
_______ is indeed the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf. A.Paradise LostB.Paradise RegainedC.Samson AgonistesD.The Faerie Queene

以下不属于奔腾芯片的技术特点是______。A.超标量技术B.超流水线技术C. 双Cache的哈佛结构D.EPIC技术

ENew archaeological discovers suggest that trade between Europe and Asia along the Silk Road probably began in some form. many countries earlier than once thought. The findings, coupled with a widening range of scientific and historical research could add a fascinating new page to the epic of the Silk Road.The farest and most surprising discovery is pieces of silk found in the hair of and Egyptian mummy from about 1000 BC, long before regular traffic on the Silk Road and at least one thousand years before silk was previously thought to be used in Egypt. Other research may extend human activity along this route back even further, perhaps a million years to the migration of human ancestors into eastern Asia.The official origin of East-West commerce along the road is usually placed in the late 2nd century BC which was the agent of the Chinese Emperor Wu-di returned from a dangerous secret mission(使命)across the desert into the remote high country of Central Asia. The agent, Zhang Qian, travelled as far as Afghanistan back knowledge of even more distant lands such as Persia, Syria and a place known as Lijion,. Histerents have called this one of the most important journeys in ancient times. His journey opened the way for what have been thought to be the first indirect contacts between the ancient world’s two superpowers, China and Rome. Chinese silk, first traded to central Asian tribes for war horses and to the Parthians of old Pet la lu exchange for acrobats and ostrich eggs, was soon finding its way through a network of merchants to the luxury markets in Rome.But the new discoveries show that Chinese silk was apparently present in the West long before the Han emperor started organized trade over the Silk Road. The research could change thinking about the early history of world trade and provide insights into the mystery of just how and when Europe and the Mediterranean lands first became aware of the glorious culture at the other end of Eurasia.72. The word “coupled” in the first paragraph could best be replaced by .A. producedB. contributedC. doubledD. combined

Of all the eighteenth-century novelists , who was the first to set out, both in theory and practice , to write specially a “comic epic in prose”, the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. ():A.Thomas GrayB.Richard Brinsley SheridanC.Johathan SwiftD.Henry Fielding

Once a week my aunt would announce, "I am going to have my bath today."Now most people find it fairly simple to have a bath.You probably remember how it goes.You enter the bathroom, you put the plug in, turn on the hot water, get into the bath, wash, sing, get out, dry yourself and exit.My aunt's approach was more epic(宏大的), like one of those long Eisenstein films where people seem to be climbing up the same flight of stairs forever.My aunt would first slowly collect her clean linen(亚麻布衬衫), so as to have it all ready for changing into after her bath.This involved sorting out her linen, which took up most of the morning.Sometimes she would find an old letter buried among her linen, become interested in the memories it aroused and have to postpone the bath until the next day.But if all went well, she would have a bite of lunch and start Phase Two around two o'clock.Phase Two was washing out the bath.She would wash the bath very thoroughly, rinse(冲洗) it with running cold water, rewash it and then carefully feel the whole surface with her fingers.If there was the slightest blemish, she would clean the whole bath out again.This took about an hour.Then she would fill the bath.By this time she was feeling a bit hungry and exhausted.So she would put on the kettle for a cup of tea.Several cups of tea and several cream crackers (her favourite food) later, she would go back to the bathroom.And find the water stone cold.1.According to the writer, most people().A.read magazines in the bathB.make bath time a special occasionC.sing when they are in the bathD.have a bath once every other week2.The writer's aunt().A.never got used to taking a bath regularlyB.always treated bathtime as an eventC.hated climbing the stairs to the bathroomD.would collect her new linen quickly3.How did she use to spend most of the morning?()A.Reading old letters.B.Preparing lunch.C.Getting the bath water hot.D.Sorting out her linen.4.Why might the writer's aunt put off bathing until the next day?()A.She might get fascinated by an old letter.B.She would sometimes get too tired.C.She would sometimes have lunch instead.D.She might start ironing the linen.5.She would never fill the bath until she().A.had cleaned it at least three timesB.had had several cups of teaC.had polished it inside and outsideD.had made sure it was perfectly clean

中国物流业景气指数的简称是()。 A.LPIB.EPIC.GDPD.CPI

由于服务器处理的数据都很庞大.例如数据库,数据挖掘、决策支持以及像电子设计自动化等应用,因而需要64位的安 腾处理器,它采用的创新技术是A.复杂指令系统计算CISCB.精简指令系统计算RISCC.复杂并行指令计算CPICD.简明并行指令计算EPIC

