单选题—The air pollution is terrible.—It will be worse ______we take action to protect the environment.AifBunlessCuntilDwhen

—The air pollution is terrible.—It will be worse ______we take action to protect the environment.











If the () of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increased as a result of air pollution. A. rateB. proportionC. extentD. amount

We work closely()every large airline like Air China, Air France and American Airlines. A、inB、toC、with

In the writer's view, the more new goods there are,______.A. the less pollution we haveB. the harder pollution can be done away withC. the more pollution there will beD. the more easily pollution can be controlled

It' high time that we______(do)something to stop pollution.

Some people fear that ________ air pollution may bring about changes in _______ weather around the world.A. /; theB. the; /C. an; theD. the; a

The air pollution exceeds most ________ levels by 10 times or more.A acceptableB accessibleC availableD applicable

We should prevent pollution () happily.A. livingB. for livingC. to liveD. to living

In Leon Nacson’s view, air and water are our Number One priorities for the following reasons except ().A、he cannot understand why people are polluting air and waterB、there will definitely be no fresh air and clean water for future generationsC、we would run out of air and water if we didn’t stop polluting themD、air and water polluting are the current and futu

Air pollutionPeople and air pollution are often in the same places. This means that cities with large populations have the biggest problem of dirty air. Air pollution is caused by many different things. A major kind of air pollution is the gas from cars. Statistics(统计资料) show that 93 percent of all auto trips are within cities.Another major kind of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energy. This energy is needed to make electricity. Of course, much more electricity is used in the city than in the county.On the average, we throw away more rubbish than the year before. The burning of rubbish makes air pollution even worse. Many major industries are also responsible for the dirty air in the around cities. The fumes(烟)from iron, steel, chemical, and petrol production add particles(微粒)to the air.The effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to death. The levels of pollution found in heavy traffic may cause headaches for loss of clear vision. Wherever coal and oil are used for fuel, fumes may kill trees and plants and cause metal to corrode(腐蚀). In some of the larger cities, these fumes endanger the lives of human beings by contributing to lung diseases and causing early death.26. The key point of the passage is that().A. the cause of air pollution is peopleB. the causes and the effects of air pollution are both found in citiesC. the effects of air pollution range from headaches to death27. What is the purpose of this passage?A. to persuade people to stop polluting the air().B. to tell the causes of air pollutionC. to tell why cities are bad places to live28. Why is air pollution more grave in the city than in the country?().A. Because there are larger populations in cities.B. Because the air in the city is dirty.C. Because there are much more gas fumes from cars and burning of coal and oil for energy in the city than in the country.29. The fumes from coal and oil may cause metal().A. to corrodeB. to twistC. to turn black30. In larger cities, the fumes from coal and oil may contribute to().A. heart diseaseB. loss of clear visionC. lung diseases

– We want to go fishing, but the wind is going to blow harder.–() A.What a pleasure!B.That‘s true.C.Never mind.D.That‘s terrible.

Motor vehicles powered by the internal combustion engines are responsible for over 80 percent of the deadly carbon monoxide as well as the cancer-causing substances in the air. Eighty-nine percent of the vehicles on the road in Massachusetts are privately owned and are often operated with only one person in the car. If people would use public transportation instead of their cars, air pollution levels could be significantly lowered. Thirty percent of the land in downtown Boston is devoted to cars. Where there are garages, there could be gardens. Where there are highways, there should be homes and places to work and play. Studies show that people today show a greater hearing loss with age than ever before. Much of this is due to car-horns, loud engines and general traffic noise.The cost of a personal car is high to the individual. The average person pays about $2,000 per car per year in gasoline, insurance, taxes, and maintenance. But for society as a whole, personal cars are a luxury we cannot afford. We pay in death from auto accidents, in poor health from air pollution, in loss of hearing from noise pollution, and in the destruction of our cities by the ever-increasing number of highways.1、It is ____ that are the main cause of the air pollution in Boston.A、vehicles in generalB、the public transportation systemsC、carbon monoxidesD、personal motor vehicles2、The writer’s purpose in writing this article is to _____.A、remind people of the danger of air pollutionB、warn people of the danger of accidentsC、urge people to use private cars as less as possibleD、ask the Boston government to build more homes and gardens3、According to the last paragraph, ______.A、the cost of personal cars is high to the individuals but not to the societyB、an average car costs about $2,000 inBostonC、personal cars are so expensive that most people cannot affordD、society as a whole suffers much from the ever-increasing number of cars4、It is implied but not stated that ______.A、garages, highways and parking areas occupy nearly one third of the total Boston downtown area.B、because of highways, people in Boston have no more homes and places to live, work and play.C、C garages have replaced most of the gardens in BostonD、Boston is the most seriously polluted city in the U.S.5、The best title for this passage is “ ______.”A、Air Pollution in BostonB、More Homes, More Plays for PeopleC、Cars Are Too ExpensiveD、Public Transportation, A Solution to Air Pollution

We believe we can cooperate well and develope our ( ) relationship for a long time. A、friendlyB、goodC、badD、worse

According to the article, which of the following statements is not true?A.Tightly sealed house may be harmful in another aspect.B.The house is unsealed to prevent the air from leaking.C.The air always leaks from cracks.D.New house is worse than old one in the aspect of indoor pollution.

