单选题If the Shipowner can only show that some part of the damage to the goods was due to a cause within the exception,he must also show how much of the damage is comprised in that part,otherwise he is liable().Afor the partBfor the wholeCfor the parts of damage not due to causes within the exceptionDfor the parts of damage due to causes within the exception

If the Shipowner can only show that some part of the damage to the goods was due to a cause within the exception,he must also show how much of the damage is comprised in that part,otherwise he is liable().

for the part


for the whole


for the parts of damage not due to causes within the exception


for the parts of damage due to causes within the exception


解析: 暂无解析


Why does the author say that his car becomes the extension of his personality?A. Driving can show his real self.B. Driving can show the other part of his personality.C. Driving can bring out his character.D. His carembodies his temper.

Which of the following activities can be considered as part of risk mitigationA risk identificationB purchasing insuranceC assessment of outcomesD assessment of probabilitiesE C and D only

Dr Frisoni attributed the patients' changing music taste to[A] man's desire to seek novel experience.[B] the damage to the left part of the brain.[C] the shift of predominance from the right lobe to the left.[D] the weakening of some part of the nervous system.

听力原文:Investors can cope with some investment problems by confining their investments to those that involve only modest risk.(2)A.Investors can cope with any problems they may meet.B.Investors can't cope with problems when they meet with difficulty.C.Investors can cope with some investment problems by confining their investments to those that involve only modest risk.D.Investors can cope with easy problems.

That's only ___ of the story.A、a partB、some partC、partD、any part

Can people smoke in the plane?A.N0,they can’t.B.Yes,but only in some areas of the place.C.Yes,but only in the cabin.D.It is not mentioned in the announcement.

If the Shipowner can only show that some part of the damage to the goods was due to a cause within the exception, he must also show how much of the damage is comprised in that part, otherwise he is liable ________ .A.for the partB.for the wholeC.for the parts of damage not due to causes within the exceptionD.for the parts of damage due to causes within the exception

If it is clear that the damage must have arisen either from bad stowage or from perils of the sea,and are excepted,in order to escape liability the Shipowner must show that the damage arose from the latter.“the latter”refers to ______A.the ShipownerB.bad stowageC.perils of the seaD.the shipper

The Shipowner may do what is reasonable ______ any of these liens in view of the fact that they are possessory liens,i.e. they can only be enforced by retaining actual or constructive possession of the cargo.A.to delayB.to arrangeC.to sustainD.to maintain

材料:Some older decisions have held that the carrier,in order to rebut the presumption of liability resulting from the arrival in damaged condition of GOODs shipped undamaged,must prove not only that the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perils,but also that the harm did not result from any negligence on the carriers part.Most more recent decisions and authors,however,uphold the view that,in general,the carrier may rebut the claimants prima facie case simply by proving that the loss was caused by an excepted peril.At that point,the onus switches to the cargo claimant to prove that the true cause of the loss was the carriers negligence.Nevertheless certain Hague and Hague/Visby Rules exceptions,expressly or implicitly,also require the carrier to negative its own negligence in proving the exception itself.For example,a clause in the said rules expressly imposes on the carrier the burden of proving that the loss or damage occurred without its actual fault or privity and without any fault or neglect on the part of its servants or agents.The carrier,however,must truly prove the existence of one or more of the exceptions and their causative role in respect of the loss or damage.Conjectures and speculation do not take the place of hard evidence.A court has held:“Mere speculation will not overcome the prima facie evidence of a clean bill of lading”.问题:The carrier will be held liable for the loss or damage if _______.A.it is proved that he has privity to the loss or damageB.it is proved that the fault or neglect on his part is not the true cause of the loss or damageC.it is too onerous for him to demonstrate that the loss or damage is caused by what is beyond his controlD.if there are conjectures and speculationIn accordance with old decisions,the carrier will not be excused unless he has proved that _______.A.not only the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perils,but also that the harm did not result from any negligence on the his partB.the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perilsC.the harm did not result from any negligence on his partD.there are conjectures and speculationIn accordance with most more recent decisions and authors,the carrier will not be excused unless he has proved that _______.A.not only the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perils,but also that the harm did not result from any negligence on the his partB.the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perilsC.the harm did not result from any negligence on his partD.there are conjectures and speculationIt is concluded that _______.A.The carrier is not in a position to prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perilsB.It can not be decided that whether the carrier has to prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perils because there are some differences between the decisions and authors and requirements of Hague and Hague/Visby RulesC.The carrier does not have to prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perils due to the fact that there are some differences between the decisions and authors and requirements of Hague and Hague/Visby RulesD.The carrier must truly prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perils even there are some differences between the decisions and authors and requirements of Hague and Hague/Visby Rules请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

