单选题ClassOne.java  1. package com.abc.pkg1;  2. public class ClassOne {  3. private char var = ‘a’;   4. char getVar()  {return var;}  5. }  ClassTest.java    1. package com.abc.pkg2;  2. import com.abc.pkg1.ClassOne;  3. public class ClassTest extends ClassOne {  4.   public static void main(String[]args)  {  5.     char a = new ClassOne().getVar();  6.     char b = new ClassTest().getVar();   7.   }  8. }      What is the result?()A Compilation will fail.B Compilation succeeds and no exceptions are thrown.C Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 5 in ClassTest.java.D Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 6 in ClassTest.java.

ClassOne.java  1. package com.abc.pkg1;  2. public class ClassOne {  3. private char var = ‘a’;   4. char getVar()  {return var;}  5. }  ClassTest.java    1. package com.abc.pkg2;  2. import com.abc.pkg1.ClassOne;  3. public class ClassTest extends ClassOne {  4.   public static void main(String[]args)  {  5.     char a = new ClassOne().getVar();  6.     char b = new ClassTest().getVar();   7.   }  8. }      What is the result?()

 Compilation will fail.


 Compilation succeeds and no exceptions are thrown.


 Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 5 in ClassTest.java.


 Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 6 in ClassTest.java.


解析: 暂无解析


下列Java源程序结构中前三种语句的次序,正确的是A.import, package, public classB.import必为首,其他不限C.public class, import, packageD.package, import, public class

下列哪个选项的java源文件代码片段是不正确的?A.package testpackage; public class Test{ }B.import java. io. *; package testpaekage; public class Test { }C.import java.io.*; class Person { } public class Test { }D.import java.io.*; import java. awt.*; public class Test{ }

下列哪个选项的java源文件程序段是不正确的? ( )A.package testpackage; public class Test{ }B.import java.io.*; package testpackage; public class Test{ }C.import java.i.*; class Person{} public class Test{ }D.import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; public class Test { }

1. public class Target {  2. private int i = 0;  3. public int addOne() {  4. return ++i;  5. }  6. }  And:  1. public class Client {  2. public static void main(String[] args) {  3. System.out.println(new Target().addOne());  4. }  5. }  Which change can you make to Target without affecting Client?() A、 Line 4 of class Target can be changed to return i++;B、 Line 2 of class Target can be changed to private int i = 1;C、 Line 3 of class Target can be changed to private int addOne() {D、 Line 2 of class Target can be changed to private Integer i = 0;

1. public interface A {  2. public void doSomething(String thing);  3. }  1. public class AImpl implements A {  2. public void doSomething(String msg) { }  3. }  1. public class B {  2. public A doit() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5.  6. public String execute() { 7. // more code here  8. }  9. }  1. public class C extends B {  2. public AImpl doit() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5.  6. public Object execute() {  7. // more code here  8. }  9. }  Which statement is true about the classes and interfaces in the exhibit?() A、 Compilation will succeed for all classes and interfaces.B、 Compilation of class C will fail because of an error in line 2.C、 Compilation of class C will fail because of an error in line 6.D、 Compilation of class AImpl will fail because of an error in line 2.

1. public class a {  2. public void method1() {  3. try {  4. B b=new b();  5. b.method2();  6. // more code here  7. } catch (TestException te) {  8. throw new RuntimeException(te);  9. }  10. }  11. }  1. public class b {  2. public void method2() throws TestException {  3. // more code here  4. }  5. }  1. public class TestException extends Exception {  2. }  Given:  31. public void method() {  32. A a=new a();  33. a.method1();  34. }  Which is true if a TestException is thrown on line 3 of class b?()A、 Line 33 must be called within a try block.B、 The exception thrown by method1 in class a is not required to be caught.C、 The method declared on line 31 must be declared to throw a RuntimeException.D、 On line 5 of class a, the call to method2 of class b does not need to be placed in a try/catch block.

Given a file GrizzlyBear.java:  1. package animals.mammals;  2.  3. public class GrizzlyBear extends Bear {  4. void hunt() {  5. Salmon s = findSalmon();  6. s.consume();  7. }  8. }  and another file, Salmon.java:  1. package animals.fish; 2.  3. public class Salmon extends Fish {  4. void consume() { /* do stuff */ }  5. }  Assume both classes are defined in the correct directories for theft packages, and that the Mammal class correctly defines the findSalmon() method. Which two changes allow this code to compile correctly?()A、 add public to the start of line 4 in Salmon.javaB、 add public to the start of line 4 in GrizzlyBear.javaC、 add import animals.mammals.*; at line 2 in Salmon.javaD、 add import animals.fish.*; at line 2 in GrizzlyBear.javaE、 add import animals.fish.Salmon.*; at line 2 in GrizzlyBear.javaF、 add import animals.mammals.GrizzlyBear.*;at line 2 in Salmon.java

