单选题_____ all the inventions have in common is _____ they have succeeded.AThat; whatBWhat; thatCThat; thatDWhat; what

_____ all the inventions have in common is _____ they have succeeded.

That; what


What; that


That; that


What; what


句意:所有发明的共性是他们都成功了。all the inventions have in common不是一个完整的句子,缺少宾语,所以要用what引导作have的宾语。what等同于the thing(s) that/which。they have succeeded是一个完整的句子,succeed为不及物动词,用that引导,故为B。


单选题Seeing her father come back, _____.Atears ran down her cheeksBher tears ran outCshe burst into tearsDtears burst into her

单选题If only I _____ hard in the past few months! But I didn’t work hard enough and failed the math examination.AworkBworkedChave workedDhad worked

单选题MOCA members who take part in the programs can learn _____.Ato become leaders in business and art worldsBto co-operate with other members of MOCACthe new ways of communication between peopleDabout the relationship between art,business and community

单选题The college sports meet was _____ till next week because of the heavy rain.Aput outBput onCput offDput up

单选题When shopping abroad, you are advised to _____.Ause online servicesBuse a credit cardCpay by checkDpay in cash

单选题I _____ asleep in the corner,for I remember nothing of what happened during the night.Amight fallBmust fallCmust have fallenDcan have fallen

单选题It was in 2005 _____ we began to introduce this new technique into our company.AwhichBthenCwhenDthat

单选题The speed _____ light travels is very high.AwhichBat whichCin whichDwith which


单选题平面α与另两个平面β、γ都相交,则这三个平面可能的交线条数有(  ).A1或2B2或3C1或3D1或2或3

单选题If only I _____ how to operate a computer as you do!Ahad knownBwould knowCshould knowDknew


单选题After he retired from office, Rogers _____ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.Atook upBsave upCkept upDdrew up

单选题Breaking Mary’s doll was purely _____. John didn’t mean to do it.AincidentalBaccidentalCoccasionDopportunity

单选题Tom, more than anyone else, _____ anxious to go there again.AareBwereCisDbeing

单选题Ago onBwork onClook forDdepend on

单选题This company has two branches: one in Paris and _____ in New York.AAnotherBone otherCthe otherDother

单选题How we pack the products has a significant impact _____ the cost of logistics.AofBonCtoDwith

单选题He sat _____ the sunlight was enough.AwhereBwhenCthatDthe place where

单选题This out-of-date teaching method _____.Amust do away withBmust have done away withCmust being done away withDmust be done away with


单选题Would you care for _____ more tea, please?AanyBsomeClittleDa lot of

单选题The news _____ he had landed on the moon spread all over the world.AwhichBthatCwhatDas

单选题—The old man wouldn’t stay at home for a rest even if it rained.—_____. He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day.ASo would my grandpaBSo wouldn’t my grandpaCNeither would my grandpaDNor wouldn’t my grandpa

单选题Those of you _____ have the time should make the commitment to register in language courses.AwhoeverBwhoseCwhichDwho

单选题设有不同的直线a、b和不同的平面α、β、γ,给出下列三个命题∶①若a∥α,b∥α,则a∥b;②若a∥α,a∥β,则α∥β;③若a⊥γ,β⊥γ,则α∥β.其中正确的个数是(  ).A0B1C2D3

单选题American adults tend to _____ than teenagers.Acare more about information overloadBlike using computers moreCdislike using computers moreDface less danger

单选题What does this tour company think can show Beijing is a fast developing modern city?ABeijing Capital Airport.BBird’s Nest, Water Cube and Olympic Park.CTian’anmen Square and the Forbidden City.DThe Great Wall and the Summer Palace.