共用题干Nuclear Power and Its DangerNuclear power's danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it,partly because it cannot be detected by human senses.lt can't be seen or heard,or touched,or tasted,even though it may be all around us.There are other things like that.For example,radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them,sense them,without a radio receiver.Similarly,we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector.But unlike common radio waves, nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest level of radiation can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be significant.This is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed outnght.Your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in trouble.They reproduce themselves in a deformed way.They can grow into cancer.Sometimes this does not show up for many years.This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated and feel fine,then die of cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result.Or a child can be born weak or liable to serious illness as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.Radiation can hurt us.We must know the truth.The underlined word"significant"in Paragraph 3 most probably means______.A:fatal B:meaningfulC:remarkableD:harmful

共用题干第一篇Nuclear Power and Its DangerNuclear power's danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it,partly because it cannot be detected by human senses.It can't be seen or heard,or touched or tasted,even though it may be all around us.There are other things like that. For example,radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them,sense them,without a radio receiver. Similarly,we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves,nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest level of radiation can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be significant. This is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed outright,your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in trouble.They reproduce themselves in a deformed way.They can grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated and feel fine,then die of cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result.Or a child can be born weak or liable to serious illness as result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.Radiation can hurt us.We must know the truth.Radiation can hurt us in the way that it can________.A:kill large numbers of cells in main organs so as to cause death immediatelyB:damage cells which may grow into cancer years laterC:affect the healthy growth of our offspringD:all of the above

共用题干第一篇Nuclear Power and Its DangerNuclear power's danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it,partly because it cannot be detected by human senses.It can't be seen or heard,or touched or tasted,even though it may be all around us.There are other things like that. For example,radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them,sense them,without a radio receiver. Similarly,we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves,nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest level of radiation can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be significant. This is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed outright,your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in trouble.They reproduce themselves in a deformed way.They can grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated and feel fine,then die of cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result.Or a child can be born weak or liable to serious illness as result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.Radiation can hurt us.We must know the truth.According to the passage,the danger of nuclear power lies in________.A:nuclear mysteryB:radiation detectionC:nuclear radiationD:radiation level

共用题干Nuclear Power and Its DangerNuclear power's danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it,partly because it cannot be detected by human senses.lt can't be seen or heard,or touched,or tasted,even though it may be all around us.There are other things like that.For example,radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them,sense them,without a radio receiver.Similarly,we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector.But unlike common radio waves, nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest level of radiation can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be significant.This is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed outnght.Your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in trouble.They reproduce themselves in a deformed way.They can grow into cancer.Sometimes this does not show up for many years.This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated and feel fine,then die of cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result.Or a child can be born weak or liable to serious illness as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.Radiation can hurt us.We must know the truth.Radiation1 can cause serious consequences even at the lowest level______.A:when it kills few cellsB:if it damages few cellsC:though the damaged cells can repair themselvesD:unless the damaged cells can reproduce themselves

共用题干Earthquake Insurance1.Earthquake insurance is a form of homeowners' insurance which deals with damage caused by earthquakes.In regions where earthquakes are especially common,homeowners may be required to carry earthquake insurance,so that in the event of an earthquake,people rely less on government disaster funds and more on their own insurance policies.As a general rule,earthquake insurance is not a part of standard insurance policies,and it must be purchased separately.2.Earthquakes can cause a variety of damage to a home,ranging from complete destruction to damage which causes the building to become structurally unsound.Indirect damage caused by neigh-boring collapses of structures and freeways can also occur,as can more bizarre forms of earthquake damage,like winding up with a car in the living room or a sinkhole in the back yard.Fires and flooding are also common problems in the wake of earthquakes.3.When homeowners purchase earthquake insurance,they may be protected against both direct damage,such as a structural collapse after an earthquake,and indirect damage,like a fire caused by broken gas lines.More commonly,the insurance only covers structural damage caused directly by the earthquake.The insurance may pay for a complete replacement of the structure,or a remodel, depending on the type of insurance and the nature of the damage.Some policies also cover damaged property like cars,and they may provide living allowances so that the residents of the home can temporarily relocate for the duration of the repairs.4.This type of homeowners' insurance is prone to adverse selection,in which only people in high risk areas purchase the insurance.The problem with adverse selection for insurance companies is that it decreases the pool of customers,making potential payouts very expensive.For this reason, earthquake insurance often has a high deductible,and it can he very expensive.5.Recognizing the need for earthquake insurance,some governments have provided subsidies for earthquake insurance,to reduce the stress on insurance companies.Insurance companies also adjust their risk pools carefully,and there may be stringent requirements for a homeowner to purchase earthquake insurance.For example,a home may need to be retrofitted for earthquake safety, reducing the amount of damage which will be incurred in a quake.For low-income home owners, this can be very difficult,as it drives the cost of earthquake insurance out of reach,which can in turn make it difficult to get home loans,as many banks in earthquake-prone areas insist on earth-quake insurance as a condition for a loan.Paragraph 3______A:What's the Main Problem of Earthquake Insurance?B:What Damages Can an Earthquake Cause?C:How to Buy an Earthquake Insurance?D:What Is an Earthquake Insurance?E:Where Does Earthquake Happen Frequently? F: What Does an Earthquake Insurance Contain?

