单选题If you have trouble_______the poems, the notes on the margins will help you.Ato understandBunderstandingCfor understandingDwith understanding

If you have trouble_______the poems, the notes on the margins will help you.

to understand




for understanding


with understanding




To have your travel notes published, you may contact.A. Students’ UnionB. Gayle MooreC. The International CenterD. Life Planning Workshop

29. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The test is the most important for a student.B. After class ,you should review what you have learned.C. You should listen to your teacher and take notes carefully in class.D. When you plan your time ,you should think of the time for eating ,sleeping and so on

(b) Explain why making sales of Sabals in North America will have no effect on Nikau Ltd’s ability to recover itsinput tax. (3 marks)Notes: – you should assume that the corporation tax rates and allowances for the financial year to 31 March 2007will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.– you should ignore indexation allowance.

Tell me about a city you have visited.You should say:where the city is and when you went therewhat people can see and do in that citywhy that city is special and explain why your visit to that city was memorable.You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.You will have one minute to think about what you're going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Taking Notes in Class Taking good notes is a three-stage process _____________ (1) there are certain things you should do before class, during class, and after class. Before class. Review your notes from the previous class session before you come to class. This will help you remember what _____________ (2) and get you ready to understand new information your teacher provides. Also, complete all assigned readings before you come to class. During class. Keep your attention _____________ (3) what your teacher is saying. Listen for “signal statements” that tell you that what your teacher is about to say is important to write in your notes. Write quickly by writing ____________ (4) words such as “med” for “medicine”, using symbols such as “%” for “percent”, and writing short sentences. After class. Rewrite your notes to make them more complete by changing abbreviated words into whole words. Make your notes __________ (5) accurate by answering any questions you had when writing your notes in class. You may ask your teacher or other students for help.1.A、in thatB、in whichC、whereD、which2.A、was coveredB、is coveredC、coversD、are covering3.A、focusing onB、focus onC、is focused onD、focused on4.A、shortB、abbreviatedC、otherD、several5.A、veryB、quiteC、moreD、most

听力原文:M: Excuse me, Madam, could you tell me what you are going to convert, bank notes or traveler's cheques?W: Well, ¥68,000 in notes and ¥90,000 in traveler's cheques. Here are my notes and traveler's cheques.Q: What is the customer going to convert?(16)A.¥90,000 in notes and ¥68,000 in traveler's cheques.B.¥68,000 in notes and ¥90,000 in traveler's cheques.C.¥6,800 in notes and ¥9,000 in traveler's cheques.D.¥9,000 in notes and ¥6,800 in traveler's cheques.

听力原文:If you lose your bank notes, the chance for you to get them back is not high.(10)A.If you lose your bank notes, you will not get them back.B.If you lose your bank notes, you will get compensation.C.If you lose your bank notes, you can get them back soon.D.If you lose your bank notes, most probably, you will not get them back.

—You work for a small chain of clothing stores. The Managing Director has asked you to write a short report on last month's performance.—Look at the charts and table below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.—Then, using all your handwritten notes, write the report for your Managing Director—Write 120-140 words.

Prof.Lee’s book will show you( )can be used in other contexts.A.that you have observedB.that how you have observedC.how that you have observedD.how what you have observed

Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as iron have all been used as money. Today, money is printed on paper. A lot of countries use their own currency, with n ames such as dollar, pound, franc, ruble, yuan and so on. Since 2002, 18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins. If you want to pay for something in another currency, you have to change your money into the other money. If you want to travel outside your native country, you need to change your own country's money for the money of the country you are visiting. Most large banks sell foreign currencies. You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance, which is concerned with exchange rates between different currencies. Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex aspects of international banking.This best title for this passage is The history of money".

Which should you check to verify that you have correct software product versions installed?()A、Administration Guide B、Release Notes C、Software Center D、Application Administration E、Compatibility Matrices F、patch availability

单选题You are creating a sales data template and need to add a picture to the margin. What is the best way to add this margin?()AChoose the margin code in the object navigator and select file-import-image. BChoose the margin node in the object navigator and use the tool bar button. CClick the margin button in the layout model and select file-import-image. DClick the margin button in the layout model and use the tool bar button.

单选题The reviewer didn’t make notes in the margin of the book becauseAit was not convenient on the plane.Bthe author of the book had made them.Che borrowed the book from others.

