单选题Would you care for _____ more tea, please?AanyBsomeClittleDa lot of

Would you care for _____ more tea, please?







a lot of




– Would you show me some Jasmine tea, please? –() (A) Sorry, I am busy now.(B) No, I would not.(C) Yes, I would.(D) This way, please.

Would you like ____ tea?( ) A、 anyB、 aC、 anD、 some

——Would you tell me ___you want your tea , with sugar or milk ?——Sugar , please . A、whetherB、whenC、howD、what

—Which would you rather have? Tea or coffee? — A. Sure, I would.B. Yes, pleasure.C. Yes, thank you.D. Neither, thank you.

Will you please give me() more tea? A. muchB. littleC. someD. a little

Connie: Are you doing pottery? It looks like fun! Frank: ______ ? Connie: Boy, would I? Thanks.A.Would you please give me a handB.Would you please not to bother meC.Have you ever learned how to do itD.Would you like to try it

根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题:A.What about you?B.Would you like black tea?C.Do you have any eggs,madam?D.Would you like something to eat?E.Black tea or iced tea?F.Can I help you?G.Thank you very much.H.It is very tasty.第 56 题 Woman: 1Ben:Yes,madam.What would you like to drink,Tony?Tony:I'd like some tea.Ben: 2Tony:Iced tea,please. 3Ben:I'd like some lemonade. 4Tony:Yes,I'd like a pizza,please.Woann:What would you like on it,sir?Tony:Mushrooms,green peppers and onions,please.Ben:All right, 5Woman:Yes.Ben:We want a cup of iced tea,a glass of milk,a glass of lemonade,a pizza and two eggs,please.Woman:OK.

Simon: What would you care for a drink?Gary:______

Would you like some more beer?(),please.A. Just a littleB. No moreC. I've had enough

— Do you prefer tea or coffee?\n— _______A.Milk.B.Yes, I like tea.C.Coffee, please.D.None.

“请问您要红茶吗?”用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Would you like green tea?B、Would you like jasmine tea?C、Would you like oolong tea?D、Would you like black tea?

Carl: I’d like a haircut, please.Barber: Would you care for a shave and a shampoo as well?Carl: _____________________ A haircut will be just fine.A: It ’s very kind of you.B: Yes, please.C: No, thanks.D: I ’m glad you can think of it.

– What would you like for drink? -- _____________.A、I like tea.B、I drink tea.C、I have a cup of tea.D、I’d like a cup of tea.

—Which would you like, tea or milk?—_________A. Help yourself. B. What? I don’t like tea at all. C. Milk, please.

---- Would you like some more soup?---- _______. It is delicious, but I’ve had enough.A.Yes, please B.No, thank you C.Nothing more D.I’d like some

--What would you like, tea or coffee? --()ACoffee,please.BIt’ very nice.CYes,I would.DYes,please.

— Can I get you a cup of tea—()AThat's very nice of you.BWith pleasure.CYou can, please.DThank you for the te

Do you prefer tea or coffee?()AMilkBYes, I like tea.CCoffee, please.DNone.

— Can I get you a cup of tea—()A、That's very nice of you.B、With pleasure.C、You can, please.D、Thank you for the te

Do you prefer tea or coffee?()A、MilkB、Yes, I like tea.C、Coffee, please.D、None.

--What would you like, tea or coffee? --()A、Coffee,please.B、It’ very nice.C、Yes,I would.D、Yes,please.

would you like()a cup of tea?A、haveB、to haveC、havingD、to having

单选题— Would you like some tea, please?— Yes, and I prefer tea ______ some sugar.AtoBforCwithDfrom

单选题— Can I get you a cup of tea—()AThat's very nice of you.BWith pleasure.CYou can, please.DThank you for the te

单选题--What would you like, tea or coffee? --()ACoffee,please.BIt’ very nice.CYes,I would.DYes,please.

单选题Would you care for ______ more tea, please?AanyBsomeClittleDa lot of

单选题—Sarah,would you please give me some more milk?—I'm sorry,but ____ is left.Ano oneBnoneCeverythingDit

单选题Do you prefer tea or coffee?()AMilkBYes, I like tea.CCoffee, please.DNone.