共用题干Earthquake Insurance1.Earthquake insurance is a form of homeowners' insurance which deals with damage caused by earthquakes.In regions where earthquakes are especially common,homeowners may be required to carry earthquake insurance,so that in the event of an earthquake,people rely less on government disaster funds and more on their own insurance policies.As a general rule,earthquake insurance is not a part of standard insurance policies,and it must be purchased separately.2.Earthquakes can cause a variety of damage to a home,ranging from complete destruction to damage which causes the building to become structurally unsound.Indirect damage caused by neigh-boring collapses of structures and freeways can also occur,as can more bizarre forms of earthquake damage,like winding up with a car in the living room or a sinkhole in the back yard.Fires and flooding are also common problems in the wake of earthquakes.3.When homeowners purchase earthquake insurance,they may be protected against both direct damage,such as a structural collapse after an earthquake,and indirect damage,like a fire caused by broken gas lines.More commonly,the insurance only covers structural damage caused directly by the earthquake.The insurance may pay for a complete replacement of the structure,or a remodel, depending on the type of insurance and the nature of the damage.Some policies also cover damaged property like cars,and they may provide living allowances so that the residents of the home can temporarily relocate for the duration of the repairs.4.This type of homeowners' insurance is prone to adverse selection,in which only people in high risk areas purchase the insurance.The problem with adverse selection for insurance companies is that it decreases the pool of customers,making potential payouts very expensive.For this reason, earthquake insurance often has a high deductible,and it can he very expensive.5.Recognizing the need for earthquake insurance,some governments have provided subsidies for earthquake insurance,to reduce the stress on insurance companies.Insurance companies also adjust their risk pools carefully,and there may be stringent requirements for a homeowner to purchase earthquake insurance.For example,a home may need to be retrofitted for earthquake safety, reducing the amount of damage which will be incurred in a quake.For low-income home owners, this can be very difficult,as it drives the cost of earthquake insurance out of reach,which can in turn make it difficult to get home loans,as many banks in earthquake-prone areas insist on earth-quake insurance as a condition for a loan.Earthquakes can cause a variety of direct damage and______.A:indirect damageB:risk poolsC:government disaster fundsD:the nature of the damageE:insurance policies F: prices

共用题干Earthquake Insurance1.Earthquake insurance is a form of homeowners' insurance which deals with damage caused by earthquakes.In regions where earthquakes are especially common,homeowners may be required to carry earthquake insurance,so that in the event of an earthquake,people rely less on government disaster funds and more on their own insurance policies.As a general rule,earthquake insurance is not a part of standard insurance policies,and it must be purchased separately.2.Earthquakes can cause a variety of damage to a home,ranging from complete destruction to damage which causes the building to become structurally unsound.Indirect damage caused by neigh-boring collapses of structures and freeways can also occur,as can more bizarre forms of earthquake damage,like winding up with a car in the living room or a sinkhole in the back yard.Fires and flooding are also common problems in the wake of earthquakes.3.When homeowners purchase earthquake insurance,they may be protected against both direct damage,such as a structural collapse after an earthquake,and indirect damage,like a fire caused by broken gas lines.More commonly,the insurance only covers structural damage caused directly by the earthquake.The insurance may pay for a complete replacement of the structure,or a remodel, depending on the type of insurance and the nature of the damage.Some policies also cover damaged property like cars,and they may provide living allowances so that the residents of the home can temporarily relocate for the duration of the repairs.4.This type of homeowners' insurance is prone to adverse selection,in which only people in high risk areas purchase the insurance.The problem with adverse selection for insurance companies is that it decreases the pool of customers,making potential payouts very expensive.For this reason, earthquake insurance often has a high deductible,and it can he very expensive.5.Recognizing the need for earthquake insurance,some governments have provided subsidies for earthquake insurance,to reduce the stress on insurance companies.Insurance companies also adjust their risk pools carefully,and there may be stringent requirements for a homeowner to purchase earthquake insurance.For example,a home may need to be retrofitted for earthquake safety, reducing the amount of damage which will be incurred in a quake.For low-income home owners, this can be very difficult,as it drives the cost of earthquake insurance out of reach,which can in turn make it difficult to get home loans,as many banks in earthquake-prone areas insist on earth-quake insurance as a condition for a loan.The insurance paid for earthquake depends on the type of insurance and______. A:indirect damageB:risk poolsC:government disaster fundsD:the nature of the damageE:insurance policies F: prices

