单选题The concept of television, ______ images over distances, had intrigued scientists even before the invention of moving pictures or radio.Athe transmission ofBtransmitted byCtransmission intoDthe transmitting for
The concept of television, ______ images over distances, had intrigued scientists even before the invention of moving pictures or radio.
the transmission of
transmitted by
transmission into
the transmitting for
因为电视能远距离传输图像,所以在电影和无线电出现之前就有科学家对它产生浓厚的兴趣了。“the transmission of images” 是 “the concept of television”的同位语。
因为电视能远距离传输图像,所以在电影和无线电出现之前就有科学家对它产生浓厚的兴趣了。“the transmission of images” 是 “the concept of television”的同位语。
I wish we had a color TV. I’m _ pictures in black and white. A.tired ofB.interested inC.fond ofD.fed up
Telecommunications stand for devices and systems that transmit electronic or optical signals across long distances. Telecommunications enables people around the world to contact one another, to access information instantly, and to communicate from remote areas. Telecommunications usually involves a sender of information and one or more recipients linked by a technology, such as a telephone system, that transmits information from one place to another. Telecommunications enables people to sand and receive personal messages across town, between countries, and to and from outer space. It also provides the key medium for delivering news, data, information, and entertainment.Telecommunications devices convert different types of information, such as sound and video, into electronic or optical signals. Electronic signals typically travel along a medium such as copper wire or are carried over the air as radio waves. Optical signals typically travel along a medium such as strands of glass fibers. When a signal reaches its destination, the device on the receiving end converts the signal back into an understandable message, such as sound over a telephone, moving images on a television, or words and pictures on a computer screen.Telecommunications messages can be sent in a variety of ways and by a wide range of devices. The messages can be seat from one sender to a single receiver (point-to-point) or from one sender to many receivers (point-to-multipoint). Personal communications, such as a telephone conversation between two people or a facsimile (fax) message (see Facsimile Transmission), usually involve point-to-point transmission. Point-to-multipoint telecommunications, often called broadcasts, provide the basis for commercial radio and television programming.Telecommunications begin with messages that are converted into electronic or optical signals. Some signals, such as those that carry voice or music, are created in an analog or wave format, but may be converted into a digital or mathematical format for faster and more efficient transmission. The signals are then sent over a medium to a receiver, where they are decoded back into a form. that the person receiving the message can understand. There are a variety of ways to create and decode signals, and many different ways to transmit signals.Individual people, businesses, and governments use many different types of telecommunications systems. Some systems, such as the telephone system, use a network of cables, wires, and switching stations for point-to-point communication. Other systems, such as radio and television, broadcast radio signals over the air that can be received by anyone who has a device to receive them. Some systems make use of several types of media to complete a transmission. For example, a telephone call may travel by means of copper wire, fiber-optic cable, and radio waves as the call is sent from sender to receiver. All telecommunications systems are constantly evolving as telecommunications technology improves. Many recent improvements, for example, offer high-speed broadband connections that are needed to send multimedia information over the Internet.Personal computers have pushed the limits of the telephone system as more and more complex computer messages are being sent over telephone lines, and at rapidly increasing speeds. This need for speed has encouraged the development of digital transmission technology. The growing use of personal computers for telecommunications has increased the need for innovations in fiber-optic technology.Telecommunications and information technologies are merging and converging. This means that many of the devices now associated with only one function may evolve into more versatile equipment. This convergence is already happening in various fields. Some telephones and pagers are able to store not only phone numbers but also names and personal information aboA.Current development.B.Transmission of message.C.Computer networking.D.Government regulation.
Television is a ______ in the transmission of message.A.senderB.receiverC.transmitting deviceD.none of the above
在通信专业中,TCP的英文全称是()A.Transmission Control ProcessB.Transfer Control ProtocolC.Transmission Connecting ProtocolD.Transmission Control Protocol
When most people refer to multimedia, they generally mean the combination of two or more continuous media, usually with some user(115). In practice, the two media are normally audio and video, this is,(116)plus moving(117).It should be' obvious by now that transmitting multimedia material in uncompressed form. is completely out of(118). The only hope is that massive compression is possible. Fortunately, a large body of research over the past few decades has led to many compression techniques and algorithms that make multimedia transmission(119).A.displayB.gamesC.helpD.interactionE.pictures
With regard to Ethernet media access methods, which of the following are true?(Choose all that apply.)A.A device waits for an electronic signal before transmitting.B.A device listens and waits until the media is not busy before transmitting.C.All devices on an Ethernet segment see data that passes on the network medium.D.Only the sender and the receiver devices see data that passes on the network medium.E.Ethernet networks allow you to configured devises with higher transmission priority.
