单选题Pipelines are not ()Alabor-intensiveBcapital-intensiveCtech-intensiveDlow cost and high return

Pipelines are not ()







low cost and high return


解析: 中文:管道运输是非劳动密集型的。


In recent years, one of the more popular topics for panel discussions at computer conferences and trade(61)has been the "RISC versus CISC" debate.RISC processors feature a small number of instructions that each executes in(62)machine cycle. CISC processors use complex instructions that can take several cycles to execute.The RISC versus CISC debate won't be decided by panel discussion; it will be won in the marketplace. And the deciding factor may have little to do with(63)of instructions and registers and more to do with parallelism.Since their conception, RISC processors have been evolving toward micro parallelism, incorporating parallel-processing features(64)the processor, RISC processors feature pipelining, whereby many instructions can be decoded while one instruction executes. RISC processors, however, are moving toward pipelines for each unit of the processor.CISC processors also employ pipelining. They have many integer instructions that execute in one cycle, but the varying execution times of CISC instructions(65)the effectiveness of parallelism.A.showsB.twoC.numbersD.betweenE.limit

The charts show two dashed lines crossing the river justsouth of St. Catherine Bar Light. What does this indicate?A.Overhead power linesB.Louisiana-Mississippi ferry crossingsC.Two railroad trestlesD.Two submerged oil pipelines

共用题干“Liquefaction” Key to Much of Japanese Earthquake DamageThe massive subduction zone earthquake in Japan caused a significant level of soil“liquefaction” that has surprised researchers with its1severity,a new analysis shows.“We've seen localized examples of soil liquefaction as extreme as this before,but the distance and2of damage in Japan were unusually severe,”said Scott Ashford,a professor of geotechnical engineering at Oregon State University.“Entire structures were tilted and sinking into the sediments,”Ashford said.“The shifts in soil destroyed water,drain and gas pipelines,crippling the utilities and infrastructure these communities need to3. We saw some places that sank as much as four feet.”Some degree of soil liquefaction is common in almost any major earthquake. It's a phenomenon in which soils soaked with water,particularly recent sediments or sand,can lose much of their4and flow during an earthquake. This can allow structures to shift or sink or5.But most earthquakes are much6than the recent event in Japan,Ashford said. The length of the Japanese earthquake,as much as five minutes,may force researchers to recon-sider the extent of liquefaction damage possibly occurring in situations such as this.“With such a long-lasting earthquake,we saw7structures that might have been okay after 30 seconds just continued to sink and tilt as the shaking continued for several more minutes,”he said.“And it was clear that younger sediments,and especially areas built on8filled ground,are much more vulnerable.”The data provided by analyzing the Japanese earthquake,researchers said,should make it possible to improve the understanding of this soil9and better prepare for it in the future.Ashford said it was critical for the team to collect the information quickly,10damage was removed in the recovery efforts.“There's no doubt that we'll learn things from what happened in Japan that will help us to reduce risks in other similar11,”Ashford said.“Future construction in some places may make more use of techniques known to reduce liquefaction,such as better compaction to make soils dense,or use of reinforcing stone columns.”Ashford pointed out that northern California have younger soils vulnerable to liquefac-tion一on the coast,near river deposits or in areas with filled ground. The“young”sedi-ments,in geologic terms,may be those12within the past 10,000 years or more. In Ore-gon,for instance,that describes much of downtown Portland,the Portland International Airport and other cities.Anything13a river and old flood plains is a suspect,and the Oregon Department of Transportation has already concluded that 1,100 bridges in the state are at risk from an earthquake.Fewer than 15 percent of them have been reinforced to14collapse. Japan has suffered tremendous losses in the March 11 earthquake,but Japanese construction15 helped prevent many buildings from collapse一even as they tilted and sank into the ground.14._________A: prevent B: accelerate C: predict D: detect

共用题干第二篇Energy and Public LandsThe United States boasts substantial energy resources.Federal lands provide a good deal of US energy production,the US Department of the Interior manages federal energy leasing(租赁),both on land and on the offshore Outer Continental Shelf. Production from these sources amounts to nearly 30 percent of total annual US energy production.In 2000,32 percent of US oil,35 percent of natural gas,and 37 percent of coal were produced from federal lands,representing 20,000 producing oil and gas leases and 135 producing coal leases.Federal lands are also estimated to contain approximately 68 percent of all undiscovered US oil reserves and 74 percent of undiscovered natural gas.Revenues from federal oil,gas,and coal leasing provide significant returns to US taxpayers as well as State Government.In 1999,for example,$553 million in oil and gas revenues were paid to the US Treasury, and non-Indian coal leases accounted for over $304 million in revenues,of which 50 percent were paid to State governments.Public lands also play a critical role in energy delivery.Each year,federal land managers authorize rights of way for transmission lines,rail systems,pipelines,and other facilities related to energy production and use.Alternative energy production from federal lands falls behind conventional energy production,though the amount is still significant. For example , federal geothermal(地热)resources produce about 7. 5 billion kilowatt-hours(千瓦时)of electricity per year , 47 percent of all electricity generated from US geothermal energy.There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone,producing electricity for about 300 ,000 people. Federal hydropower(水电)facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States.Because of the growing US thirst for energy and increasing public unease with dependence on foreign oil sources,pressure on public lands to meet US energy demand is becoming more intense.Public lands are available for energy development only after they have been evaluated through the land use planning process. If development of energy resources conflicts with management or use of other resources,development restric-tions or impact moderation measures may be enforced,or mineral production may be banned altogether. Public lands can be used for energy development when_________________.A:energy development restrictions are effectiveB:federal land managers grant permissionsC:they go through the land use planning processD:there is enough federal budget