共用题干第二篇Nuclear Power and Its DangerNuclear power's danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.There is a certain mystery about nuclear radiation,partly because it cannot be detected by human senses. It can't be seen or heard,or touched or tasted,even though it may be all around us. There are other things like that. For example,radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them,sense them,without a radio receiver. Similarly,we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves,nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beingsand other living things.At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest level of radiation can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be significant. This is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed outright,your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in trouble.They reproduce themselves in a deformed way.Theycan grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated and feel fine,then die of cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result. Or a child can be born weak or liable to serious illness as result of radiation absorbed by his grandparents.Radiation can hurt us.We must know the truth.Radiation can hurt us in the way that it can_______.A:kill large number of cells in main organs so as to cause death immediatelyB:damage cells which may grow into cancer years laterC:affect the healthy growth of our offspringD:all of the above

共用题干第二篇Nuclear Power and Its DangerNuclear power's danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.There is a certain mystery about nuclear radiation,partly because it cannot be detected by human senses. It can't be seen or heard,or touched or tasted,even though it may be all around us. There are other things like that. For example,radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them,sense them,without a radio receiver. Similarly,we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves,nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beingsand other living things.At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest level of radiation can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be significant. This is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed outright,your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in trouble.They reproduce themselves in a deformed way.Theycan grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated and feel fine,then die of cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result. Or a child can be born weak or liable to serious illness as result of radiation absorbed by his grandparents.Radiation can hurt us.We must know the truth.Radiation can cause serious consequences even at the lowest level_______.A:when it kills a few cellsB:if it damages a few cellsC:though the damaged cells can repair themselvesD:if the damaged cells reproduce themselves

共用题干第二篇Nuclear Power and Its DangerNuclear power's danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.There is a certain mystery about nuclear radiation,partly because it cannot be detected by human senses. It can't be seen or heard,or touched or tasted,even though it may be all around us. There are other things like that. For example,radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them,sense them,without a radio receiver. Similarly,we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves,nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beingsand other living things.At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest level of radiation can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be significant. This is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed outright,your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in trouble.They reproduce themselves in a deformed way.Theycan grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated and feel fine,then die of cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result. Or a child can be born weak or liable to serious illness as result of radiation absorbed by his grandparents.Radiation can hurt us.We must know the truth.The word"significant"in Paragraph 3 most probably means_______.A:fatal B:meaningfulC:remarkable D:harmful

How can poor students attend private schools A.Only by working at part-time jobs.B.Only by working at full-time jobs.C.Only by earning scholarships.D.All of above.

单选题The Shipowner may do what is reasonable()any of these liens in view of the fact that they are possessory liens,i.e. they can only be enforced by retaining actual or constructive possession of the cargo.Ato delayBto arrangeCto sustainDto maintain

单选题Can people smoke in the plane?ANo, they can’t.BYes, but only in some areas of the plane.CYes, but only in the cabin.

单选题The Shipowner cannot rely on the excepted perils if he has not()due diligence to make the ship seaworthy and its nonfulfilment causes the damage,nor can he do so if the vessel makes an unreasonable deviation.ArealizedBpracticedCmaintainedDexercised

单选题The reason for the obligation to load a full cargo()that otherwise the Shipowner would lose freight on account of some part of the ship’s carrying capacity not being utilized.AisBmakesChasDtakes

单选题If the Shipowner relies on an excepted peril,he must()that the loss or damage was caused thereby.AproveBapproveCdisproveDimprove

单选题An American Shipowner can()in an American port any ship in the same ownership as the one with which he has collided,in spite of the fact that the collision may have occurred in some distant part of the world.AattackBattachCattainDattend

单选题If it is clear that the damage must have arisen either from bad stowage or from perils of the sea,and are excepted,in order to escape liability the Shipowner must show that the damage arose from the latter.“the latter”refers to()Athe ShipownerBbad stowageCperils of the seaDthe shipper