单选题SOLAS 74修正案要求集装箱船前部甲板上集装箱的堆积层数,应满足船首盲区不大于()倍船长和500m中较小者。A0.5B1C1.5D2
SOLAS 74修正案要求集装箱船前部甲板上集装箱的堆积层数,应满足船首盲区不大于()倍船长和500m中较小者。
单选题四冲程柴油机换气质量比二冲程柴油机好,其原因是()。 Ⅰ.二冲程没有进气阀 Ⅱ.四冲程换气占两个多冲程 Ⅲ.四冲程靠扫气压力把废气压出 Ⅳ.二冲程新气与废气容易掺混 Ⅴ.二冲程没有气阀重叠角 Ⅵ.二冲程进、排气几乎同时进行AⅠ+Ⅱ+ⅢBⅡ+Ⅳ+ⅥCⅡ+Ⅲ+ⅣDⅡ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ
单选题Pan-Pan is to be used to announce().Aa distress messageBan urgency messageCa safety messageDa message of SMCP
单选题If you are fighting a fire below the main deck of your vessel,which action is most importantconcerning the stability of the vessel? ()AShutting off electricity to damaged cablesBPumping fire-fighting water overboardCManeuvering the vessel so the fire is on the lee sideDRemoving burned debris from the cargo hold
单选题If the temperature in the icebox is too high, the trouble could be()Aa clogged scale trapBair in the systemCautomatic controls not functioning properlyDinsufficient cooling water to the condenser
单选题As a watch officer when bunkering, which of the following does require his individual attention?()Adraft of the vesselBrate of deliveryCcommunication with terminal personnelDobservation of manifold valves
单选题After each reading of an oxygen indicator,the instrument should be purged with().ACO2Bfresh airCthe tested compartment's airDwater
单选题The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling with a gaseous agent to destroy rats and all insects pests which act as germ carriers means().AdisplacementBfumigationCdischargingDcompensation
单选题What is meant by the term “radio silence”?()AStations not directly involved with the on-going distress communications may not transmit on the distress frequency or channelBStations remaining off the air to safeguard proprietary informationCTwo three-minute silent periods,at 15 and 45 minutes after the hour,that provide a transmitting window for distressed vessels to transmit distress alerts using J3EDCommunications on a distress frequency or channel is banned for 24 hours following the cessation of the distress traffic
单选题The rate of cylinder lubricating oil metered to each cylinder of a large low-speed main propulsion diesel engine is ()Athe same, whether at sea, or during maneuveringBadjusted during each hour of operation while at constant RPMChigher at sea than while maneuveringDlower at sea than while maneuvering
单选题根据规定,船舶发生海上交通事故,必须立即用有效手段扼要报告下列哪些内容() Ⅰ.船舶的名称、呼号,国籍; Ⅱ.船公司名称及所在地; Ⅲ.事故发生的时间、地点、海况; Ⅳ.船舶的损害程度,救助要求等AⅠ~ⅢBⅠ、Ⅲ、ⅣCⅠ~ⅣDⅠ、Ⅱ