









act on对……起作用;按……行动。rely on (up on)依靠、依赖。center on集中;围绕。comment on对……进行评论。本题应该选择C项,centering on在句中作定语修饰“theories”。故C项为正确答案。


单选题We go to the cinema()a week.AoftenBonceCseldomDusually



单选题--Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? --()AYou can take a taxi.BI’ll fly to Sydney.CIt’s about thirty miles.DIt’s only six hundred dollars.

单选题Could I borrow your car for a few days?()AYes, you may borrow.BYes, go on.CSure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey.DIt doesn't matter.

单选题His parents will be()him if he fails the examination.Adisappointing withBdisappointed onCdisappointed withDdisappointing for


单选题He took()my job when I was on holiday.AonBoverCoffDafter

单选题Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? ()AYou can take a taxi.BIt‘s about thirty miles.CI‘ll fly to Sidney.DIt‘s only six hundred dollars.

单选题I broke my leg when I()skiing in America.AisBwasC–(不填)Dwould be

单选题It seems obvious that you don"t give away your product for free but this is exactly what indie rock group The Crimea did earlier this year. The band"s reasoning goes like this: more people will download the free album than would pay for it. Therefore more people will heat. The Crimea"s music. These people will then pay money for concerts by the band and perhaps buy a T-shirt or other merchandise. If the band play regular concerts to crowds of 200 or 300 people they can make more money than they would from sales of a CD. There will always be some people who want something they can hold in their hands so they will release the CD into the shops too—but making money through sales of their music isn"t the top priority.The story illustrates the creative thinking going on in the music business in response to dramatic changes over the last few years in the way that people buy music. Sales of music digitally—to computer, phones and MP3 players rose to $2 billion in 2006—an increase of almost 100 percent on the previous year—yet overall record company sales are down. People are simply not buying CDs in record shops in anything like the numbers they used to.This trend looks set to continue, so the big question for the music industry is whether they can successfully manage the move to being primarily a digital industry without profits falling to unacceptable levels.There are both positive and negative signs. On the plus side, more and more people are buying music on mobile phones, which allows people to make impulse purchases—they can buy a song as soon as they hear it. Research by the UK mobile operator 3 suggested that 75 percent of 16 to 24-year-olds wanted to buy a track they liked as soon as they heard it. With so much competition for people"s disposable income, a product that you can sell immediately is a big advantage.The bad news for record companies, however, is the amount of music that is downloaded illegally. Piracy—usually in the form of cheaply copied CD—has long been an issue for the music business but the Internet means music can be copied and distributed freely through file-sharing sites on a large scale than ever before.It is this situation that leads bands to start giving away their music for free and promises to make the next few years a very interesting time in the music business.What is true about sales of music over the last yearAOverall, sales are up last year.BOverall, sales are down last year.CThere is no change compared to previous sales.DIt is not mentioned in the passage.

单选题Only when you have accumulated enough credits will you be _____ to apply for the degree.AelementaryBethnicCeligibleDelegant

单选题He succeeded()out a lot of things entirely new in the world.Ain workingBto workCworkingDat working

单选题He is() at doing this kind of job.AimefficientBnonefficientCunefficientDinefficient

单选题Excuse me, can I smoke here?()AYou mustn'tBNoCYou'd better notDI'm sorry, you can


单选题Schools()an important role in society.AmakeBdoCtakeDplay

问答题Practice 1Directions: You are asked to write in no less than 150 words about the title of Is It a Good Idea for Poor Students to Live Separately? And you should base your composition on the information given in English below:  At the beginning of this new semester, a university in Jiangsu Province has found a visible way to help some of its poorer students: It has built some special dormitories for poor students. More than 100 of the school’s relatively poor students are now housed in these buildings. Besides simple facilities, the major difference between these and other dormitories is that the housing costs 500 yuan a year, but in other residence halls students have to pay 1200 yuan.  1. Do you think this is a good idea to help the poorer students?  2. Give at least two reasons to support you argument.  3. Give some suggestions as to how to solve the problem.

单选题They have got everything ready to make a _____ across the Atlantic.AtripBtravelCvoyageDjourney

单选题It was convenient()close to work.Ato livingBlivingCliveDlived


单选题The picture is pleasant()Ato look atBto lookCto be looked atDlooking at

单选题The captain of the ship _____ the passengers that there was no danger.AassuredBensuredCsecuredDinsured

单选题We have missed the last bus. It means()to walk over the mountain.Ato haveBhavingCmustDmight

单选题I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.() You looked tired last time I saw you.AI hope soBReallyCI'm glad you didDThe sound was nice

单选题They walked()the woods.AupBdownCthroughDover

