单选题I wanted to know when they ______ come to see me.AwillBwouldCshould

I wanted to know when they ______ come to see me.









I don’t know whether it will rain or not, but if it __ rain, I shall stay at home. A.willB.didC.doesD.shall

Please answer the phone. It () be by your father. If it is, would you tell that I want to see him? A.willB.shouldC.wouldD.could

I () his face when he opened the letter. A.should like you to seeB.would have liked you to be seenC.should like you to have seenD.would like you to see

If I get the new job, I () buy a better car. A、willB、wouldC、might

—I don’t care what people think .—Well , you _______A. could B. wouldC. should D. might

______ he come, what you say to him?A. If, willB. Should, wouldC. When, wouldD. Would, do

If I were you I () accept the invitation.A、willB、wouldC、mayD、should

I didn't know what to do but then an idea suddenly () to me.A、A happenedB、B enteredC、C occurredD、D hit

I know this book is just which you wanted. A.Wrong.B.Right.

I was surprised when the shopkeeper told me that my father had visited the shop, paid for the framing and______ them wrapped.A、shouldB、wouldC、hadD、could

I ( )an old friend of mine when I went shopping in supermarket. A.come alongB.come aboutC.come acrossD.come on

Excuse me, Mr. Li, _______ it be alright if I used your phone?A、willB、wouldC、shallD、should

I______to be a scientist when I______ a boy.A、wanted, wasB、want, amC、wanted, amD、want, was

I ______ see you, but I didn't, for I had no time. A、had wanted toB、has wanted toC、wantedD、was wanted

-- Ann is in hospital.-- Oh, really? I __ know. I __ go and visit her.A. didn’t; am going to B. don’t; wouldC. don’t; will D. didn't; will

---Good evening. I _______ to see Miss Mary.---Oh, good evening. I’m sorry, but she is not in.A.have come B.come C.came D.had come

7. —When will Guo Jingming’s new book ________ ?—Sorry,l don-t know.I’m looking forward to his new book,to a.A. come onB. come outC. come inD. come over

18. When you hear two shouts or whistles,you know that people will come to help you.

When a student said "Yesterday I goed to see a friend of mine", which of the followingways for correcting errors is Not encouraged?A.Oh, yes. I see you went to see a friend of yours.B.You goed to see your friend C.No, not goed. You should say went.D.Say it again, please.

--Mary, remember to come and see us next time you are in town. --____________.A.Sure, I willB.It sounds greatC.Good for youD.It' s all right

Would you like to come to my birthday party next? Oh, thanks a lot.()A、Yes, pleaseB、Yes, I wouldC、I'd love toD、I've no idea

Come()with me.A、toB、longC、upD、along

单选题I would have come to see you had it been possible, but I _____so busy then.Ahad beenBwereCwasDwould be

单选题—Do you know if he ______ to play football with us?—I think he will come if he ______ free tomorrow.Acomes; isBcomes; will beCwill come; isDwill come; will be

单选题When a student said Resterday I goed to see a fiend of mine', which of the following ways for correcting errors is NOT encouraged?AOh, yes.I see you went to see a friend of yours.BYou goed to see your friend?CNo, not goed. You should say went.DSay it again, please.

单选题I would have come to see you had it been possible, but I ______ so busy then.Ahad beenBwere Cwas Dwould be

单选题When you come to our city you can see__________ yourself how beautiful it is.AinBforCtoDwith