共用题干第二篇Energy and Public LandsThe United States boasts substantial energy resources.Federal lands provide a good deal of US energy production,the US Department of the Interior manages federal energy leasing(租赁),both on land and on the offshore Outer Continental Shelf. Production from these sources amounts to nearly 30 percent of total annual US energy production.In 2000,32 percent of US oil,35 percent of natural gas,and 37 percent of coal were produced from federal lands,representing 20,000 producing oil and gas leases and 135 producing coal leases.Federal lands are also estimated to contain approximately 68 percent of all undiscovered US oil reserves and 74 percent of undiscovered natural gas.Revenues from federal oil,gas,and coal leasing provide significant returns to US taxpayers as well as State Government.In 1999,for example,$553 million in oil and gas revenues were paid to the US Treasury, and non-Indian coal leases accounted for over $304 million in revenues,of which 50 percent were paid to State governments.Public lands also play a critical role in energy delivery.Each year,federal land managers authorize rights of way for transmission lines,rail systems,pipelines,and other facilities related to energy production and use.Alternative energy production from federal lands falls behind conventional energy production,though the amount is still significant. For example , federal geothermal(地热)resources produce about 7. 5 billion kilowatt-hours(千瓦时)of electricity per year , 47 percent of all electricity generated from US geothermal energy.There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone,producing electricity for about 300 ,000 people. Federal hydropower(水电)facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced in the United States.Because of the growing US thirst for energy and increasing public unease with dependence on foreign oil sources,pressure on public lands to meet US energy demand is becoming more intense.Public lands are available for energy development only after they have been evaluated through the land use planning process. If development of energy resources conflicts with management or use of other resources,development restric-tions or impact moderation measures may be enforced,or mineral production may be banned altogether. Which of the following statements is true of public lands in the U.S.?A:Half of US energy is produced there.B:The majority of undiscovered natural gas is stored there.C:Most of coal was produced from there in 2000.D:Most energy resources are reserved there.

资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios.On Friday afternoon there was an example of what that might mean Mr Obama’s administration issued an order temporarily blocking construction on a section of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The move was a response to local concerns raised by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe about potential damage to historic sites and the threats of oil spills. But it is the global issue of climate change that had raised the profile of Dakota Access, making it into a cause celebre for US environmental campaigners. Bill McKibben of 350.org, which played a key role in the successful effort to stop the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, has suggested that Mr Obama could block Dakota Access permanently, on the grounds that it would exacerbate the threat of climate change.Last month, the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality issued new guidance for federal agencies, making clear that their decisions should take into account “the potential effects of a proposed action on climate change”, and quantify their consequences for greenhouse gas emissions. Dakota Access is intended to carry crude oil 1,172 miles from North Dakota, a centre of the US shale revolution, to Illinois, en route to refineries around America. The case that it would add to global greenhouse gas emission will be harder to make than for Keystone XL, which would have brought crude from the high-emitting oil sands of western Canada, but the campaigners are certain to try.If Dakota Access is stopped, it will have a significant impact not just on energy Transfer Partners, the company leading the project, but on all North Dakota oil producers and their customers, who will be forced to use more expensive rail transport.Climate change is now an unavoidable business issue. In an excellent paper last week, BlackRock, the world’s largest fund manager, set out some of the ways that investors can reduce their exposure to the risks and benefit from the opportunities that it creates. The paper is a landmark in the rising awareness of the issue among mainstream investors. It is one thing when a philanthropic fund with assets of a few hundred million takes a stand on climate issues, quite another when the warnings come from a company with about $4.9tn under management. As BlackRock points out, investors’ personal views on climate science are irrelevant. Enough governments and businesses are convinced by the scientific consensus that the threat is real, and are driving regulatory and technological changes that interested in you.六If the world is to reduce the risk of catastrophic global warming to acceptable levels, there will have to be a huge reallocation of capital away from fossil fuels and toward low-emission energy sources. That shift has begun, but it needs to go much further. The transition is not straightforward: for as long as oil is the lifeblood of the world’s transport, pipelines will be needed. But when investors and boards make decisions about projects like Dakota Access, they will have to consider their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. The financial consequences of climate change can no longer be ignored.According to the article, which one of the following statements is false? ( )A.To reduce the risk of global warming, more should be invested on low-emissions energy sources.B.Climate change is not only a climate issue, but also a business issue.C.It’s more difficult to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions on the Dakota Access than Keystone XL.D.US and China will work together to cope with climate change.