下列关于安腾处理器的描述中,错误的是( )。A.安腾采用64位芯片B.它用于高端服务器与工作站C.采用了复杂指令系统CISCD.实现了简明并行指令计算EPIC

以下哪个不是奔腾芯片的技术特点? ( )A.超级标量技术B.分支预测技术C.增强的64位数据总线D.EPIC技术


在数据库、数据采掘、决策支持、电子设计自动化等应用中,由于服务器处理的数据量都很庞大,因而常采用安腾处理器。安腾处理器采用的创新技术是______。A.复杂指令系统计算(CISC)B.精简指令系统计算(RISC)C. 简明并行指令计算(EPIC)D.复杂并行指令计算(CPIC)

64位的安腾处理器为了达到最高的指令级的并行性,采用了最新设计理念,EPIC的全称是【 】。



( ) is commonly considered to be the beginning of English literature and is the oldest surviving epic in English literature A.Beowulf B.The Canterbury Tales C.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight D.The Fates of the Apostles

( ) is commonly considered to be the beginning of English literature and is the oldest surviving epic in English literature. A.Beowulf B.The Canterbury Tales C.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight D.The Fates of the Apostles


下面哪个不是EPIC REACT FK 2的科技卖点?()A、倒模SWOOSHB、一体式FK结构贴合脚型C、模压泡棉鞋口,舒适包覆D、更新TPU后跟更加简洁不硌脚



Primus EPIC平台的主要用户部件是:()。A、MAUB、MFDC、EICAS

单选题_____ is a folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes. It is a long poem of over 3000 lines and the national epic of the English people.ABeowulfBSir Gawain and the Green KnightCThe Canterbury TaleDKing Arthur and His Knights


问答题Passage 2The Ant Society  Described as a “six-legged lliad”, Wilson’s Anthill draws parallels between human and ant societies. Though there are no ant symphony orchestras, secret police, or schools of philosophy, both ants and men conduct wars, divide into specialized castes of workers, build cities, maintain infant nurseries and cemeteries, take slaves, practice agriculture, and indulge in occasional cannibalism, though ant societies are more energetic, altruistic, and efficient than human ones. (The New York Review of Books)  A “Go to the ant, thou sluggard” says the Bible. “Consider her ways, and be wise.” The book of Proverbs, chapter six, says that the industrious legions of ants, which have now colonized every continent on earth, except Antarctica, have “no guide, overseer, or ruler”.  B In fact, the good book got ants all wrong. Ant societies are rigidly stratified and usually ruled by queens. The little creatures are constantly guided by their scent trails and other chemical signals, not to mention their genes. Nobody has done more to reveal the true nature of the “super organisms” that ant societies comprise than Edward Wilson, a Harvard biologist, campaigning green, two-time Pulitzer prize-winning author, pioneer of sociobiology, and now, at the age of 80, also a debut novelist.  C One part of Anthill, by the world’s leading myrmecologist, demonstrates that in Mr. Wilson ants have found not only their Darwin but also their Homer. Midway through the novel, and comprising a fifth of the whole, is a self-contained novella, “The Anthill Chronicles”, which purports to be an undergraduate biology thesis by the protagonist of Anthill, about the rise and fall of four ant colonies in a tract of forest in southern Alabama. Happily for the reader, these chronicles bear no resemblance to student reports, though most of the details of life among the six-legged will be familiar to fans of Mr. Wilson’s entomological writings. The “thesis”, we are told, has been lightly edited by two professors to present the story “as near as possible to the way ants see such events themselves”.  D The success of this novella-within-a-novel derives from the fact that Mr. Wilson has no need to resort to the Hollywood method of anthropomorphizing his ants, as two popular animated features-Antz and A Bug’s Life—did in 1998. There are no individual perspectives in The Anthill Chronicles: no lovers, no personalities, no neuroses, and no selves. The only heroes are the ant colonies themselves, and they are as engaging and at least as memorable as most two legged Hollywood creations.  E Mr. Wilson’s mini-epic begins with the demise of the queen of the Trailhead Colony, whose death is not at first noticed by her daughter-followers. While her body rots encased in its external skeleton, her lingering scent misleadingly tells the colony that all is still well.  F The neighboring Streamside Colony wipes out the Trailheaders, and then it self falls victim to a “super colony”, comprising millions of workers and thousands of queens, which rose to power thanks to a single-gene mutation that weakens their sensitivity to queen-odors, and thus permits them to tolerate multiple simultaneous queens. Growing out of control, the super colony in effect eats up its own territory and is exterminated by “the moving tree trunks, the ant gods”—i.e., humans spraying insecticide. This leaves room for the tiny Woodland Colony to expand its territory and thrive, and so the epic struggle continues, as it has for thousands of years.  G The tale within a tale is an astonishing literary achievement; nobody but Mr. Wilson could have written it, and those who read it will tread lightly in the forest, at least for a while. Yet Mr. Wilson wants his audience to do more than that. The novel as a whole is mainly about people, and an author’s prologue—echoing the theme of some of Mr. Wilson’s earlier work—warns of further disaster if this wayward species does not start to take better care of its biosphere, the planet.  H The hero of Anthill is Raft Cody, an Alabaman youngster who follows up his biology studies with a stint at Harvard law school, with the express purpose of returning equipped to save his beloved patch of forest from rapacious property developers. This character owes something to Mr. Wilson’s own background, and so does the story’s narrator, Raff’s biology professor. It’s one of the few defects in the novel that Mr. Wilson hasn’t quite decided which of the pair is him.  I Raft’s early adventures in the swamps owe something to Huck Finn’s; and the novel’s denouement, with a monstrously eccentric woodsman and some implausible Fundamentalist villains, recalls the Florida black comedies of Carl Hiaasen, only without the laughs. One can’t help rooting for the ants. Thanks to the depth of Mr. Wilson’s understanding of them, his evocation of their ways is a more powerful tool for raising ecological awareness than any Disneyfication is likely to be.  This passage has nine paragraphs, A-I.  Which paragraph contains the following information?  Write the correct letter, A-I, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.  NB You may use any letter more than once.  1. fierce struggle of the ant world  2. comparison of the book with biology paper  3. the real theme of the novel  4. the hierarchical system of the ant society  5. the weakness that existed in the book  6. particular feature of Anthill in contrasted with Hollywood products

