单选题Gooseneck barnacles attach themselves to objects such as decks and boats.Afasten Bpropel Climit Dcompare

Gooseneck barnacles attach themselves to objects such as decks and boats.









解析: 句意:无脊椎茗荷儿(一种节肢动物)能够使自己固着于物体上,如甲板和船上。attach贴上,附着于。fasten抓紧,固定。propel推进。limit限制。compare比较。



Why do women seem less likely to fall in love with the objects themselves?A) Because they have no visual spatial skills.B) Because they are only good at language and verbal reasoning.C) Because they are less likely to see their charming or interesting aspects.D) Because they rarely use machines such as cars, titles, computers, etc.

The gooseneck is (). Stop using it at once.A、bendB、bentC、bandD、bended



船体被甲板和舱壁分隔。()A、The hull is divided by decks and bulwarks.B、The hull is divided by decks and bulkheads.C、The hull is divided by engine room and bulkheads.D、The hull is divided by decks and holds.

清扫艏艉甲板,准备出海。()A、Repair fore and aft decks and prepare for sea.B、Clean up lower deck and prepare for sea.C、Clean up fore and aft decks and prepare for sea.D、Paint fore and aft decks and prepare for sea.

You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com has instructed you to create a class named MetricFormula. This class will be used to compare MetricUnit and EnglishUnit objects.The MetricFormula is currently defined as follows (Line numbers are used for reference purposes only): 1. public class MetricFormula2. { 3. 4. } You need to ensure that the MetricFormula class can be used to compare the required objects. What should you do? ()A、 Add the following code on line 1: : IComparable {B、 Add the following code on line 1: : IComparer {C、 Add the following code on line 3: public int Compare (object x, object y) {// implementation code }D、 Add the following code on line 3: public int CompareTo (object obj) {// implementation code }

单选题The hull is divided by decks and ()(舱壁).AholdsBtanksCbulkheadsDhatches

单选题How should the teacher deal with students' writing errors?ATeachers should limit students to take risks to use new vocabulary and structures.BTeachers should often show negative attitude towards students' writing errors.CTeachers should make corrections for all the writing errors of students.DTeachers should underline the errors and leave them for students to correct themselves.

单选题船体被甲板和舱壁分隔。()AThe hull is divided by decks and bulwarks.BThe hull is divided by decks and bulkheads.CThe hull is divided by engine room and bulkheads.DThe hull is divided by decks and holds.

多选题You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com has instructed you to create a class named MetricFormula. This class will be used to compare MetricUnit and EnglishUnit objects.The MetricFormula is currently defined as follows (Line numbers are used for reference purposes only): 1. public class MetricFormula2. { 3. 4. } You need to ensure that the MetricFormula class can be used to compare the required objects. What should you do? ()AAdd the following code on line 1: : IComparable {BAdd the following code on line 1: : IComparer {CAdd the following code on line 3: public int Compare (object x, object y) {// implementation code }DAdd the following code on line 3: public int CompareTo (object obj) {// implementation code }

单选题The gooseneck is (). Stop using it at once.AbendBbentCbandDbended

单选题The ()(千斤滑车) can run the gooseneck.Aheavy derrickBpulley blockCtopping lift blockDguy tackle

单选题()fore and aft.AFastBMake fastCFastenDMake fasten

单选题The () is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes which will fasten the ship to the shore.AcranesBwinch barrelCcapstansDwindlass

单选题Stop()the derrick at once,the gooseneck is bent.Ato useBto operateCmaneuveringDusing

单选题()using the derrick at once,the gooseneck is bent.AContinueBStartCCommenceDStop

单选题Which of the following is an example of symbiosis as it is described in Paragraph 2?ACertain types of tall grass conceal tigers because of the tigers’ striped markings.BFish called remoras attach themselves to sharks and eat the scraps of the sharks’ meals.CMistletoe, a type of shrub, grows on trees and harms them by extracting water and nutrients.DProtozoa in the intestines of termites digest the cellulose that the termites eat, and their waste products nourish the termites.

单选题Vessels carrying()must not willfully wash decks or holds.Ageneral cargoBsteel productsCharmful cargoDmachinery

单选题What term indicates a curvature of the decks in a longitudinal direction?()ADeadriseBCamberCSheerDFlare

单选题67. A Fasten B Prevent C Protect D ResistAABBCCDD

单选题Gooseneck barnacles attach themselves to objects such as decks and boats.Afasten Bpropel Climit Dcompare

单选题清扫艏艉甲板,准备出海。()ARepair fore and aft decks and prepare for sea.BClean up lower deck and prepare for sea.CClean up fore and aft decks and prepare for sea.DPaint fore and aft decks and prepare for sea.

单选题Decks, superstructure and hand rails may be washed with ()water at sea.AseaBballastCfreshDcement


单选题The blocks and gooseneck of the jumbo need ().Adismantling and inspectingBdismantled and inspectedCto dismantle and inspectDdismantle and inspect

单选题Are there any ()before washing the decks?ArequireBrequiredCrequirementsDrequiring