Of all the eighteenth-century novelists , who was the first to set out, both in theory and practice , to write specially a “comic epic in prose”, the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. ():A.Thomas GrayB.Richard Brinsley SheridanC.Johathan SwiftD.Henry Fielding

Of all the eighteenth-century novelists , who was the first to set out, both in theory and practice , to write specially a “comic epic in prose”, the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. ()

:A.Thomas Gray

B.Richard Brinsley Sheridan

C.Johathan Swift

D.Henry Fielding



阅读以下说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面的Java程序演示了程序竞争资源(Mutex的实例对象)而引起程序死锁的一种例子。【Java程序】import java.applet.*;import java.awt.*;//此处声明一个互斥类class Mutex { }class A extends (1){private Mutex first,second;public A(Mutex f,Mutex s){first = f;second = s;}public void run(){//锁定first变量(2) (first){try{ //本线程挂起,等待重新调度Thread.sleep(1); //注意此处(1)不是小题序号}catch(InterruptedException e){}System. out. println("threadA got first mutex");(2) (second) //锁定second变量{ //do somethingSystem. out. println("threadA got second mutex");} //释放second变量} //释放first变量}}class B extends (1){private Mutex first,second;public B(Mutex f,Mutex s){(3) ;second = s;}public void run(){(2) (second) //锁定second变量{//do somethingtry{Thread.sleep(((int)(3*Math.random()))*1000);//本线程挂起,等待重新调度}catch(InterruptedException e){}System.out.println("threadB got second mutex");(2) (first) //锁定first变量{//do somethingSystem.out.println("threadB got first mutex");} //释放first变量} //释放second变量}}public class DeadlockExample{public static void main(String arg[]){Mutex mutexX = new Mutex();Mutex mutexY = new Mutex();AthreadA = new A(mutexX,mutexY);B threadB = new B (4);threadA.(5);threadB.start();}}

下列代码中if(xO){System.out.println(first);}elseif(x-3){System.out.println(second);)else{System.out.println(third);)要求打印字符串为“second”时,X的取值范围是( )。A.x-3B.x>0C.x>-3D.x



A(71)is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the roles governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most(72). Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out(LIFO)behavior, or protocol.A.stackB.queuesC.pointerD.record

A(71) is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the rules governing the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most(72). Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out (LIFO) behavior, or protocol.A.stackB.queuesC.pointerD.record

Whatarethethreemodelsofqualityofservice(QoS)inanetwork?() A.ResourceReservationProtocol(RSVP)B.first-in,first-out(FIFO)C.best-effortD.CBWFQE.IntServF.DiffServ

