单选题China’s hot words, like tuhao, dama and lianghui, ______ in the Western media (媒体).Ause widelyBis widely usedCuses widelyDare widely used

China’s hot words, like tuhao, dama and lianghui, ______ in the Western media (媒体).

use widely


is widely used


uses widely


are widely used


句意:中国的热词像“土豪”、“大妈”和“两会”在西方媒体中被广泛地应用。本题考查被动语态以及主谓一致。主语是China’s hot words,这是复数形式,因此对应的谓语动词也应用复数形式,即are。故B、C项应排除。主语hot words和use之间构成被动关系,故要用被动语态。因此D项为正确选项。


单选题Which of the following is TRUE?AMaggie loved to help other African Americans.BMaggie was very popular with school teachers.CMaggie was the founder of the Order of St. Luke.DMaggie was better paid than men as Grand Secretary Treasurer.

单选题Everybody ______ deeply after they heard the story.AmovesBmovedCis movedDwas moved

单选题By saying “These ‘temporary’ jobs have a habit of becoming permanent” (Para.1), the author means _____.Aonce college graduates take a temporary job, they soon get used to itBcollege graduates have the habit of taking temporary jobsCmany college graduates might never find jobs for which they are trainedDcollege graduates are accustomed to taking permanent jobs

多选题如图所示是某品牌卷笔刀的使用说明.下列说法正确的是(  ).A削铅笔时,刀片变热是通过做功改变内能的B静止在壳体内的铅笔屑,受到的力相互平衡C卷笔刀的外壳平滑无尖锐棱角,是为了增大对接触物的压强D卷笔刀外壳的手握处设计了一些凸起的颗粒,目的是为了增大摩擦

单选题_____ our great surprise, the new secretary can speak four foreign languages.AOfBInCToDFor

单选题The big earthquake is still on. _____ is badly needed in the mountain villages.AMuch clothingBLots of suitsCA good many clothDA lot of clothes

单选题Cooking is an effective way in preserving food because _____.Acooking always kills the bacteria in foodBcooking can make the food become dryCthe fire in cooking can kill bacteriaDunder the right conditions, cooking will kill bacteria


单选题法律和道德都是人们的行为准则,二者之间既有共同点,又有区别。二者的区别主要有:第一,产生的条件不同;第二,存在的形式不同;第三,(  )。A服务的对象不同B反映的本质不同C发展的前途不同

单选题The underlined word “sponsors” means “______”.A领导B发起者C亲戚D资助者


单选题商品的价值量是由生产商品的(  )决定的。A个别劳动时间B社会必要劳动时间C剩余劳动时间

单选题How ______Cindy grows! She’s almost as tall as her mother now.AcuteBstrongCfastDstraight

单选题The report shows that over half of the women are suffering _____ second-hand smoke at the workplace.AinBforConDfrom

问答题今天是父亲节。假定你是李华,请给你的美国笔友John写一封电子邮件,谈谈你将如何与父亲一起度过这个特别的日子。要点如下:  ●表述你与父亲间的情感;  ●为父亲制作一张卡片;  ●帮助父亲做点事;  ●陪父亲散步等。  注意:  1. 词数80~100;  2. 请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;  3. 邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。  Dear John,   It’s Father’s Day today. It’s a special day, isn’t it?    What’s your plan for Father’s Day? I’m looking forward to hearing from you.Yours,Li Hua

单选题The main idea of the third paragraph is _____.Ahow to write a medical research paperBhow to avoid sleep lossChow the research was conductedDhow to conduct a medical experiment


单选题In Chongqing, you can often see many people dance outside together if it ______ in the evening.ArainsBdoesn’t rainCwill rainDwon’t rain


单选题有种不用电池的手电筒,使用时只要来回摇晃,使永磁体在线圈中运动,灯泡就能发光.该手电筒自生电能的工作原理是(  ).A电磁感应B磁极间的相互作用C电流的磁效应D磁场对电流的作用

单选题Paul made a nice cage ______ the little sick bird till it could fly.AkeepBkeptCkeepingDto keep

单选题指南针是我国四大发明之一,关于指南针,下列说法正确的是(  ).A指南针可以仅具有一个磁极B指南针的指向不会受附近磁铁块的干扰C指南针能够指南北,说明地球具有磁场D指南针所指的南北方向与地理的两极是重合的



单选题全球最大的太阳能飞机“阳光动力2号”,是一款能够在不添加任何燃料的情况下昼夜飞行的飞机.当该飞机在空中水平匀速飞行时,飞机的(  ).A动能在减小,重力势能在增大B动能保持不变,重力势能在增大C太阳能电池板工作时,将太阳能转化为电能D太阳能电池板工作时,将电能转化为太阳能


单选题中国特色社会主义的本质要求和重要保障是(  )。A依法治国B党的领导C人民当家作主