资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios.On Friday afternoon there was an example of what that might mean Mr Obama’s administration issued an order temporarily blocking construction on a section of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The move was a response to local concerns raised by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe about potential damage to historic sites and the threats of oil spills. But it is the global issue of climate change that had raised the profile of Dakota Access, making it into a cause celebre for US environmental campaigners. Bill McKibben of 350.org, which played a key role in the successful effort to stop the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, has suggested that Mr Obama could block Dakota Access permanently, on the grounds that it would exacerbate the threat of climate change.Last month, the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality issued new guidance for federal agencies, making clear that their decisions should take into account “the potential effects of a proposed action on climate change”, and quantify their consequences for greenhouse gas emissions. Dakota Access is intended to carry crude oil 1,172 miles from North Dakota, a centre of the US shale revolution, to Illinois, en route to refineries around America. The case that it would add to global greenhouse gas emission will be harder to make than for Keystone XL, which would have brought crude from the high-emitting oil sands of western Canada, but the campaigners are certain to try.If Dakota Access is stopped, it will have a significant impact not just on energy Transfer Partners, the company leading the project, but on all North Dakota oil producers and their customers, who will be forced to use more expensive rail transport.Climate change is now an unavoidable business issue. In an excellent paper last week, BlackRock, the world’s largest fund manager, set out some of the ways that investors can reduce their exposure to the risks and benefit from the opportunities that it creates. The paper is a landmark in the rising awareness of the issue among mainstream investors. It is one thing when a philanthropic fund with assets of a few hundred million takes a stand on climate issues, quite another when the warnings come from a company with about $4.9tn under management. As BlackRock points out, investors’ personal views on climate science are irrelevant. Enough governments and businesses are convinced by the scientific consensus that the threat is real, and are driving regulatory and technological changes that interested in you.六If the world is to reduce the risk of catastrophic global warming to acceptable levels, there will have to be a huge reallocation of capital away from fossil fuels and toward low-emission energy sources. That shift has begun, but it needs to go much further. The transition is not straightforward: for as long as oil is the lifeblood of the world’s transport, pipelines will be needed. But when investors and boards make decisions about projects like Dakota Access, they will have to consider their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. The financial consequences of climate change can no longer be ignored.Which one of the following is not the measure taken by US government to deal with climate change? ( ).A.Stop the Dakota Access permanentlyB.Join the Paris climate agreement.C.Require federal agencies to take climate change into consideration when making decisions.D.Suspend the construction of Dakota Access.

共用题干第二篇Home HeatingCentral heating became popular only after the Civil War.Typically,coal-burning furnaces(火炉)fueled the early systems.Natural gas had developed into the leading fuel by 1960.Its acceptance resulted in part from its wide uses.Because it comes primarily from U.S.and Canadian fields , natural gas is also less vulnerable(脆弱的)than oil is to war.Oil remains the most important fuel in a few areas,such as New England.Electric heating dominates most areas with mild winters and cheap electricity,including the South and the Northwest.It was made popular at least in the South by the low cost of adding electric heating to new houses built with air-conditioning.Bottled gas,which is somewhat more expensive than utility gas,is the fuel of choice in rural areas not served by utility pipelines.Wood is the leading heating fuel in just a few rural counties.Home heating,which accounts for less than 7 per cent of all energy consumed in the U.S.,has had a commendable(值得赞扬的)efficiency record : from 1 978 to 1 997 , the amount of fuel consumed for this purpose declined 44 per cent despite a 33 per cent increase in the number of housing units and an increase in house size.TheU.S.Department of Energy,however,forecasts that energy used in home heating will rise by 14 per cent over the next two decades.That rise is small considering an expected 21 per cent increase in the number of houses and the trend toward larger houses.Natural gas and electricity will probably dominate the home heating market for the next two decades.Solar(太阳的)heating never became popular because of cost and limited winter sunlight in most areas;in 2000 only 47,000 homes relied on it.According to paragraph 3,energy consumed in home heating over the next two decades will increase byA:33 per cent.B:31 per cent.C:21 per cent.D:14 per cent.

