


本段主要讲了IOR的优点,即可以“determining the level of illegal immigration”,第一句是主题句。选项D中“measurement of illegal immigration”与此对应,该段后文提到“database”,对照第一段可知是指“a computer database”,选项中的“Computer-assisted”正对应了这一点。


单选题Would you be able to go to the party?()AI don't expectBI'm afraid notCI don't think soDI believe not

单选题It takes ages()Afor doing the shoppingBto do the shoppingCdoes the shopping

单选题Snow _____ is a big problem in some areas after the snow storm which lasts several days.AmobilizationBpromotionCmotiveDremoval


单选题Can I help you?()AOK, I'll take itBThat's goodCYes, I'd like a sweaterDIt's too dear

单选题In an “open classroom” the teacher is supposed to _____.Aorganize classroom activities rather than merely transmit knowledgeBrely on the students interests in classroom activitiesCteach course less relevant to the established curriculaDhelp the students improve their basic academic skills

单选题If you find a hard and green apple that is not sour, you should _____.Atry more apples to see if the natural law has changedBeat the rest of the apple at onceCreject the law stating that hard and green apples are usually sourDconduct further investigations and make adjustments to the law of apples as necessary

单选题Would you let()to the park with my classmate, Mum?Ame goBme goingCI goDI going

单选题How many languages does Peter speak?()AMany languages.BPretty well.CFour languages.DWith his roommates.

单选题What point does the author want to make in the last paragraph?AThere is no such thing as green shopping.BConsumers have the right to know the truth.CThe green labels on products are mostly misleading.DProducers should feel guilty for deceiving consumers.




单选题____Asandy beachesBriver mouthsCcoastal areasDreef areas

单选题Professor Smith promised to look()my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence.AafterBoverConDinto

单选题Fortunately, Jack was only slightly injured in the traffic()AincidentBeventCcaseDaccident

单选题There are many cities()very fast.AexpandingBexpandsCexpandedDexpand

单选题It was well known that Thomas Edison()the electric lamp.AinventedBdiscoveredCfoundDdeveloped

单选题— Is this the motel you mentioned? —()AIt looks comfortableBYes, it’s as quiet as we expectedCYou’re so considerateDNo, the price’s reasonable

单选题The accident was()to careless driving.AforBlikelyCdueDbecause

单选题The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?AWhen did the new protectionism arise?BWhy is the new protectionism so popular in northern European countries?CDoes the American government play a more active role in economic life than the British government?DWhy does the government intervene in economic life?


单选题Will you()me a favor, please?AdoBmakeCbringDgive

单选题These veterans still remember the rigorous discipline and hard training in these camps.AstrictBvigorousClooseDimaginary

单选题Many teenagers feel no difficulty () computer.Ato learnBlearnCin learningDlearned

单选题How are you going on with your English?()AI am very well.BI am going to the library.CI am going to take College English Test Band Four.DThat's a good question

