边际收益(Marginal revenue)
边际收益(Marginal revenue)
当一个厂商的边际收益曲线(marginal revenue curve)与边际成本曲线(marginal cost curve)有两个交点时,根据MR=MC法则,这两个交点代表的产量都是利润的最大化产量。( )
Why are wages falling when the economy is growing fast for some employees?( ) A.The competition is too fierce in the international field for some employees. B.The lack of flexibility to adopt new technologies. C.International competition has lowered the marginal revenue product of low-skilled workers. D.The extensive application of the AI technology.
Why are wages falling when the economy is growing fast for some employees?( ) A.The competition is too fierce in the international field for some employees B.The lack of flexibility to adopt new technologies C.International competition has lowered the marginal revenue product of low-skilled workers D.The extensive application of the AI technology
判断题边际收益(Marginal Revenue)是指增加一单位产品的销售所增加的收益。A对B错