英译中:Air pollution

单选题The text suggests which of the following about air pollution?AFurther attempts to reduce emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles will not help lower urban air-pollution levels.BAttempts to reduce the pollutants that an individual gasoline-fueled vehicle emits have been largely unsuccessful.CFew serious attempts have been made to reduce the amount of pollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles.DPollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles are not the most critical source of urban air pollution.

问答题Directions:  Cars play an important role in modern society. But they are also responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities.   Write an essay on car and air pollution and base your composition on the outline below:  (1)the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars;  (2)your suggestions on how to deal with the problem.  You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

问答题Directions:  Cars play an important role in modern society. But they are also responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities.   Write an essay on car and air pollution and base your composition on the outline below:  (1)the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars;  (2)your suggestions on how to deal with the problem.  You should write about 160-200 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

单选题— I think there will be ______ air pollution whenever there are ______ people driving.— That’s true! I hope the air will be fresher soon.Aless; lessBless; fewerCfewer; fewerDfewer; less

单选题The latest annex of MARPOL 73/78 is about()Athe Prevention of Pollution by OilBthe Prevention of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in BulkCPrevention of Pollution by Garbage from ShipsDPrevention of Air Pollution from Ships

名词解释题大气污染(air pollution)

单选题We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it ______ a nice day, we ______ for a picnic.Ahad been; would have gone Bwas, would goCwere; would have goneDwould be; would go

单选题We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it _____ a nice day, we _____ for a picnic.Ahad been; would have goneBwas, would goCwere; would have goneDwould be; would go

单选题—The air pollution is terrible.—It will be worse ______we take action to protect the environment.AifBunlessCuntilDwhen

单选题Air pollution, together with overpopulation, _____ many problems in big cities.Aare causingBis causingCare causedDis caused

单选题What is the passage mainly about?AHow to fight air pollution in big cities.BHow to avoid air pollution in big cities.CHow to breathe fresh air in big cities.DHow serious air pollution is in big cities.

单选题As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals _____ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.ArelieveBreleaseCdismissDdiscard

问答题The Environment in Perspective:Is Everything Getting Steadily Worse?  Much of the discussion of environmental problems in the popular press leaves the reader with the impression that matters have been growing steadily worse, and that pollution is largely a product of the profit system and modern industrialization. There are environmental problems today that are both enormous and pressing, but in fact pollution is nothing new. Medieval cities were pestholes—the streets and rivers were littered with garbage and the air stank of rotting wastes. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, a German traveler reported that to get a view of London from the tower of St. Paul’s, one had to get there very early in the morning “before the air was full of coal smoke.”  Since 1960 there has been progress in solving some pollution problems, much of it the result of concerted efforts to protect the environment. The quality of the air in most Canadian cities has improved. In Toronto, for example, the concentration of suspended particulates, or soot, in the air has fallen dramatically since 1962. To put this figure in perspective, it should be noted that the current health advisory level for the index is 32. At a level of 58, people with chronic respiratory diseases may be affected. At 100, even healthy people may be affected by prolonged conditions, and those with cardiac and respiratory diseases could suffer severe effects  Recently in Toronto, the index has exceeded 32 on fewer than half a dozen days annually. Similar improvements have occurred elsewhere in Canada and in other industrialized countries. Even the famous, or rather infamous, “fogs” of London are almost a thing of the past. There have been two high readings of particular note in the British capital in 1959 (when the index rose to 275 and there was a 10 percent increase over the normal number of deaths) and in 1962 (when the index rose to 575 and there was a 20 percent increase in mortality). But more recently, London’s, cleaner air has resulted in an astounding 50 percent increase in the number of hours of winter sunshine. In short, pollution problems are not a uniquely modem phenomenon, nor is every part of the environment deteriorating relentlessly.  Environmental problems do not occur exclusively in capitalist economies. For example, in the People’s Republic of China, coal soot from factory smokestacks in Beijing envelops the city in a thick black haze. Similarly, smoke from brown-coal furnaces pollutes the air almost everywhere in Eastern Europe. It has been estimated that a third of Poland’s citizens live in areas of “ecological disaster”. The citizens of Leipzig, a major industrial city in what was formerly East Germany, have a life expectancy a full six years shorter than the national average.  However, we do not mean to suggest that all is well with the environment in market-oriented economies or that there is nothing more to do. While there have been some improvements, serious problems remain. Our world is now subject to a number of new pollutants, most of which are far more dangerous than those we have reduced, even though they may be less visible and less malodorous  While environmental problems are neither new nor confined only to capitalist, industrialized economies, these facts are not legitimate grounds for complacency. The potential damage that we are inflicting on ourselves and on our surroundings is very real and very substantial.

单选题According to the report, air pollution in big cities _____.Acan be more serious than Chernobyl nuclear disasterBcannot be compared with the disaster in ChernobylCcan release as damaging radiation as the Chernobyl disasterDcan be more serious than we used to think