单选题Lifeboat hatchets should be().Akept in a lockerBsecured at each end of the boat with a lanyardCkept next to the boat coxswainDkept in the emergency locker on the ship and brought to the lifeboat when needed

Lifeboat hatchets should be().

kept in a locker


secured at each end of the boat with a lanyard


kept next to the boat coxswain


kept in the emergency locker on the ship and brought to the lifeboat when needed


解析: 暂无解析


Your vessel has lifeboats on both sides. Lifeboat No. 2 is located ________.A.forward of lifeboat No. 4 on the starboard sideB.forward of lifeboat No. 4 on the port sideC.aft of lifeboat No. 1 on the starboard sideD.All of the above

Lifeboat winches on a ship are required to be inspected and an entry made in the logbook. What should this entry include?A.The time required to lower a lifeboatB.The time required to raise a lifeboatC.The date of inspection and condition of the winchD.All of the above

Coast Guard approved buoyant work vests ______.A.may be substituted for 10 percent of the required life preserversB.should be stowed adjacent to lifeboats and emergency stationsC.may be used by boat crews and line handlers during lifeboat drillsD.should be used when carrying out duties near a weather deck's edge

单选题When operating the air supply system in a covered lifeboat the().Afuel supply valve should be closedBhatches,doors,and oar ports should be closedCair cylinder shut-off valve should be closedDengine should be shut off

单选题Your vessel has lifeboats on both sides. Lifeboat No.2 is located().Aforward of lifeboat No.4 on the starboard sideBforward of lifeboat No.4. on the port sideCaft of lifeboat No. 1 on the starboard sideDAll of the above

单选题A person has fallen overboard and is being picked up with a lifeboat. If the person appears in danger of drowning,the lifeboat should make().Aan approach from leewardBan approach from windwardCthe most direct approachDan approach across the wind

单选题In launching a covered lifeboat,what would safely lower the lifeboat from inside the lifeboat cabin?()AFrapping lineBTricing lineCRottmer releaseDWinch remote control wire

单选题In heavy seas you decide to heave to. The lifeboat should be().Abrought to a position with the stern into the seasBallowed to take its own headCbrought to lay in the troughDbrought bow into the seas

单选题The steering oar in a lifeboat is().Ashorter than the othersBused for the stroke oarCused by the forward man in the boat to direct the bowDlonger than the others and should be lashed to the stern

单选题Frapping lines are fitted to lifeboat davits to().Asecure the lifeboat in the davits when in the stowed positionBbring the lifeboat close along the rail in the embarkation positionCgive the occupants a safety line when the boat is being lowered from the embarkation levelDreduce the swinging of the lifeboat at the embarkation level

单选题A certificated lifeboatman assigned to command the lifeboat should().Abe the first individual to board the craftBdrain the hydraulic pressure before lowering the craftChave a list of the persons assigned to the lifeboatDAll of the above

单选题When a rescue vessel approaches a lifeboat in heavy seas,the person in charge of the lifeboat should().Atie up to the rescue vesselBtransfer only those personnel who are not seasickCwait for calmer weather before transferring personnelDtransfer all personnel immediately

单选题For self elevating and column stabilized units, is 100% lifeboat capacity acceptable for the MODU Code?()ANo, the MODU Code requires that there should be 100% capacity available when all lifeboats in one location are lost or rendered unusable, or all the lifeboats on any one side, or any one corner of the unit are lost or rendered unusable. Generally, this requirement is met by applying 2 x 100% lifeboat capacitiesBYes, the lifeboats should be able of carrying the number of personnel onboard the unit., i.e. 1 x 100%CYes, provided you have additional liferaft capacityDYou don’t need lifeboats as long as you have 2 x 100% liferaft capacity

单选题If you are forced to abandon ship in a lifeboat,you should().Aremain in the immediate vicinityBhead for the nearest landChead for the closest sea-lanesDvote on what to do,so all hands will have a part in the decision

单选题Frapping lines are fitted to lifeboat davits to().Areduce the swinging of the lifeboat as it is being lowered from the embarkation levelBsecure the lifeboat in the davits when in the stowed positionChold the lifeboat to the ship's side until the tricing lines are passedDbe used as a safety line in an emergency

单选题What should be used to steer an open lifeboat if the rudder becomes lost or damaged?()ASea anchorBSteering oarCSpare rudderDDaggerboard

单选题When launching an open lifeboat by falls,the boathooks should be().Asecured forward and aft where readily availableBsecured amidships where they will not hinder the personnelCused for fending offDused for picking up survivors in the water

单选题Lifeboat hatchets should be().Akept in a lockerBsecured at each end of the boat with a lanyardCkept next to the boat coxswainDkept in the emergency locker on the ship and brought to the lifeboat when needed

单选题If you hear more than six short blasts and one long blast of the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm,you should().Astart the fire pumpBgo to your man overboard stationCgo to your lifeboat stationDcollision station

单选题Line throwing equipment should not be operated().Aduring a rain stormBin an explosive atmosphereCnear a lifeboat stationDby other than licensed officers

单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning lifeboat gripes?()AThey must be released by freeing a safety shackleBThey should not be released until the boat is in lowering positionCThey may be adjusted by a turnbuckleDThey are normally used only with radial davits

单选题The lifeboat releasing gear lever should be marked with the words().ADANGER,DO NOT TOUCHBDANGER,BOAT MAY DROPCDANGER,LEVER RELEASES BOATDDANGER,LEVER DROPS BOAT

单选题When a man who has fallen overboard is being picked up by a lifeboat,the boat should approach with the wind().Aastern and the victim just off the bowBahead and the victim just off the bowCjust off the bow and the victim to windwardDjust off the bow and the victim to leeward

单选题When launching a lifeboat in the rough sea, the davit gears should be released().Abefore the boat is lowered from the stowed positionBas the boat fall blocks break clear of the davit headCbefore the boat is lowered from the embarkation levelDafter the boat is released into the water

单选题According to the relevant regulation, lifeboat should be powered by().Ainboard diesel engineBoutboard diesel engineCoutboard gasoline engineDinboard gasoline engine

单选题In heavy seas the helmsman should steer the motor lifeboat().Ainto the seasBbroadside to the seasCin the same direction as the seasDin a series of figure-eights

单选题Lifeboat winches on a ship are required to be inspected and an entry made in the logbook. What should this entry include? ()AThe time required to lower a lifeboatBThe time required to raise a lifeboatCThe date of inspection and condition of the winchDAll of the above

单选题When abandoning ship,after launching the motor lifeboat you should().Aplot a course for the nearest landBtake a vote on which direction you should goCstay in the immediate areaDgo in one direction until fuel runs out