If a GMDSS radio operator initiates a DSC distress transmission but does not insert a message,what happens ________.A.The transmission is aborted and an alarm sounds to indicate this data must be provided by the operatorB.The transmission is not initiated and“ERROR”is indicated on the display readoutC.The transmission will be made with“default”information provided automaticallyD.The receiving station will poll the DSC unit of the vessel in distress to download the necessary information
Professor Smith promised to look()my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence.A、onB、afterC、intoD、over
You are the network consultant from passguide.com. You have been asked for which two features of optical networks allow data to be transmitted over extremely long distances? ()A、EncryptionB、Bandwidth limitsC、Minimal signal lossD、No EMI
What is a benefit of Internet protocol (IP) telephony?()A、Synchronizes password exchanges for call setupB、Eliminates the need for physical cabling in a TCP/IP networkC、Enables two-way voice transmission over a packet-switched TCP/IP networkD、Creates an encrypted tunnel for voice through a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/IP network
Which statement best describes the application of link fragmentation and interleaving (LFI)?()A、It compresses the Layer 2 payload and marks the packet as a high priority to be transmitted firstB、It fragments larger packets and allows VoIP packets to be transmitted in between them.C、It stops the transmission of large packets when priority packets arrive.D、It sends high priority packets in between normal traffic packets.
产生彩色投影必须调整下面哪个参数()A、light的light transmission设为100%B、light的light transmission设为0%C、投影层的阴影层的light transmission设为80%D、接受阴影层的light transmission设为100%
With regard to Ethernet media access methods, which of the following are true?()A、A device waits for an electronic signal before transmitting.B、A device listens and waits until the media is not busy before transmitting.C、All devices on an Ethernet segment see data that passes on the network medium.D、Only the sender and the receiver devices see data that passes on the network medium.E、Ethernet networks allow you to configured devises with higher transmission priority.
Refer to the exhibit. What is the configuration an example of?()A、enabling modular QoS over Frame RelayB、enabling Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) header compressionC、enabling distributed compressed Transmission Control ProtocolD、enabling latency and jitter reduction for Transmission Control trafficE、enabling TCP header compression
单选题What is a benefit of Internet protocol (IP) telephony?()ASynchronizes password exchanges for call setupBEliminates the need for physical cabling in a TCP/IP networkCEnables two-way voice transmission over a packet-switched TCP/IP networkDCreates an encrypted tunnel for voice through a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/IP network
单选题The transmission system transmitting power from the engine to the propeller is composed of shafts, bearings, and()ApropellerBflying wheelCmain engineDcrankshaft
单选题It is implied in the passage that ______.Amany scientists had known dinoflagellate before 1988Bthere had been no such organisms before 1988Cmany scientists were in doubt about the nature of the organism in 1988Dno scientists knew anything about the organism in 1988
单选题If a GMDSS radio operator initiates a DSC distress transmission but does not insert a message,what happens? ()AThe transmission is aborted and an alarm sounds to indicate this data must be provided by the operatorBThe transmission is not initiated and ERROR is indicated on the display readoutCThe transmission will be made with default information provided automaticallyDThe receiving station will poll the DSC unit of the vessel in distress to download the necessary information
单选题Refer to the exhibit. What is the configuration an example of?()Aenabling modular QoS over Frame RelayBenabling Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) header compressionCenabling distributed compressed Transmission Control ProtocolDenabling latency and jitter reduction for Transmission Control trafficEenabling TCP header compression
单选题If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should().Ause English languageBalways use the International CodeCpreface it by the word SOSDfollow the transmission with the radio alarm signal
单选题Which statement best describes the application of link fragmentation and interleaving (LFI)?()AIt compresses the Layer 2 payload and marks the packet as a high priority to be transmitted firstBIt fragments larger packets and allows VoIP packets to be transmitted in between them.CIt stops the transmission of large packets when priority packets arrive.DIt sends high priority packets in between normal traffic packets.
单选题What should you do if you have transmitted a distress call a number of times on channel 16 and have received no reply?()ARepeat the message using any other channel on which you might attract attentionBKey the microphone several times before transmitting againCTurn up the volume on the receiver before transmitting againDReport the problem to the head electrician
单选题Before(),a station shall take precautions to ensure that its emission will not interfere with transmission already in progress.AtransmitBto transmittingCtransmittingDin transmitting
单选题产生彩色投影必须调整下面哪个参数()Alight的light transmission设为100%Blight的light transmission设为0%C投影层的阴影层的light transmission设为80%D接受阴影层的light transmission设为100%
填空题Nikola Tesla invented alternating current technology that enabled electricity to be transmitted over long distances.____
单选题In NAVTEX service, VITAL warnings will()by transmitting station.Abe transmitted at once though the frequency is not clearBbe transmitted as soon as the frequency is cleared coordinatelyCbe transmitted at its scheduled transmissionsDbe transmitted at next scheduled transmissions