Transmit port: EnabledB、 Receive port: Enabled, Transmit port: DesiredC、 Receive port: Enabled, Transmit port: DisabledD、 Receive port: Disabled, Transmit port: DesiredE、 Receive port: Desired, Transmit port: Desired

要想让S3026透传vlan100,必须要在S3026上配置哪些命令()。A、vlan 100B、port link-type trunkC、port trunk permit vlan 100D、port trunk pvid vlan 1

下面哪条命令可以配置华为交换机的端口为hybrid模式()。A、swichport hybridB、hybrid enableC、port link-type hybridD、port mode hybrid

You are the administrator of Company's network. You wish to connect your Windows 2000 Professional computer to a new TCP/IP based Plug and Play compliant print device. The print device is included on the current Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) When you attempt to create a new TCP/IP printer port, you receive the following message:   "Specified Port cannot be added. The port already exists."  You want to create a new TCP/IP printer port.  What should you do? ()A、Change the LPT port setting to enable legacy Plug and Play detection on your computer.B、Delete the existing printer port.C、Change the LPT port setting to bidirectional in the BIOS on your computer.D、Obtain and install the WDM-compliant device drivers and printing software for the printer.

单选题你是一企业网络管理员,你使用的防火墙在UNIX下的IPTABLES,你现在需要通过对防火墙的配置不允许192.168.0.2这台主机登陆到你的服务器,你应该怎么设置防火墙规则?()Aiptables—A input—p tcp—s—source—port 23—j DENYBiptables—A input—p tcp—s—destination—port 23—j DENYCiptables—A input—p tcp—d—source—port 23—j DENYDiptables—A input—p tcp—d—destination—port 23—j DENY

单选题IEEE 802.1w is a Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) that can be seen as an evolution of the 802.1 standard. What are the port roles described by 802.1w?()Aroot port,designated port,alternate port,backup port,and disabledBstandby port,alternate port,root port,and disabledCstandby port,designated port,backup port,and disabledDroot port,designated port,alternate port,and standby port

多选题Which three flow-control port states lead to enabled link flow control? ()AReceive port: Enabled, Transmit port: EnabledBReceive port: Enabled, Transmit port: DesiredCReceive port: Enabled, Transmit port: DisabledDReceive port: Disabled, Transmit port: DesiredEReceive port: Desired, Transmit port: Desired