The auctionnerrs(auctionner) shall take care of the lots entrusted by the saller。(将英文翻译成中文)()。
The auctionnerrs(auctionner) shall take care of the lots entrusted by the saller。(将英文翻译成中文)()。
● 下面安全算法中,属于加密算法的是 (54) ,属于报文摘要算法的是 (55) 。(54)A. MD5 和3DES B. MD5和SHA1 C. DES和SHA1 D. DES和3DES(55)A. MD5 和3DES B. MD5和SHA1 C. DES和SHA1 D. DES和3DES
● 下面安全算法中,属于加密算法的是 (54) ,属于报文摘要算法的是 (55) 。(54)A. MD5和3DESB. MD5和 SHA1C. DES和SHA1D. DES和 3DES(55)A. MD5和3DESB. MD5和 SHA1C. DES和SHA1D. DES和 3DES
Refertotheexhibit.TheLinksysrouterinthediagramisperformingpNAT(portnetworkaddresstranslation).Whathashalgorithmshouldyouchooseandwhy?() A.UsehashMD5toensurethatIKEworksthroughNAT.B.Useah-sha-hmac,asitdoesnotchecktheintegrityoftheIPheader.TheIPheaderwillchangeduetoNAT.C.Use3DES,asitwillencrypttheIPSecheaderIPaddressesandbypassaddressingissues.D.Useesp-sha-hmac,asitdoesnotchecktheintegrityoftheIPheader.TheIPheaderwillchangeduetoNAT.
SNMPv3authorizesmanagementoperationsonlybyconfiguredusersandencryptsSNMPmessages.WhichauthenticationprotocolsdoesCiscoNX-OSSoftwareuseforSNMPv3?() A.NMAC-SHA-96authenticationprotocolB.HMAC-MD5-96authenticationprotocolC.CommunityStringMatchprotocolD.NMAC-MD5-96authenticationprotocolE.HMAC-SHA-96authenticationprotocol
Whichalgorithmwasthefirsttobefoundsuitableforbothdigitalsigningandencryption?() A.HMACB.RSAC.MD5D.SHA-1
Which of the following statements are true regardinghashing? ()A、 MD5 produces a 160-bit result.B、 SHA-256 is an extension to SHA-1 with a longer output.C、 MD5 takes more CPU cycles to compute than SHA-1.D、 Changing1 bit of the input to SHA-1 changes 1 bit of the output.E、 SHA-1 is stronger than MD5 because it can be used with a key to prevent modification.
多选题Which of the following statements are true regardinghashing? ()AMD5 produces a 160-bit result.BSHA-256 is an extension to SHA-1 with a longer output.CMD5 takes more CPU cycles to compute than SHA-1.DChanging1 bit of the input to SHA-1 changes 1 bit of the output.ESHA-1 is stronger than MD5 because it can be used with a key to prevent modification.
填空题The auctionnerrs(auctionner) shall take care of the lots entrusted by the saller。(将英文翻译成中文)()。
填空题我是(中国注册拍卖师)The registered auctionner of China,很荣幸为大家主持今天的(拍卖会)()。