In recent years, one of the more popular topics for panel discussions at computer conferences and trade(61)has been the "RISC versus CISC" debate.RISC processors feature a small number of instructions that each executes in(62)machine cycle. CISC processors use complex instructions that can take several cycles to execute.The RISC versus CISC debate won't be decided by panel discussion; it will be won in the marketplace. And the deciding factor may have little to do with(63)of instructions and registers and more to do with parallelism.Since their conception, RISC processors have been evolving toward micro parallelism, incorporating parallel-processing features(64)the processor, RISC processors feature pipelining, whereby many instructions can be decoded while one instruction executes. RISC processors, however, are moving toward pipelines for each unit of the processor.CISC processors also employ pipelining. They have many integer instructions that execute in one cycle, but the varying execution times of CISC instructions(65)the effectiveness of parallelism.A.showsB.twoC.numbersD.betweenE.limit
In recent years, one of the more popular topics for panel discussions at computer conferences and trade(61)has been the "RISC versus CISC" debate.RISC processors feature a small number of instructions that each executes in(62)machine cycle. CISC processors use complex instructions that can take several cycles to execute.The RISC versus CISC debate won't be decided by panel discussion; it will be won in the marketplace. And the deciding factor may have little to do with(63)of instructions and registers and more to do with parallelism.Since their conception, RISC processors have been evolving toward micro parallelism, incorporating parallel-processing features(64)the processor, RISC processors feature pipelining, whereby many instructions can be decoded while one instruction executes. RISC processors, however, are moving toward pipelines for each unit of the processor.CISC processors also employ pipelining. They have many integer instructions that execute in one cycle, but the varying execution times of CISC instructions(65)the effectiveness of parallelism.