


本题考查固定搭配,go to somewhere to do sth是“去某地做某事”的意思。


单选题Wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and versatile.AdiligentBcapableCcleverDperfect

单选题What a beautiful house! Especially there are many()AfurnitureBfurnituresCpieces of furnitureDpieces of furnitures

单选题In no country _____ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.Aother thanBmore thanCbetter thanDrather than

单选题According to one study, most computer and online games _____.Aallow the players to take part in killing actsBteach the players to be antisocialCmake the players forget the real life resultsDthat young people like contain violence

单选题()he said is quite right.AThatBWhatCHowDWhy

单选题According to this passage, _____.Athe game plan for keeping brain cells sparking doesn’t work for everyoneBDr. Small’s memory tests can show you what to do about brain agingCDr. Small’s advice can help us fight brain aging effectivelyDour brains can reconstruct memories themselves

单选题Why do incompetent people rarely know they are inept?AThey are too inept to know what competence is.BThey are not skillful at logical reasoning, grammar, and sense of humor.CThey lack the basic skills to evaluate their performance realistically.DThey have some ability to over criticize themselves.

单选题Can you show me how()?Ause the washing machineBto use the washing machineCusing the washing machine

单选题--Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? --()AYou can take a taxi.BI’ll fly to Sydney.CIt’s about thirty miles.DIt’s only six hundred dollars.

问答题请用所报考语种就所给题目写出一篇400~600字的导游解说词。要求语言规范,表达得体,内容切题,条理清楚,有一定的思想深度,符合导游语言要求,能反映新中国成立70年来人均寿命的增长以及人口素质的提升。  题目:中国人口结构的变化

单选题Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?()AI miss you.BFine. Thank you. And you?CAre you OK?DThis way, please.

单选题I prefer to live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of()over city life.AcharacterBqualitiesCadvantagesDways


问答题题11  苏州是世界上著名的园林城市,位于长江下游,紧靠太湖,拥有2500多年的历史,风景优美,文化遗产丰富。苏州古典园林是具有自然意趣的“城市山林”,它宅园合一,反映了人与自然的和谐,追求的是山水泉之乐,达到了“不出城廓而获山林之怡、身居闹市而有林泉之趣”的优美境界。它融建筑美、自然美、人工美为一体,反映了中国江南高度的居住文明,体现了当时城市建筑科学技术风格和艺术成就,在中国乃至世界园林艺术发展史上具有不可替代的地位。

单选题They were late for class for there was a _____ in the traffic.Ahold-upBhold-ofChold-outDhold-on

单选题The journey to the Northwest of China usually takes six weeks but you should _____ delays caused by bad weather.Aarrange forBallow forCmake forDaccount for

单选题There are many things whose misuse is dangerous, but it is hard to think of anything that can be compared _____ tobacco products.AinBwithCamongDby

单选题I think he is a good lecturer.()ASorry, it doesn't matter.BSo do I.CYes. It's a good idea.DI don't mind

单选题--Would you like something --()?AdrinkBto drinkCdrinkingDfor drinking

单选题You like playing football,()you?AdoBdidn‘tCdidDdon‘t

单选题Which of these possible factors leading to greater productivity is NOT true?ATo make jobs more varied.BTo give the workers freedom to do their jobs in their own way.CDegree of worker contribution.DDemands of longer working hours.

单选题This is a()dictionary.Aone lingualBsingle lingualCmonolingualDsololigual

单选题Do you have any plan this year?()AHow about you?BI plan to go to the United States for further studies.CYes, I will.DI'm certainly not going to do that kind of thing.

单选题Some psychologists argue that the traditional idea “spare the rod and spoil the child” is not rational.AhelpfulBkindCsensibleDeffective

单选题Don't disturb me. I()letters all morning and have written ten so far.AwriteBhave writtenCwas writingDhave been writing

单选题Do you get()your boss?Aon wellBwell withCalong wellDon with

