









have an effect on sth.对某事有影响,为固定短语,其他选项都不能与on搭配使用。



单选题The writer seems to imply that Europeans travel mostly for the reason that _____.Athey want to see historic remains or religious spotsBthey are interested in different cultural traditions and social customsCthey would like to take pictures in front of famous sitesDthey wish to escape from the cold, dark and rainy days back at home

单选题Dr. Robert went to New York, bought some books and _____.Avisiting his daughterBto visit his daughterCvisit his daughterDvisited his daughter

单选题_____ a reply, he decided to write again.ANot receivedBReceiving notCNot having receivedDHaving not received

单选题One of the guards _____ when the general came in, which made him very angry.Ahas sleptBwere sleepingCsleptDwas sleeping

单选题I’m _____ that he didn’t come.AastonishedBastonishingCastonishDto astonish

单选题_____ was wrong.ANot the teacher but the studentsBBoth the students and the teacherCNeither the teacher not the studentsDNot the students but the teacher

单选题I’ll be _____ the whole factory next week when the director’s away.AchargeBin the charge ofCin charge ofDtake charge of

单选题_____Abut forBthanks toCdue toDsubject to

单选题Here is some _____ advice to any young businessman.AvariableBworthwhileCworthyDvalue

单选题We’ll have to finish the job, _____.Along it takes howeverBit takes however longClong however it takesDhowever long it takes


单选题If I _____ the exam, he would be astonished.Adid passBpassCwere to passDhad passed

单选题You’d better find some information about Nike’s “Chamber of Fear” advertisement, _____?Awouldn’t youBhad youChadn’t youDshould you

单选题The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” in the first paragraph probably mean _____ while “dull” in the second paragraph means _____.Abright and splendid ... slow in thinking and understandingBpretty and handsome ... ordinary-lookingCgreat and important ... commonDhopeful and helpful ... careless

单选题_____AdiffersBequalsChappensDtake places

单选题In New York,average _____ in one place is less than four years.AinhabitantBresidenceCaccommodationDquarters

单选题Please pass me the dictionary _____ cover is black.AwhichBwhich ofCwhoseDwith

单选题He would have played football but he _____ time.Adid not haveBdoes not haveCwould not haveDhas no

单选题_____Aa differentBthe sameCa higherDa high

单选题The section on jokes and cartoons is _____.Aread only by childrenBof no valueCnot helpfulDread by many



单选题I woke up with _____ bad headache, yet by _____ evening the pain had gone.Athe; theBthe; anCa; theDa; an

单选题Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have _____.Aa great effect on everyone’s intelligenceBsome effect on most people’s intelligenceCsome effect on a few people’s intelligenceDno effect on most people’s intelligence

单选题He insisted that he _____ in good health and _____ to work there.Awas; be sentBis; is sentCbe; was sentDbe; send

单选题Gone With The Wind is a _____ movie.AremarkableBperfectCindispensableDoutstanding

单选题I _____ asleep in the corner, for I remember nothing of what happened during the night.Amight fallBmust fallCmust have fallenDcan have fallen