信用证规定“Shipment during March/April. /May in three equal monthly lots”。因生产原因,3月份的货未能装运,3、4、5月三个月份货拟于4月份装运。根据《UCP500》()A、3月份的货不能装运,只能装运4、5两个月的货B、3月份的货不能装运,4、5两个月的也不能装运C、4月份与3月份的货分成两批,做两套单据,同在4月份内装运D、4月份将所有未装货一次装运

信用证规定“Shipment during March/April. /May in three equal monthly lots”。因生产原因,3月份的货未能装运,3、4、5月三个月份货拟于4月份装运。根据《UCP500》()

  • A、3月份的货不能装运,只能装运4、5两个月的货
  • B、3月份的货不能装运,4、5两个月的也不能装运
  • C、4月份与3月份的货分成两批,做两套单据,同在4月份内装运
  • D、4月份将所有未装货一次装运


我出口合同中规定:“ Shipment during April2014 subject to shipping space available”,由于4月未能订到舱位,最后安排在5月2日将货物发出。请问我方是否违约?为什么?

- When can you effect shipment I’m worried about late shipment. -() A、The shipment will be effected soon.B、The shipment won’t be late.C、About in June.

When can you effect shipment I'm worried about late shipment.()

We shall glad to receive your offer for walnut meat, shipment, during September/October for transshipment at Hongkong.()

We offer firm CIF, Lagos shipment()30 days, subject to your reply here ()10 a.m., our time.A、within,withinB、for,byC、during,byD、in,untill

Partial shipment(短语翻译)

请教:2010年单证基础理论与知识模拟试题(4)第1大题第24小题如何解答?【题目描述】第 24 题如信用证规定shipment on or about 15th Oct.2000,那么装运期应为( )。A.9天B.10天C.11天D.12天

The cargo must be shipped directly to China, that is, ( ) is not allowed.A. partial shipment B. transshipmentC. through shipment D. total shipment



信用证要求提交提单,并且在附加条款中规定“SHIPMENT IN FCL”,受益人可将此条件视为非单据化条件不予理睬。

买卖合同规定“Shipment:to be effected on May 29th ,2011 from Shanghai to Kuwait”,此一运输条款的拟定是正确的。

下列属于近期交货术语的为()A、Immediate shipmentB、Prompt shipmentC、shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/CD、shipment within 30 days

翻译:Shipment during May from London to Shanghai.The Sellers shall advise the Buyers 45 days before the month of shipment of the time the goods will be ready for Shipment.Partial shipment and transshipment allowed.

某公司向美国出口茶叶600箱。合同与信用证上均规定:“Each month shipment200/scommence from January.”问如果于1月份装200箱,2月不装,3月装200箱,4月装200箱,是否可行?为什么?

合同规定“Shipment during Oct.”是指十月底以前的任何时间都可以装运


问答题某农产品进出口公司向国外某贸易公司出口一批花生仁,国外客户在合同规定的开证时间内开来一份不可撤销信用证,证中的装运条款规定:“Shipment from Chinese port to Singapore in May, Partial shipment prohibited.”农产品进出口公司按证中规定,于5月15日将200公吨花生仁在福州港装上“嘉陵”号轮,又由同轮在厦门港签发的两套提单。农产品公司在信用证有效期内到银行交单议付,却遭到银行以单证不符为由拒付货款。问:银行的拒付是否有理?为什么?

单选题往往有如下条款说明:This is a reciprocal credit against … Bank credit No. … favoring …Covering shipment of … 本对开信用证是相对于…银行开立的,编号为…,以…为受益人,用以结算…批货物的信用证是()A背对背信用证B备用信用证C可转让信用证D对开信用证

问答题我某食品进出口公司向意大利出口3000公吨冷冻食品,合同规定2000年4—7月份交货,即期信用证支付。来证规定:Shipment during April/July, April Shipment 800M/T,May Shipment 800 M/T,July Shipment 600M/T。我公司实际出口情况是:4、5月份交货正常,并顺利结汇,6月份因船期延误,拖延到7月12日才实际装运出口。7月15日我方在同轮又装了600M/T,付款行收到单据后来电表示拒绝支付这两批货的款项,问:我方有何失误?付款行拒付有何依据?

多选题根据《UCP600》规定,必须规定交单地点的信用证是(  )。A即期付款信用证 B延期付款信用证C承兑信用证 D自由议付信用证E限制议付信用证



问答题某公司向美国出口茶叶600箱。合同与信用证上均规定:“Each month shipment200/scommence from January.”问如果于1月份装200箱,2月不装,3月装200箱,4月装200箱,是否可行?为什么?

问答题翻译:Shipment during May from London to Shanghai.The Sellers shall advise the Buyers 45 days before the month of shipment of the time the goods will be ready for Shipment.Partial shipment and transshipment allowed.

判断题信用证要求提交提单,并且在附加条款中规定“SHIPMENT IN FCL”,受益人可将此条件视为非单据化条件不予理睬。A对B错

判断题合同规定“Shipment during Oct.”是指十月底以前的任何时间都可以装运A对B错