单选题—All ladies like going shopping like crazy.  —Sorry, sir ______AI can't agree moreBI guess soCI think differentlyDyou can say that again

—All ladies like going shopping like crazy.  —Sorry, sir ______

I can't agree more


I guess so


I think differently


you can say that again


句意:——所有的女性疯了一样的喜欢购物。——对不起,先生。我不这样认为。根据sorry可知,讲话者持有相反的观点。故答案是C项。can’t agree more非常赞同。


55. What do we know about the character(个性) of my neighbor’s mother?A. She would like to buy expensive things.B. She would like to buy cheap things.C. She would like to help others when they’re in trouble.D. She would like to have her son pay for her shopping.

–()–Sorry. I have another appointment next Monday. A、I'd like to make an appointment with you.B、I'd like to make an appointment for next Monday.C、I'd like to meet with Mr. Smith next Monday.D、Can you see me next Monday?

A: I'm going to clean the house. B: () do the shopping. A、I like toB、I wouldC、I'll

-----Ken, , but your TV is going too loud.-----Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll turn it down right now.A. I’d like to talk with you B. I’m really tired of thisC. I hate to say this D. I need your help

15.A.wantsB.likesC.is going toD.would like

My mother would like me________ (do) some shopping with her.

These shopping bags are _____. Do you like them?A. oursB. ourC. my

--- How do you like the film?--- __________.A. It’s very good. I like it.B. I’m fine, thank you.C. Sorry, I don’t know about it.

Morning Maggie. Could you talk briefly about your career development?A、Good morning, Mr. Marx. I’m going to do a brief about my latest work and performance.B、Sure, Mr. Marx. Thanks for giving me this opportunity. I started as a clerk in this company ...C、Sorry, Mr. Marx, but I don’t like my boss at all I think he is too serious and critical

Would you like to come to our party this weekend?().A. Yes, I had great fun at the partyB. No, I’d like to at tend the partyC. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to attend the party

Teachers declare that girls should act like ladies and keep quiet.(Sexism in School) () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Would you like ______ the cinema with me? A、go toB、to go toC、to goingD、going to

My husband doesn't ( ), but I like it very much.A. like shoppingB. like shopC. likes shopping

Mary doesn’t like going to parties and meeting new people. She is very ________. AA.go shopping with meB.to go shopping with meC.to going shopping with me

Mary: How about going to dinner at Pizza Hut tonight?Jean: ___________A、Forget it.B、Sorry,I like pizza.C、That's great!D、Glad you like it.

要清除当前所有其名字的第2个字符为“X”的内存变量,应该使用命令______。A.RELEASE ALL *X*B.RELEASE ALL LIKE X*C.RELEASE ALL LIKE ?X*D.RELEASE ALL LIKE "?X*"

3. Not all students like playing sports. Some like watching TV, and _____like sleeping.A.otherB.othersC.the othersD.the other

29. Why do people like teleshopping?A. Because they like watching TV.B. Because they can do some shopping at home,C. Because they like the heavy traffic.D. Because they think the things on TV are good.

--Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon?--__________.A.No way.I'll do my homeworkB.It's a pleasureC.Well,I feel like staying at homeD.I have no time

Would you like()this afternoon?Ago shopping with meBto go shopping with meCto going shopping with me

How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight? ()A、Forget it.B、Sorry, I like Mexican food.C、That's great!D、Glad you like it.

英译中:I’m sorry, sir. I’m going to your room as soon as I finish this one.

单选题要清除所有开头字母为A的变量,应使用命令().Arelease all like a*Brelease all like a?Crele all except a?Drelease all except a*

单选题Would you like()this afternoon?Ago shopping with meBto go shopping with meCto going shopping with me

单选题Which of the following is probably true of the woman?AShe has no or few plans for the weekend.BShe’d like to go out with the man.CShe is going to be busy all day Sunday.

单选题From the last paragraph, we can learn _____ if they keep lazy.Apeople may have heart diseaseBpeople can work at home all the timeCpeople like shopping onlineDpeople don’t like climbing the stairs

单选题Rebecca may like ______ according to the passage.Aplaying musicBchatting with friendsCdoing some shopping