The(67)controls the cursor or pointer on the screen and allows the user to access commands by pointing and clicking.A.graphicsB.printerC.programD.mouse

The(67)controls the cursor or pointer on the screen and allows the user to access commands by pointing and clicking.





在数据库应用中,一般一个SQL语句可产生或处理一组记录,而数据库主语言语句一般一次只能处理一个记录,其协调可通过使用如下所列的哪种技术来实现?( )A.指针(POINTER)B.游标(CURSOR)C.数组(DIMENSION)D.栈(STACK)

链表的定位函数loc(I:integer):pointer; {寻找链表中的第I个结点的指针}procedure loc(L:linklist; I:integer):pointer;var p:pointer;j:integer;

You want to test a configured screen value prior to deploying.Which statement will allow you to accomplish this?() A. [edit security screen] user@host# show ids-option untrust-screen { alarm-test-only; }B. [edit security screen] user@host# show ids-option untrust-screen { alarm-without-drop; }C. [edit security screen] user@host# show ids-option untrust-screen { alarm-no-drop; }D. [edit security screen] user@host# show ids-option untrust-screen { test-without-drop; }

下面一段代码中break语句起到()的作用。 int pointer = 1; while (pointer <= 100) { switch(pointer % 3) { case 1: pointer += 1; break; case 2: pointer += 2; break; case 3: pointer += 3; break; } pointer++; }A.结束当次循环,使控制权直接转移到控制循环的条件表达式B.从嵌套循环内部跳出最里面的循环C.终止switch语句的语句序列D.退出循环

执行完下面的语句后,欲删除整个数组,最适当的方法是() float *pointer=new float[10];A.delete * pointer;B.delete[ ] pointer;C.delete pointer [ ];D.delete pointer;

下面哪个代码可以正确播放音频()。A.<audio href="nusic.mp3" controls="controls"> 浏览器不支持HTML5:audio </audio>B.<audio src="nusic.mp3" controls="controls"> 浏览器不支持HTML5:audio </audio>C.<video src="nusic.mp3" controls="controls"> 浏览器不支持HTML5:audio </video>D.<audio type="nusic.mp3" controls="controls"> 浏览器不支持HTML5:audio </audio>

如需设置鼠标停留时有手型显示,以下何者正确?A.visited: pointerB.cursor: pointerC.background-position: pointerD.a:hover: pointer

5、下面一段代码中break语句起到()的作用。 int pointer = 1; while (pointer <= 100) { switch(pointer % 3) { case 1: pointer += 1; break; case 2: pointer += 2; break; case 3: pointer += 3; break; } pointer++; }A.结束当次循环,使控制权直接转移到控制循环的条件表达式B.从嵌套循环内部跳出最里面的循环C.终止switch语句的语句序列D.退出循环

4、执行完下面的语句后,欲删除整个数组,最适当的方法是() float *pointer=new float[10];A.delete * pointer;B.delete[ ] pointer;C.delete pointer [ ];D.delete pointer;

3、下面哪个代码可以正确播放音频()。A.<audio href="nusic.mp3" controls="controls"> 浏览器不支持HTML5:audio </audio>B.<audio type="nusic.mp3" controls="controls"> 浏览器不支持HTML5:audio </audio>C.<audio src="nusic.mp3" controls="controls"> 浏览器不支持HTML5:audio </audio>D.<video src="nusic.mp3" controls="controls"> 浏览器不支持HTML5:audio </video>