共用题干第二篇Home HeatingCentral heating became popular only after the Civil War.Typically,coal-burning furnaces(火炉)fueled the early systems.Natural gas had developed into the leading fuel by 1960.Its acceptance resulted in part from its wide uses.Because it comes primarily from U.S.and Canadian fields , natural gas is also less vulnerable(脆弱的)than oil is to war.Oil remains the most important fuel in a few areas,such as New England.Electric heating dominates most areas with mild winters and cheap electricity,including the South and the Northwest.It was made popular at least in the South by the low cost of adding electric heating to new houses built with air-conditioning.Bottled gas,which is somewhat more expensive than utility gas,is the fuel of choice in rural areas not served by utility pipelines.Wood is the leading heating fuel in just a few rural counties.Home heating,which accounts for less than 7 per cent of all energy consumed in the U.S.,has had a commendable(值得赞扬的)efficiency record : from 1 978 to 1 997 , the amount of fuel consumed for this purpose declined 44 per cent despite a 33 per cent increase in the number of housing units and an increase in house size.TheU.S.Department of Energy,however,forecasts that energy used in home heating will rise by 14 per cent over the next two decades.That rise is small considering an expected 21 per cent increase in the number of houses and the trend toward larger houses.Natural gas and electricity will probably dominate the home heating market for the next two decades.Solar(太阳的)heating never became popular because of cost and limited winter sunlight in most areas;in 2000 only 47,000 homes relied on it.What fuel is the dominant fuel in New England?A:Gas.B:Electricity.C:Wood.D:Oil.

共用题干第二篇Home HeatingCentral heating became popular only after the Civil War.Typically,coal-burning furnaces(火炉)fueled the early systems.Natural gas had developed into the leading fuel by 1960.Its acceptance resulted in part from its wide uses.Because it comes primarily from U.S.and Canadian fields , natural gas is also less vulnerable(脆弱的)than oil is to war.Oil remains the most important fuel in a few areas,such as New England.Electric heating dominates most areas with mild winters and cheap electricity,including the South and the Northwest.It was made popular at least in the South by the low cost of adding electric heating to new houses built with air-conditioning.Bottled gas,which is somewhat more expensive than utility gas,is the fuel of choice in rural areas not served by utility pipelines.Wood is the leading heating fuel in just a few rural counties.Home heating,which accounts for less than 7 per cent of all energy consumed in the U.S.,has had a commendable(值得赞扬的)efficiency record : from 1 978 to 1 997 , the amount of fuel consumed for this purpose declined 44 per cent despite a 33 per cent increase in the number of housing units and an increase in house size.TheU.S.Department of Energy,however,forecasts that energy used in home heating will rise by 14 per cent over the next two decades.That rise is small considering an expected 21 per cent increase in the number of houses and the trend toward larger houses.Natural gas and electricity will probably dominate the home heating market for the next two decades.Solar(太阳的)heating never became popular because of cost and limited winter sunlight in most areas;in 2000 only 47,000 homes relied on it.Which of the following statements is NOT true,according to the article?A:Natural gas comes partly from Canadian fields.B:Bottled gas is more expensive than utility gas.C:Equipment for home heating has been considerably improved.D:Solar heating dominated America in 2000.

Pipelines are not ()A、labor-intensiveB、capital-intensiveC、tech-intensiveD、low cost and high return

单选题Attention is called to the fact that in many cases pipelines are not () and charted depths may be decreased by up to 2 meters.AconcealedBburiedCexistedDbuilt

单选题Attention is called to the fact in many cases pipelines are not buried and charted depth may be decreased()up to teo meters.AwithBbyConDin

单选题The piping that routes an oil cargo from the manifold to underdeck pipelines is known as a ().Acargo fillBline dropCtransferDbranch line

单选题What is the significance of the broken magenta lines which roughly parallel the shore between Roanoke Point and Orient Point on Long Island().AThey mark the limits of breakers in that areaBThese lines warn the mariner of submerged rocksCThey mark the boundary lines of fish trap areasDThese lines warn the mariner of submerged pipelines

单选题Vessels should not anchor or trawl in the vicinity of pipelines and are()in the pipeline area shown on the chart.AProhibit to anchorBProhibited to anchorCProhibited from anchorDProhibited from anchoring

单选题A high temperature alarm or () which will melt is used to guard against the explosion of compressor air pipelines.Aa flame trapBa relief valveCa fusible plugDa bursting cap

单选题The charts show two dashed lines crossing the river justsouth of St. Catherine Bar Light. What does this indicate? ()AOverhead power linesBLouisiana-Mississippi ferry crossingsCTwo railroad trestlesDTwo submerged oil pipelines

单选题Vessels should not anchor or trawl in the vicinity of pipelines and are().in the pipeline area shown on the chart.Aprohibit to anchorBprohibited to anchorCnot to anchorDprohibited from anchoring

单选题The loss of () from an air compressor could lead to an overheated air discharge and possibly an explosion in the pipelines leading to the air reservoir.Alubricating oilBcompressed airCcooling waterDsealing ring