Given classes defined in two different files:  1. package util;  2. public class BitUtils {  3. private static void process(byte[] b) { }  4. }  1. package app;  2. public class SomeApp {  3. public static void main(String[] args) {  4. byte[] bytes = new byte[256];  5. // insert code here  6. }  7. }  What is required at line 5 in class SomeApp to use the process method of BitUtils?() A、 process(bytes);B、 BitUtils.process(bytes);C、 app.BitUtils.process(bytes);D、 util.BitUtils.process(bytes);E、 import util.BitUtils. *; process(bytes);F、 SomeApp cannot use the process method in BitUtils.

package foo; public class Outer (  public static class Inner (  )  )   Which statement is true? () A、 An instance of the Inner class can be constructed with “new Outer.Inner ()”B、 An instance of the inner class cannot be constructed outside of package foo.C、 An instance of the inner class can only be constructed from within the outer class.D、 From within the package bar, an instance of the inner class can be constructed with “new inner()”

package geometry;  public class Hypotenuse {  public InnerTriangle it = new InnerTriangle();  class InnerTriangle {  public int base;  public int height;  }  }  Which is true about the class of an object that can reference the variable base? ()A、 It can be any class.B、 No class has access to base.C、 The class must belong to the geometry package.D、 The class must be a subclass of the class Hypotenuse.

ClassOne.java: 1. package com.abe.pkg1; 2. public class ClassOne { 3. private char var = ‘a’; 4. char getVar() { return var; } 5. } ClassTest.java: 1. package com.abe.pkg2; 2. import com.abc.pkg1.ClassOne; 3. public class ClassTest extends ClassOne { 4. public static void main(String[] args) { 5. char a = new ClassOne().getVar();6. char b = new ClassTest().getVar(); 7. } 8. } What is the result?()A、 Compilation fails.B、 Compilation succeeds and no exceptions are thrown.C、 An exception is thrown at line 5 in ClassTest.java.D、 An exception is thrown at line 6 in ClassTest.java.

1. public class OuterClass {  2. private double d1 = 1.0;  3. // insert code here  4. }  Which two are valid if inserted at line 3?()  A、 static class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }B、 static class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }C、 private class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }D、 protected class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }E、 public abstract class InnerOne { public abstract double methoda(); }

1. class super {  2. public float getNum() {return 3.0f;}  3. }  4.    5. public class Sub extends Super { 6.   7. }   Which method, placed at line 6, will cause a compiler error?()  A、  Public float getNum()   {return 4.0f; }B、  Public void getNum ()  { }C、  Public void getNum (double d)   { }D、  Public double getNum (float d) {retrun 4.0f; }

ClassOne.java   package com.abc.pkg1;   public class ClassOne {   private char var = ‘a‘;   char getVar() {return var;}   }   ClassTest.java   package com.abc.pkg2;   import com.abc.pkg1.ClassOne;   public class ClassTest extends ClassOne {  public static void main(Stringargs) {  char a = new ClassOne().getVar();  char b = new ClassTest().getVar();   }   }   What is the result?()  A、 Compilation will fail.B、 Compilation succeeds and no exceptions are thrown.C、 Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 5 in ClassTest.java.D、 Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 6 in ClassTest.java.

单选题ClassOne.java  1. package com.abc.pkg1;  2. public class ClassOne {  3. private char var = ‘a’;   4. char getVar()  {return var;}  5. }  ClassTest.java    1. package com.abc.pkg2;  2. import com.abc.pkg1.ClassOne;  3. public class ClassTest extends ClassOne {  4.   public static void main(String[]args)  {  5.     char a = new ClassOne().getVar();  6.     char b = new ClassTest().getVar();   7.   }  8. }      What is the result?()A Compilation will fail.B Compilation succeeds and no exceptions are thrown.C Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 5 in ClassTest.java.D Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 6 in ClassTest.java.

多选题现有2 个文件:  1. package x;  2. public class X {  3. public static void doX() { System.out.print("doX "); }  4. }  和:  1. class Find {  2. public static void main(String [] args) {  3. //insert code here  4. }  5. }  哪两行分别插入到类Find 的第3 行将编译并产生输出“doX”? ()AdoX();BX.doX();Cx.X.doX();Dx.X myX = new x.X(); myX.doX();

单选题package geometry;  public class Hypotenuse {  public InnerTriangle it = new InnerTriangle();  class InnerTriangle {  public int base;  public int height;  }  }  Which is true about the class of an object that can reference the variable base? ()A It can be any class.B No class has access to base.C The class must belong to the geometry package.D The class must be a subclass of the class Hypotenuse.

