单选题When subjected to high heat from a open flame, or an electric heating element, which of the listed refrigerants will break down and produce phosgene gas?()ACO2BMethyl chlorideCR-22DSulphur dioxide

When subjected to high heat from a open flame, or an electric heating element, which of the listed refrigerants will break down and produce phosgene gas?()



Methyl chloride




Sulphur dioxide


解析: 暂无解析


When adding oil to a refrigeration system, precautions must be taken to ensure thatA.the compressor suction pressure is not too highB.all air is purged from the pump and charging fittingsC.the high pressure cutout switch is held open to prevent accidental startingD.the condenser is completely shutdown first

How should cargo tank hatches be protected when the ullage opening is open and the tank NOT gas free?A.With gooseneck ventsB.With warning signsC.With flame screensD.With pressure-vacuum relief valves

When compared to a high-expansion foam,a low-expansion foam will ______.A.Be dryerB.Be lighterC.Be less heat resistantD.Not cling to vertical surfaces

Flame screens are used to ______.A.contain flammable fumesB.protect firefightiers from flamesC.prevent flames from entering tanksD.keep flame and sparks from getting out of an engine’s exhaust system

Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive ______.A.loss of body temperatureB.loss of water and salt from the bodyC.gain in body temperatureD.intake of water when working or exercising

Kapok life jackets should NOT be ______.A.stowed near open flame or where smoking is permittedB.used as seats, pillows, or foot restsC.left on open decksD.All of the above

The products described above have been subjected to ( ) treatment of at least SOTlfor 30 minutes. A. freeze B. coldC. heat D. wash

共用题干Heat Is Killer Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world.Although hot weather just makes most people feel hot,it can_______(51)serious medical problems-even death.Floods,storms,volcano eruptions and other natural______(52)kill thousands of people every year.So______(53) extreme heat.Experts say heat may be nature's deadliest killer, Recently,extreme heat was blamed ______(54)killing more than one hundred people in India.It is reported that the total heat of a hot day or several days can______(55)health.Several hot days are considered a heat wave.Experts say heat waves often become dangerous when the nighttime temperature does not_______(56)much from the highest daytime temperature.This causes great stress on the human body. Doctors say people can do many things to______(57)themselves from the dangers of extreme heat. Stay out of the sun,if possible.Drink lots of cool water.Wear light colored clothing made______(58) natural materials;avoid wearing synthetic clothing.Make sure the clothing is______(59),permitting freedom of movement.And learn the danger______(60)of the medical problems,such as headache and vomiting,that are linked to heat.Most people suffer only muscle pain as a(n)______(61)of heat stress.The fiain is a______(62)that the body is becoming too hot.Doctors say those suffering headache or muscle pain should stop all activity,rest in a cool place and drink cool liquids.Do not return to physical _______(63)for a few hours because more serious conditions could develop. Doctors say some people face an______(64)danger from heat stress.Such persons have a weak or damaged heart,high blood pressure,or other problems of the blood system. Hot Weather also increases dangers for people who must take______(65)for high blood pressure, poor blood flow,nervousness or depression.58._________A:from B:in C:for D:of

单选题An advantage of aluminum pistons, when compared to cast iron pistons is ().Agreater high temperature strengthBbetter heat conductivityCgreater weight per cubic inchDincreased resistance to wear

单选题Kapok life jackets should not be().Astowed near open flame or where smoking is permittedBused as seats, pillows, or foot restsCleft on open decksDAll of the above

单选题When adding oil to a refrigeration system, precautions must be taken to ensure that ().Athe compressor suction pressure is not too highBall air is purged from the pump and charging fittingsCthe high pressure cutout switch is held open to prevent accidental startingDthe condenser is completely shutdown first

单选题A fluid coil will () large quantifies of heat when it changes state from a liquid to a vapor.AreleaseBabsorbCdevelopDregenerate

单选题The only means of removing the latent heat of condensation from a refrigerant in the normal refrigeration cycle is by ().Apassing it through the expansion valveBcondensing refrigerant in the system condenserCpassing the gaseous refrigerant through the heat interchanger on the suction side of the compressorDmaintaining a high pressure on the systems receiver

