Landscape Architect是指()。A、花园设计师B、花园造园师C、景观设计师D、风景花园师

Landscape Architect是指()。

  • A、花园设计师
  • B、花园造园师
  • C、景观设计师
  • D、风景花园师


PowerDesigner Physical Architect是 ______工具。

The design of the Sydney Opera House has been taken as a myth because was the workpiece of the famous met most of the rules for architectural design at that timeC.the design project suggested by Utzon was was designed by an unknown architect and was thought unbuildable at that time

From the passage, we know Frank Uloyd the teacher of UtzonB.had good effect on the Utzon's architect careerC.was opposite to the rectilinear "international style" of its timeD.forced Utzon to leave Australia

使用Power Designer的Data Architect,可以对已有的数据库生成物理模型(PDM),这种功能通常称为___________。

使用Power Designer的Data Architect,可以对已有数据库生成物理数据模型(PDM),这种功能通常称为__________。

They work hard to ________ a barren landscape into an area of beautiful pasture land.A transformB conformC informD reform

People sometimes don’t pay much attention to what a film is about because _______. A.they dislike itB.the crowd is too noisyC.the landscape is a mighty distractionD.the weather is very hot in the summertime

The landscape painting has been ____ by the drop of red ink.A、destroyedB、spoiledC、eliminatedD、damaged

Architect Mayur Kanaiya spoke()of the Langkawi Sky Bridge.A. goodB. wellC. highly

The UK Landscape is very varied, ranging from the Grampian () of Scotland to the lowland fens of England which are at or below sea level in places. A.RiverB.MountiansC.PlainD.Lake

An eighteenth-century traveler to Annapolis reported on the ____ landscape of this southern city. A、corruptiveB、dimensionalC、provincialD、magnificent

在PowerDesigner的组成模块中,用于物理数据库的设计和应用对象及数据组件的生成的工具是A.PowerDesigner Process AnalystB.PowerDesigner AppModelerC.PowerDesigner MetalWorksD.PowerDesigner Warehouse Architect

在PowerDesigner的组成模块中,用于物理数据库的设计和应用对象及数据组件生成工具的是________。A.PowerDesigner Process AnalystB. PowerDesigner AppModelerC.PowerDesigner MetalWorksD.PowerDesigner Warehouse Architect

Power Designer是新一代数据库设计工具,下面是它的四个组成部分,若要进行物理(逻辑)数据库的设计,应该选用( )。A)App ModelerB)Data ArchitectC)Meta. WorksD)Warehouse Architect

What type of experience is NOT listed as a requirement for the job?A.Word processing B.Landscape designC.Customer serviceD.Marketing

the architect ___designed the Mori Music Center plans to retire this spring.A. who B. some C. he D. also

What type of experience is NOT listed as a requirement for the job?A.Word processingB.Landscape designC.Customer serviceD.Marketing

From here you can see the city's landscape of high barren mountains.A:hairlessB:bareC:emptyD:dead

美国景观建筑师奥姆斯特德1858年创造了“景观建筑师”(landscape architect) 一词,开创了“景观建筑学”(lanscape architecture),他把传统园林学扩大到:( )A.城市景观设计和大地景观规划B.城市广场景观设计和国家公园规划C.城市公园系统设计和区域范围景观规划D.城市景观设计和城市绿地系统规划

It can be learned from Paragraphs 1 and 2 that the EEOB has housed( ) A.Supervising Architect of the Treasury B.the growing staffs of the Executive Branch Departments C.only a few of staffs of the State,War,and Navy Departments D.some prominent diplomats and politicians

The unique island( )of Hainan attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. A.scenery B.sight C.scene D.landscape

景观生态学(landscape ecology)

单选题Although Frost depicts mostly New England Landscape, those scenes of rural life reflect the _____ of modern experience.AfragmentizationBpanoramaCessenceDvarious sides

单选题An architect planning a new house should always in mind his client’s needs.AcarryBtakeCtreatDbear

名词解释题景观生态学(landscape ecology)

单选题I was()than angry when I saw how they'd ruined the landscape.AmuchBlittleCmoreDless

单选题The architect accused of letting out the top secret of the key military project was found not guilty and was _____.AexcludedBdrivenCdischargedDdismissed