单选题Given classes defined in two different files:  1. package util;  2. public class BitUtils {  3. public static void process(byte[]) { /* more code here */ }  4. }  1. package app;  2. public class SomeApp {  3. public static void main(String[] args) {  4. byte[] bytes = new byte[256];  5. // insert code here  6. }  7. }  What is required at line 5 in class SomeApp to use the process method of BitUtils?()A process(bytes);B BitUtils.process(bytes);C util.BitUtils.process(bytes);D SomeApp cannot use methods in BitUtils.E import util.BitUtils.*; process(bytes);

单选题Given classes defined in two different files:  1. package util;  2. public class BitUtils {  3. private static void process(byte[] b) { }  4. }  1. package app;  2. public class SomeApp {  3. public static void main(String[] args) {  4. byte[] bytes = new byte[256];  5. // insert code here  6. }  7. }  What is required at line 5 in class SomeApp to use the process method of BitUtils?()A process(bytes);B BitUtils.process(bytes);C app.BitUtils.process(bytes);D util.BitUtils.process(bytes);E import util.BitUtils. *; process(bytes);F SomeApp cannot use the process method in BitUtils.

单选题Given: 1.package test; 2. 3.class Target { 4.public String name = "hello";5.} What can directly access and change the value of the variable name?()Aany classBonly the Target classCany class in the test packageDany class that extends Target

单选题下列Java源程序结构中前三种语句的次序,正确的是(  )。Aimport,package,public classBimport必为首,其他不限Cpublic class,package,importDpackage,import,public class

单选题package foo; public class Outer (  public static class Inner (  )  )   Which statement is true? ()A An instance of the Inner class can be constructed with “new Outer.Inner ()”B An instance of the inner class cannot be constructed outside of package foo.C An instance of the inner class can only be constructed from within the outer class.D From within the package bar, an instance of the inner class can be constructed with “new inner()”

单选题1. public class a {  2. public void method1() {  3. try {  4. B b=new b();  5. b.method2();  6. // more code here  7. } catch (TestException te) {  8. throw new RuntimeException(te);  9. }  10. }  11. }  1. public class b {  2. public void method2() throws TestException {  3. // more code here  4. }  5. }  1. public class TestException extends Exception {  2. }  Given:  31. public void method() {  32. A a=new a();  33. a.method1();  34. }  Which is true if a TestException is thrown on line 3 of class b?()A Line 33 must be called within a try block.B The exception thrown by method1 in class a is not required to be caught.C The method declared on line 31 must be declared to throw a RuntimeException.D On line 5 of class a, the call to method2 of class b does not need to be placed in a try/catch block.

单选题package foo;  public class Outer {  public static class Inner {  }  }   Which statement is true?()A Compilation fails.B An instance of the Inner class can be constructed with “new Outer.Inner()”.C An instance of the Inner class cannot be constructed outside of package foo.D An instance of the Inner class can be constructed only from within the Outer class.E From within the package foo, and instance of the Inner class can be constructed with “new Inner()”.

多选题1. public class OuterClass {  2. private double d1 = 1.0;  3. // insert code here  4. }  Which two are valid if inserted at line 3?()Astatic class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }Bstatic class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }Cprivate class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }Dprotected class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }Epublic abstract class InnerOne { public abstract double methoda(); }

多选题1. public class A {  2. public void method1() {  3. B b=new B();  4. b.method2();  5. // more code here  6. }  7. }  1. public class B {  2. public void method2() {  3.C c=new C();  4. c.method3();  5. // more code here  6. }  7. }  1. public class C {  2. public void method3() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5. }  Given:  25. try {  26. A a=new A();  27. a.method1();  28. } catch (Exception e) {  29. System.out.print(”an error occurred”);  30. }  Which two are true if a NullPointerException is thrown on line 3 of class C?()AThe application will crash.BThe code on line 29 will be executed.CThe code on line 5 of class A will execute.DThe code on line 5 of class B will execute.EThe exception will be propagated back to line 27.

单选题ClassOne.java   package com.abc.pkg1;   public class ClassOne {   private char var = ‘a‘;   char getVar() {return var;}   }   ClassTest.java   package com.abc.pkg2;   import com.abc.pkg1.ClassOne;   public class ClassTest extends ClassOne {  public static void main(Stringargs) {  char a = new ClassOne().getVar();  char b = new ClassTest().getVar();   }   }   What is the result?()A Compilation will fail.B Compilation succeeds and no exceptions are thrown.C Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 5 in ClassTest.java.D Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 6 in ClassTest.java.

单选题Given a class Repetition:  1. package utils;  2.  3. public class Repetition {  4. public static String twice(String s) { return s + s; }  5. }  and given another class Demo:  1. // insert code here 2.  3. public class Demo {  4. public static void main(String[] args) {  5. System.out.println(twice(”pizza”));  6. }  7. }  Which code should be inserted at line 1 of Demo.java to compile and run Demo to print“pizzapizza”?()A import utils.*;B static import utils.*;C import utils.Repetition.*;D static import utils.Repetition. *;E import utils.Repetition.twice();F import static utils.Repetition.twice;G static import utils.Repetition.twice;