问答题Practice 1  Heat loss by sweating depends on the fact that when a liquid evaporates, it absorbs an enormous quantity of heat from its surroundings. Therefore, when I am of sweat evaporate, a great deal of heat is absorbed from the surface of the body in contact with it. 1______  2______ The first is the amount of movement of air surrounding the body. The second is the amount of water vapor in the air that surrounds the body.  3______ For this reason, sweat evaporates very rapidly on windy days, and the rate of heat loss by sweating is much more than on a still day. This accounts for the fact that hot still days are much less comfortable than hot windy days. In contrast, the sweat evaporates very rapidly on hot windy days, and cools the body quickly and effectively.  4______ When air is carrying the maximum amount of water vapor that it can hold, it is said to be 100% saturated with water vapor. The relative humidity of the air is said to be 100%. Under these conditions the air cannot carry any water, so no water can evaporate. When the relative humidity is high, therefore, sweat cannot evaporate. Instead, it forms large drops and runs off your skin without cooling you.  5______ It is obvious that under these conditions, evaporation will be much more rapid. Therefore, sweating will be much more effective as a method of losing heat from the body. On a hot dry day, sweat evaporates as soon as it is formed, and you feel reasonably cool even though the temperature of your environment is very high.[A] When the air is very dry and carries no water at all, the relative humidity is said to be 0%.[B] The second factor is the amount of water vapor in the air-the humidity.[C] Hot windy days are much more comfortable than hot still days.[D] This heat transfer occurs even if the environment is hotter than the body.[E] When air moves over the surface of water, the amount of evaporation is greatly increased.[F] You might expect the highest incidence of a heat stroke when the maximum temperature is 100 and humidity is 50%.[G] Two factors affect the rate of evaporation of sweat, and therefore the effectiveness of sweating as a method of cooling the body.

单选题Which of the following statements is correct concerning heat transfer?()AHeat is given off from a high temperature region known as a heat sinkBHeat transfer rate is affected most by the size of the heat sink involvedCHeat transfer rate is affected most by the temperature difference between the heat source and the heat sinkDHeat transfer by radiation will occur only by mass motion of a fluid substance

多选题Identify three valid methods of opening, pluggable databases (PDBs).()AALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN ALL ISSUED from the rootBALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN ALL ISSUED from a pdbCALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from the seedDALTER DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from the rootEALTER DATABASE OPEN issued from that pdbFALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from another pdbGALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN issued from that pdb

单选题When a hurricane passes into high latitudes over colder water and the source of heat is disrupted,the storm assumes the characteristics of().Aa high pressure areaBan extratropical cycloneCa tropical stormDan easterly wave

单选题In a diesel engine cooling system, the high temperature alarm contact maker will be activated on excessively high water discharge temperature from the ()Araw water pump dischargeBexpansion tank outletCcooling water heat exchangerDoutlet engine jacket water outlet

单选题The amount of heat released by steam when it changes to water at the same temperature is called().Alatent heat of condensationBlatent heat of vaporizationClatent heat of saturationDsensible heat of condensation

单选题When subjected to high heat from a open flame, or an electric heating element, which of the listed refrigerants will break down and produce phosgene gas?()ACO2BMethyl chlorideCR-22DSulphur dioxide

单选题When the heat load begins to increase, the needle valve of an expansion valve will()Amove in an opening directionBmove in a closing directionCeither open or closeDnot move at all

单选题When the bearing becomes dry from lack of oil, the motor shaft may heat to ()an extent () it welds itself to the bearing.Aeither;orBneither;norCsuch;thatDso;that

单选题In the presence of an open flame or hot surfaces, chlorinated fluorocarbon refrigerants decomposes and from ()Apetroleum crystalsBphosgene gasCwater vaporDcarbon monoxide

单选题When using a high-velocity fog stream in a passageway,the possibility of a blow back must be guarded against. Blow back is most likely to occur when().Apressure builds up in the nozzle which causes a surge of waterBthe only opening in a passageway is the one from which the nozzle is being advancedCpressure in the fire hose drops below 100 psiDa bulkhead collapses due to heat and pressure

单选题When the refrigeration demand is small,()Athe expansion valve will move toward the wide open positionBthe expansion valve will move toward the closing positionCthe feeler bulb will conveys the high temperatureDthe superheat degree will raise

单选题Flame failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler can from a/an ()Aincorrect electrode settingBincorrect nozzle positionCclogged fuel nozzleDbroken high tension lead

单选题When fighting a fire in an enclosed space,the hose team should crouch as low as possible to().Aprotect themselves from smokeBobtain the best available airCallow the heat and steam to pass overheadDAll of the above

单选题Navigation lights must be displayed in all weathers from sunset to sunrise. They also().Amust be displayed when day signals are being usedBmust be displayed when moored to a pierCmay be extinguished at night on open waters when no other vessels are in the areaDmay be displayed during daylight