- A、S1=S2
- B、S1﹥S2
- C、S1﹤S2
- D、S1=S2/10000
以下2题有作者表和图书表如下: 作者 作者编号 作者姓名 所在城市 1001 王力 北京 1002 刘方 北京 1003 张剑 上海 1004 程红 上海 1005 张进 上海 图书 图书编号 书名出版 单位 价格 作者编号 0001 计算机应用 清华出版社 26.50 1001 0002 C++ 电子工业出版社 32.00 1001 0003 计算机基础知识 电子工业出版社 28.00 1002 0004 网络应用 清华出版社 24.50 1003 0005 数据库应用 清华出版社 26.00 1003 0006 数据库组成原理 清华出版社 23.00 1003 0007 Java 电子工业出版社 27.50 1004 0008 网页设计 电子工业出版社 31.00 1004求至少出版两本以上图书的作者姓名及数量,下列SQL语句正确的是
下面语句中,表示过虑条件是vend_id=1002或vend_id=1003的是( )A.select * from products where vend_id=1002 or vend_id=1003B.select * from products where vend_id in (1002,1003);C.select * from products where vend_id not in (1004,1005);D.select * from products where vend_id=1002 and vend_id=1003
已知:数组:int[]al={2,3,5,7,11,13} int[]a2={1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1007 }在语句 System.arraycopy(a1,2,a2,3,4)执行后,数组int[]luckNumbers的值是( )。A.{1001,1002,1003,2,3,4,1007}B.{2,3,1003,1004,2,3,1007}C.{1001,1002,1003,5,7,11,13}D.{5,7,11,13,1005,1006,1007}
两组测得值分别为1001、1002、1003、1004、1005和1、2、3、4、5,其标准差分别为S1和S2,两者之间的关系是()。A.S1=S2B.S1 >S2C.S1D.S1=S2/1000
HowareCTIportsinaCTIPortGroupaddedontheCRSServer?() A.TheymustbecreatedinCiscoUnifiedCallManagerinascendingorder(i.e.,1001,1002,and1003)withnogapsormissingnumbersinthegroup.B.TheycanbeassignedasarangeofportsinCRSApplicationAdministration.C.TheyarethesameastheCTIRoutePointsintheCiscoUnifiedCallManagerandautomaticallybuiltinCRSwhentheyareassociatedwiththeJTAPIuser.D.TheyarethesameastheCTIRoutePointsintheCiscoUnifiedCallManagerandautomaticallybuiltinCRSwhentheyareassociatedwiththeRMJTAPIuser.
assuming the default switch configuration which vlan range can be added modified and removed on a cisco switch?() A.2 through 1001B.1 through 1001C.1 through 1002D.2 through 1005
assumingthedefaultswitchconfigurationwhichvlanrangecanbeaddedmodifiedandremovedonaciscoswitch?() A.2through1001B.1through1001C.1through1002D.2through1005
assuming the default switch configuration which vlan range can be added modified and removed on a cisco switch?()A、2 through 1001B、1 through 1001C、1 through 1002D、2 through 1005
assuming the default switch configuration which vlan range can be added modified and removed on a ciscoswitch?()A、2 through 1001B、1 through 1001C、1 through 1002D、2 through 1005
单选题assuming the default switch configuration which vlan range can be added modified and removed on a ciscoswitch?()A2 through 1001B1 through 1001C1 through 1002D2 through 1005
单选题assuming the default switch configuration which vlan range can be added modified and removed on a cisco switch?()A2 through 1001B1 through 1001C1 through 1002D2 through 1005