


解析: 暂无解析


填空题Tom has made the (decide) ____ to apply for a job in the company.

单选题They had talked only for a few minutes _____ they found they were of different opinions.AunlessBwhileCbeforeDonce

单选题Falls in the bathroom are considered to be unfortunate because _____.Athey can easily be avoidedBold people seldom fall in bathroomsCgrab bars do not help to prevent fallsDbathroom accidents are difficult to prevent

填空题It will be very (help) ____ if each member presents his or her own opinion at the meeting.



填空题What will happen if you do not touch the button “START”?The microwave oven ____.


单选题_____AYes, I know that.BYes, I’d like to.CYes, I’m all right.DYes, I’m sure.

填空题The new machine ought to (test) ____ before it is put to use.

填空题Since we work in different sections of the company, we see each other only (occasional) ____.

单选题_____ABy ship.BBy train.CBy plane.DBy bus.

单选题If the machine should _____, call this number immediately.Aput onBset outCbreak downDgo up

单选题It is important that we _____ the task ahead of time.Awill fishBfinishedCfinishDshall finish

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that _____.Ateenagers under 14 are not allowed to visit the White HouseBforeigners are less likely to be permitted to tour the White HouseCseparate tours can also be scheduled for individual visitorsDsecurity is the chief concern in scheduling White House tours

填空题From whom may Mr. Smith seek advice about the proposed agreement?His family, a union, ____, or someone else he trusts.

填空题Why do more Americans have to drive to work?Because they have moved out of the ____to the suburbs.

填空题What does the speaker think of following a doctor’s advice?Following a doctor’s advice is not always ____.

单选题If you require funding for tuition costs, your application should be in the Student Financial Aid Services at least three weeks before your registration date.A如果你需要资助学费,应向助学办公室提出申请,并至少提前三周办理注册。B如果你需要申请贷款交纳学费,你应该至少在三周内到助学办公室登记注册。C如果你需要学费资助,最迟应该在注册日期三周前将你的申请交到助学办公室。

单选题Peter misunderstood the instructions his boss gave him and mailed the wrong documents to the supplier.A彼得按照老板给他的指示把单据误寄给了供货商。B彼得误解了老板对他的指示,向供货商发错了单据。C彼得对老板的指示还没理解就把错误的单据交给供货商。


填空题When deeply ____ (lose) in thought, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.


填空题What service does CashPlus offer?It offers a ____ of credit.


单选题The policeman kept his eyes _____ on the screen of the computer to identify the criminal’s foot-prints.AfixedBfixingCbeing fixedDto fix

单选题Jack would rather spend time complaining than _____ the problem by himself.AsolveBsolvedCsolvesDto solve

单选题According to the passage, pocket calculators _____.Awill help students think fastBwill make math too easy for themCwill do harm to students’ thinking abilityDwill contribute to the spread of new technology