问答题【参考范例七】PART 2Describe a person you live with or used to live with. You should say: when you lived together what is special about this person whether you live together now and explain why you choose this person to talk about.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

问答题【参考范例二】PART 2Describe a colleague that you like to work with. You should say: what this person does what sort of work you do with this person how long you have known each other and explain why you like to work with this person.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

问答题【参考范例四】PART 2Describe a happy person you have met. You should say: who the person is where the person lives what makes him or her so happy and explain whether other people have similar opinion of this person.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

问答题【参考范例九】A MuseumPart 2Describe a museum you’ve visited. You should say:what museum it is when it was built what exhibitions are displayed hereand explain why you choose this museum to talk about.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

问答题【参考范例三】PART 2Describe a foreign musician or artist you like. You should say: who the person is what he/she is good at in art field when you began to know him/her and explain why you like to talk about this person.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

问答题You recently entered a competition for learners of English. You have just received this letter from the organizers of the competition, on which you have written some notes.  Read the letter carefully. Then write a reply giving the information requested and also covering the notes you have written in the letter.  Write a letter of no fewer than 80 words in an appropriate style on the answer sheet. Do not write any addresses.

问答题You and your classmates are going to have a party to celebrate the end of your course and you have offered to book a room for this event. You have seen the advertisement below, but you need to know more. Using the notes you have made, write to the Brideswell Inn giving relevant details and asking for further information.  Write a letter of no fewer than 80 words in an appropriate style. Don’t write any addresses. Now write the letter on the answer sheet.

问答题Practice 5  Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

单选题Students at a certain university have complained that some of their professors do not provide copies of their lecture notes at every class. The student body president has argued that, in order to further the educational purposes of the university, all professors should be required to post their lecture notes online.  Which of the following, if true, most weakens the students’ argument that the professors should be required to post their lecture notes online?AAt the most popular classes, there are often insufficient quantities of lecture note copies to accommodate all of the students.BStudents have acknowledged that if the lecture notes are posted online, they will be less likely to go to class.CProfessors complain that the university does not provide sufficient copying funds, so that professors often have to pay for copies of lecture notes out of their own pockets.DOver 80 percent of students have access to the Internet in their dorm rooms, and all students have 24-hour access to the Internet at the computer lab.EThe university has publicly stated that one of the educational goals of the university is to help all students gain competency with the Internet.

问答题【参考范例八】A TV HostPart 2Describe a TV host you like. You should say:who the host is how you got to know him/her what is special about him/her and explain whether he/she is popular among your friends.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

单选题I have no _____ to take notes in hopes of future use.AleisureBspareClaundryDleague

判断题Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as iron have all been used as money. Today, money is printed on paper. A lot of countries use their own currency, with n ames such as dollar, pound, franc, ruble, yuan and so on. Since 2002, 18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins. If you want to pay for something in another currency, you have to change your money into the other money. If you want to travel outside your native country, you need to change your own country's money for the money of the country you are visiting. Most large banks sell foreign currencies. You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance, which is concerned with exchange rates between different currencies. Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex aspects of international banking.Foreign exchange rates have significant impact on the economy of a country.A对B错

问答题Practice 2  This portrait-gallery of old Etonians is very select: preeminent distinction of birth or merit may win you a place there, or again official connection with the school, which rightly loves to keep up an unbroken panorama of its teachers, and to vivify its annals with the faces and figures of the personalities who carried on its traditions. But how came Dolben there? It was because he was a poet, — that I knew; — and yet his poems were not known; they were jealously guarded by his family and a few friends: indeed such of his poems as could have come to the eyes of the authorities who sanctioned this memorial would not justify it. There was another reason; and the portrait bears its own credentials; for though you might not perhaps divine the poet in it, you can see the saint, the soul rapt in contemplation, the habit of stainless life, of devotion, of enthusiasm for high ideals. Such a being must have stood out conspicuously among his fellows; the facts of his life would have been the ground of the faith in his genius; and when his early death endeared and sanctified his memory, loving grief would generously grant him the laurels which he had never worn. (Robert Bridges: A School Portrait)

单选题The key word notes are supposed to _____.Amake your presentation simpleBmake your presentation well organizedCremind you of the things you are going to talk aboutDhelp you memorize the material faster in preparation