单选题_____AdiffersBequalsChappensDtake places








take places




You should never ____ more than you can do. A、take offB、take onC、take outD、take up

我们定点从绿色食品基地进货并进行特别检查A.We’ll buy commodity from designated places and conduct a special test of the purchaseB.Even though we buy food from designated green food bases, still we take a test of the purchaseC.We’ll buy goods from designated green food bases and conduct a special test of the purchaseD.The food we buy are from designated green bases and we still conduct a test of the purchase

The journalists have got to take photos in designated places.A.记者必须在指定地点拍照B.必须由指定的记者拍照C.记者必须在固定的地点拍照D.记者拍照的地点是指定的

Can journalists take photos at the press conference to be held before the performance?A.Yes, they can. But they’ve got to take photos in a certain placeB.Yes, they can. But they’ve got to take photos in designated places.C.Yes, they can. But they have to find a suitable placeD.Yes, they can. But they’ve got to take photos at lower places.

在自定义的类MyClass中,应重载继承自System.Object类的哪个方法,以实现自定义的哈希算法? A.Get Hash CodeB.EqualsC.Reference EqualsD.To String

I told the boy to __________. A.take easyB.take easilyC.take it easyD.take it easily

The story()a long time ago. A.happenedB.was happenedC.happensD.is happened

The plane is scheduled to () at 4 o'clock.A、take upB、take offC、take onD、take out

Mother is ill. Who will ______ the housework?A、take afterB、take upC、take outD、take over

A lot of people will()this party,so the cup is not().A、take part on,enoughB、take,enoughC、take part in,muchD、take part in,enough

II.完型填空(共20分)Getting to places can sometimes be difficult,especially(特别) when you are going to a place for the (11) time.In big cities,many people take buses,trains or subways to get from (12 ) to another. Bu-ses are a popular (13) af transportation.lf you are using a bus,you need to know(14 ) bus to take and where you can get on. You (15) need to be able to(能够)read the timetable right, so you can take the right bus and (16 ) your place on time. At last,you need to know (17) to get off and (18 ) the driver the name of the station.In the countryside,transportation can be much simple.In some places,people get to school or work (19) boat.Some children ride in long boats on the river to get to school.In (20) places,students walk to school.( )11.A.firstB.secondC.tlurdD.fourth

A take in B take after C take on D take from

They will() against pirates and pilferage.A、take placeB、take overC、take measuresD、take up

Detach the fore and aft side hooks, ()the fore and aft boat nests.A、take inB、take onC、take offD、take down

单选题Only under special circumstances freshmen are permitted to take make-up test.AunderBcircumstancesCfreshmenDto take

单选题If they built a Channel tunnel, you would_______.Aneither take a train nor go by carBeither take a train or go by carConly take a trainDonly take a bus

单选题What can be the best title for the text?AAmericans work more and vacation less.BWhere Americans go on their summer vacations.CDifferent places for summer vacations.DNot all Americans take summer vacations.

单选题How many places of interest are mentioned in the passage? ______AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.

单选题In a series circuit, which value will remain unchanged at all places in the circuit?()AVoltageBCurrentCResistanceDInductance

单选题Before the war broke out, many people _____ in safe places possessions they could not take with them.Athrew awayBput awayCgave awayDcarried away

单选题A line on a weather chart connecting places which have the same barometric pressure is called an().AisothermBisallobarCisobarDisotope

单选题71 A take off B stand up C take up D stand byAABBCCDD

单选题—Could you tell me ______?—In August, 2014.Awhere will the Youth Olympic Games take placeBwhen will the Youth Olympic Games take placeCwhere the Youth Olympic Games will take placeDwhen the Youth Olympic Games will take place

单选题You()a big step toward overcoming stage fright if you()positivelyAtake;thinkBwill take;will thinkCtake;will thinkDwill take;think

单选题House prices are more higher in Beijing than in many other places in China.AHouseBmore higherCinDmany other places

单选题他们应该照看系泊缆绳。()AThey should take care of the mooring lines.BThey should take care of the gangway.CThey should take care of anchors.DThey should take care of anchor chains.

单选题The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as museums should be ______ .AlimitedBexpectedCdiscouragedDrecommended