单选题Of all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a “_____ in prose,” the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.Atragic epicBcomic epicCromanceDlyric epic


问答题Passage 6  They weren’t exactly Hollywood’s idea of a power couple: Disney CEO Robert Iger, once derided as a “suit,” and studio chief Richard Cook, who got his start as a monorail operator at Disneyland. But last week Iger and Cook dropped a bomb bigger than any of the explosions you’ll see in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.” Just weeks after the record-smashing release of the sequel—soon to be the highest-grossing film in Disney history—Cook fired studio president Nina Jacobson and announced Disney was slashing 20 percent of its studio staff and cutting the number of films it makes each year by a third.  As usual, Hollywood thought it was all about them. “People are concerned that if Disney is cutting back on live-action movies, then what are other companies going to do,” says Jim Wiatt, chief executive of the William Morris Agency. The unflappable Iger’s response: “We’re focused on our own issues and strategies. If it has an effect on the industry, so be it. But it really is about us.”  Not bad for two guys who were considered perpetual bridesmaids. Iger and Cook both spent years toiling in the shadow of larger-than-life CEO Michael Eisner, who ran Disney like his personal kingdom. When Eisner’s reign came to a Shakespearean end after a shareholder revolt led by Walt Disney’s nephew, Iger found himself having to audition for his boss’s job. Cook, who came up through the marketing ranks, had to endure similar Tinseltown tongue-clucking from those who assumed the affable bear of a guy didn’t have teeth.  No one’s saying Iger and Cook aren’t “sexy” anymore. In short order, Iger made up with shareholders and Pixar honcho Steve Jobs, who’ d had an epic battle with Eisner, even persuading Jobs to sell the animation company to Disney. Cook, meanwhile, had been turning theme-park rides into movies and getting Disney back to its family roots. “Dick and Bob go by their own beat,” says Oren Aviv, who was promoted to president of production last week. “They’ re not interested in fanfare or press or what other people think.” (Mostly not interested: Iger did tell NEWSWEEK once, “I hate being called a suit.”)  What people think now is that Disney is setting the pace for the industry. The film business has been on shaky ground: U. S. box office is flat, DVD sales have stalled and the cost of making movies is soaring. Family films seem like the only sure bets these days, and Disney is in a prime position to meet the demand. “Disney is the only real brand name in the movie business around the world,” says Cook. In fact, Iger is taking the name “Disney World” quite literally. He spoke to NEWSWEEK Friday after flying home from a five-day trip to Asia, where he attended the stage premiere of “The Lion King” in Shanghai. His immediate goal is to build the Disney brand in China and India. Iger has also aggressively embraced technological advances, podcasting and Webcasting episodes of “Lost” and “Desperate Housewives,” hits on Disney’s ABC network. “I don’t see technology as a threat,” he says. “Technology allows us to be in step with the consumer.”  All of which sounds pretty good to Wall Street. Last week’s cuts will save the company between $ 90 million and $100 million a year, according to Cook, and while that wasn’t enough to boost its stock price, it sure doesn’t hurt investor relations. “Iger has stated his goals and stuck to [them]; investors like that predictability,” says analyst Jason Helfstein of CIBC World Markets. “He’s widely regarded in a positive light.” Ironic, since he wasn’t supposed to have the job in the first place.  1. What was the “bomb” that Iger and Cook dropped in Disney Company?  2. What contributions have Iger and Cook done to Disney Company?  3. Why does the author say that “the film business has been on shaky ground”? (Para. 5)  4. Why do people believe now that Disney is setting the pace for the industry? (Para. 5)